
1.For this reason, ZhangJingyue said:" Man's life relies entirely upon this qi.因此,张景岳说:“人之有生,全赖此气”。
2.Study of Land Space Scenery Programming Design in Scenic Spot Mountain;山岳型风景区景象空间规划设计初探
3.On Aesthetic Characteristics of Sights and Tourist Developing in Yueyang;岳阳景观的旅游美学特征及景观开发
4.A Study on Landscape Spatial Pattern of Yuelu Mountain Scenic Area;岳麓山风景名胜区景观空间格局研究
5.Tai Mountain, the east Yue, most famous for its sunrise.东岳泰山以其日出的景色而著称。
6.Mountain Scenic Spot Environment Characteristic and Artistic Innovation;山岳型风景区的环境特色与艺术创新
7.Research on the Several Characteristics and Functional Evolution of Mountain Resorts;山岳风景区若干特征及功能演化研究
8.A Study on the Detailed Planning of the Mountain-Scenic Spot in Shandong山东省山岳型风景区详细规划的研究
9.Resourse Investigation of the Liana in the Yuelu Mt. Scenic Area岳麓山风景区藤本植物资源调查研究
10.Landscape ecological planning water system in main area of Yueyang city岳阳市主城区水系景观生态规划研究
11.The Quantitative Classification of Plant Communities in Yuelu Mountain岳麓山风景名胜区植物群落数量分类
12.Research into the Present Situation and Improvement of the Interpretation Brand of Yuelu Mountain岳麓山景区解说牌示现状与改进研究
13.Investigation and Evaluation on the Landscape Resource in Moutain Heng Scenery Area;南岳衡山风景名胜区景观资源的调查与评价
14.The Protection of Scenic Resources and the Sustainable Development of Scenic Areas--With the Detailed Planning of Junshan Scenic Area, Yueyang City as the Example风景资源保护与景区可持续发展——以岳阳市君山景区详细规划为例
15.among the most important scenic spots in Hangzhou are the Monastery of Soul's Retreat, Yue Fei's Temple and the Pagoda of Six Harmonies.杭州重要的景点有灵隐寺、岳飞庙和六和塔。
16.Study of Planning and Architecture Design of Tourist Center in Mountain Style Scenic Areas;山岳型风景区游客中心规划建筑设计研究
17.Study on Theory and Practice of Planning of Mountainous Scenic Spot;山岳型风景名胜区规划理论与实践研究
18.City University of Yuelu Mountain in Changsha City of Architecture and Landscape Fusion Research;长沙岳麓山大学城城区建筑与景观融合的研究

Zhang Jingyue张景岳
1.Zhang Jingyue s Kidney-Nourishing Therapy for Chronic Bi-Syndrome;张景岳补肾法对久痹论治的影响
2.Discussion on ZHANG Jingyue’s Theory of Diabetes;张景岳消渴学术思想探讨
3)Zhang Jing-yue张景岳
1.Essence of Experience about Diagnosis and Treatment of Internal Emergency by ZHANG Jing-yue张景岳急救诊治经验举要
2.Exploration and analysis on treatment method by ZHANG Jing-yue in Internal Emergency张景岳内科急症治法探析
4)Jing-yue complete works景岳全书
5)Nanyue scenic spot南岳景区
1.Based on the Butler resort s life cycle theory,this paper analysed the characteristics of the life cycle of Nanyue scenic spot.根据Butler旅游地生命周期理论,分析了南岳景区生命周期的特征。
6)montain scenic area山岳景区

景岳全书景岳全书  中医全书。64卷。明张介宾(会卿、景岳)撰。刊于崇祯九年(1636年)。全书分为传忠录、脉神章、伤寒典、杂证谟、妇人规、小儿则、痘疹诠、外科钤、本草正、新方八略、新方八阵、古方八阵、妇人规古方、小儿则古方、痘疹诠古方、外科钤古方等16种。择取诸家精要,研精医理,剖析毫芒,操术明审。并系统阐论各科病证证治,阐发“阳非有余”、“真阴不足”及“人体虚多实少”等理论。对于命门、阴阳学说等均有独到的见解。如倡论阴阳原同一体和阴阳一分为二各论。主张补真阴之阳,认为善补阴者必于阳中求阴,善补阳者必于阴中求阳,创立左归、右归等法。治法以温补为宗旨,创制新方八阵详述其自创186首新方,制方通灵活变,有规可循。立论和治法颇多发挥,为后世所推崇。现存最早为明崇祯十三年(1640年)刻本、《四库全书》本及清康熙年间多种刻本,建国后有影印本。