1.Discussion on Different and Same Place of Idea of Physical Capacity of Treatise on Febrile Diseases and WenBingTiaoBian;浅谈《伤寒论》与《温病条辨》体质思想之异同
2.To carry out literature unscrambling and analysis on clincal medication experience of Panax ginseng application on WU Ju-tong and explore the application regularity of Panax ginseng in WENBINGTIAOBIAN in order to educing directions meaning for clinical treatment of Wenbing.探讨《温病条辨》中人参的运用规律,旨在对温病临床治疗发挥指导意义。

1.Exploration of Treatment Characteristics of Febrile Disease in Systematized Identification of Warm Diseases《温病条辨》中发热病证辨治特点探析
2.Using tonifying therapy in treating damp-heat diseases recorded in Detailed Analysis of Epidemic Febrile Diseases论《温病条辨》湿热类温病治疗中补法的应用
3.A Study on Therapeutic Methods and Formulae for Dampness Disease in Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Diseases Written by Wu Jutong;吴鞠通《温病条辨》湿邪治法及方药研究
4.Metrological Study on Prescription Regularity of Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Seasonal Febritle Diseases;《温病条辨》方用药规律计量学研究
5.The Discussion on the Theory of the Relevance between Yang-yin Idea and "Dynamic" Nature in Febrile Disease Differentiation《温病条辨》养阴思想与“动”性病症相关性的理论探讨
6.Effect and Therapeutic Mechanism of Fluid-Increasing Decoction of Treatise on Differentiation and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Diseases on Model Mice with Sj(?)gren s Syndrome;《温病条辨》增液汤治疗干燥综合征模型鼠的机理研究
7.The Study on Rules of Syndrome Differentiation and Making up a Prescription in Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease by Yetianshi;叶天士治疗温病的辨证及组方配伍规律研究
9.Experimental Identifying on Characteristic Impedance and Propagation Constant of Thermoacoustic Regenerators at Without Temperature Gradient无温度梯度条件下高频热声核的特征阻抗和传播常数实验辨识
10.Minimum resolvable temperature difference (MRTD)最小可分辨温度差(MRDT)
11.successive conditional discrimination learning继时条件性辨别学习
12.QTL Mapping of High Temperature Resistance to Stripe Rust and Expressions of the Chitinase Gene in Wheat Cultivar Xiaoyan54;小偃54高温抗条锈病的QTL定位和几丁质酶基因的表达
13.Efficacy of Resistance Induced by Trifluralin Against Verticillium Eggplant Wilt under Different Temperature Treatments不同温度条件下氟乐灵对茄子黄萎病的诱抗效果
14.Study on temperature resolution power and measurement sensitivity at lower temperatures and its effect on measurement accuracy测温仪低温段的温度分辨力和测温灵敏度及对测温精度的影响
15.Judging Relationship of Syndrome Differentiation and Disease Diagnosis from Concept of Symptom,Syndrome and Disease;从中医症、证、病的概念谈辨证与辨病的关系
16.Research on the Thought of Treatment Based on Disease Differentiation and Syndrome Differentiation in Shanghan Zabing Lun《伤寒杂病论》辨病与辨证论治思路的研究
17.Trinity of physique differentiation, diagnosis of disease and syndrome differentiation and clinical practice of diabetes辨体质、辨病、辨证“三位一体”诊疗模式与糖尿病临床实践
18.Name-Crossing:A Study of Winnifred Eaton s Literary Bylines;“渡名”之辨——关于温妮弗蕾德·伊顿的署名

Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases温病条辨
1.Comments on Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases(I);《温病条辨》评介——吴鞠通学术思想探讨(一)
2.Explorations onto problems from Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases;《温病条辨》一书中几个问题的探究
3.Triple Warmer Treating Damp-Heat Syndrome in Item Differentiation of Warm Febrile Diseases《温病条辨》三焦治湿热法探析
3)Wenbingtiaobian(Differentiation on Febrile Disease)/academic achievement《温病条辨》/学术成就
4)Wenbingtiaobian(Differentiation on Febrile Disease/academic innovation《温病条辨》/学术创新
5)Diagnosis Based on the Discipline of Wenbing温病辨证
6)differentiating disease and syndromes辨证辨病

《温病条辨》《温病条辨》 《温病条辨》   温病著作。六卷。清·吴鞠通撰于1798年。作者仿张仲景《伤寒论》体例,汲取明、清温病学家的学术经验,以简要的文字,分篇分条论析温病三焦辨证及治法,并自加小注。卷首为原病篇,引述《内经》有关温病条文并予以注释;卷一-三分述三焦温病;卷四杂说、救逆及病后调治;卷五解产难、卷六解儿难,专论产后调治、保胎和小儿急慢惊风及痘疹、疳疾等。全书内容丰富、条理系统。吴氏将温病以三焦辨症,宗法刘河间,于明·清学派中,推崇叶天士。其辨证和治疗方剂,采录叶氏治验颇多,可以认为吴氏继承了叶天士《温热论》学术思想、辨证体系、治疗大法和方药,然后加以条理化和系统化,从而撰成了一部切于实用,流传甚广的温病名著。本书问世后,有朱武曹氏的增批本,有王士雄、叶霖、郑雪堂三家的评注本,书名《增补评注温病条辨》,1958年上海卫生出版社即据此本重印。此外还有几十种清刊本。