1.This article confirms that the former is rational,and analyses the reason of their disputes from the archaeological material,unearthed material,and national minority customs points of view,gives a clearer elaboration about the small utensil needle of people s daily life.本文肯定了前一说法的合理性,并从考古材料、出土实物、少数民族习俗的角度,分析了两者分歧之由。

1.textile of Ming Dynasty excavated from Dingling tomb定陵出土明代纺织品
2.These relics were dug up last year.这些文物是去年出土的。
3.The urn was unearthed entire.这只瓮出土完整无缺。
4.We went up out of the ditch.我们往上爬出土沟。
5.ancient maps unearthed from a tomb of the Han Dynasty马王堆出土的西汉地图
6.High prices are offered for unearthed relies.出土文物,重价收购。
7."Luo"and"Dragan" Discovered in Unearthened Materials;出土资料中所见的“(?)”和“龙”
8.A volcano belches smoke and ashes.火山喷出黑烟和灰土。
9.A flower comes up from the ground.有一朵小花钻出泥土,
10.log-derived clay volume测井导出的粘土体积
11.The limitation of the !and leasehold is 20 years.土地出让期为20 年
12.The bar was withdrawn from the soil.钢钎从土壤中拨出。
13.Open the sack and get the potato out.打开麻袋,把土豆拿出来。
14.Water is straining through the sandy soil.水正从沙土中渗出。
15.sorting of kiln clay product出窑粘土制品的拣选
16.He let a good part of his land.他出租大部分土地。
17.The hills swarmed with bandits.山中有大批土匪出没。
18.Native Produce&Animal By - products Import and Export Corporation土产畜产进出口公司

unearthed drinking vessel出土酒器
3)pneumatically coming out of soil气压出土
1.At the same time,the improving measures of cutter head,pneumatically coming out of soil,reducing friction and so on were introduced emphatically.结合具体工程实例介绍了气动(捶击式)小口径顶管技术的原理及施工工艺,分析了气动小口径顶管施工管材的选择问题,着重介绍了切土头、气压出土、减小摩擦力等技术的改进措施。
4)mucking earth rate出土率
5)land leasing土地出让
1.Urban land leasing guided by controlled detailed planning;如何利用控制性详细规划指导城市土地出让
2.Study on the target orientation of land leasing by local governments;地方政府土地出让目标取向研究
3.In our country,local governments use state-owned land leasing as the tool of maximizing land revenue and introducing investment,which put negative results on local public finance,land resource allocation and society stability.目前我国地方政府把土地出让作为土地收益最大化和招商引资的工具,对地方财政、土地资源配置和社会稳定等造成了不利影响。
6)screw conveyor螺旋出土
1.Designing of screw conveyor for EPB pipe-jacking tunneling machine;土压平衡顶管掘进机螺旋出土系统的设计

出土1.谓古器物从地下被发掘出来。 2.从土中生出来。亦比喻事物萌生。 3.高出地面。