1.Taiwan Food Industry Development Experience and Model;台湾食品工业发展经验及借鉴

1.( From Sinorama, a monthly magazine published in Taiwan)(选自台湾月刊Sinorama)
2.Strong Motion Array in Taiwan Number 1台湾强地动一号台阵
3.Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League台湾民主自治同盟(台盟)
4.The Minnan dialect of Chinese spoken on Taiwan.台湾方言台湾所讲的中国闽南方言
5.Chinese (Taiwan)$Taiwan$$$$$Stroke Count$$$Bopomofo中文(台湾)$台湾$$$$$笔划$$$注音字母
6.A Historical Retrospect on Establishment and Cession of Taiwan Province In Memory of the 120th Anniversary of Mr.Liu Ming Chuan as the 1st Taiwan Governor从台湾建省到台湾割让的历史反思
7.Exodus Taiwanese Writings During The Period of Japanese Occupation;台湾日据时期的岛外台湾人写作述论
8.The Interactions between the “Constitutional Reforms” and the “De Jure Independence” in Taiwan;台湾“宪改”与追求台湾“法理独立”的互动
9.On Compatriots in Taicuan Contributing to Recovering Taiwan Territory in the Period of the Anti-Japanese War;抗战时期台湾同胞对收复台湾的贡献
10.Catholic Believers and Taiwan Society under Japanese Rule日据时期台湾天主教信徒与台湾社会
11.On Taiwan Nationalism from the Perspective of Taiwan Anti-Japanese MovementA Review of Nationalism and Taiwan Anti-Japanese Movement;从台湾抗日运动诠释台湾民族主义——评介《民族主义与台湾抗日运动》
12.Are mangoes popular in Taiwan?芒果在台湾很普遍吗?
13.Chung Hwa Travel Service [of Taiwan]中华旅行社〔台湾机构〕
14.Are there any shipbuilding companies in Taiwan?台湾有没有造船公司?
15.They emigrated from Taiwan to Brazil.他们从台湾移居巴西。
16.Do you have a return ticket to taiwan?是否有台湾回程机票?
17.I'd like to send this package to Taiwan.我想把这包裹寄到台湾
18.Then you dial Taiwan's country code.然后再拨台湾的区码。

Taiwan province台湾
1.Development and Features of Medical Library Consortia in Taiwan Province;台湾医学图书馆联盟的发展与特色
3)Tai Wan台湾
1.Pluralism from One Fountainhead of Contemporary Poems About Seas And Oceans in Tai Wan;“一源多元化”文化语境中的台湾当代海洋诗
2.Recified by the Tai wan affair office of Shandong Province,they have visited Taiwan on the May 14-24,2002.2 0 0 2年 3月 ,山东省农业管理干部学院的高焕喜教授、山东社会科学院的秦庆武研究员接到台湾东华大学大陆研究所所长朱景鹏教授邀请赴台进行学术访问考察的邀请函。
3.Because of the history and reality, the differences of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar are very clear between Tai Wan and Mainland.由于历史和现实的原因 ,台湾和大陆的语言在语音、词汇、语法上都有明显的差异。
4)Taiwan area台湾
1.The planning and construction of the high speed railway is the largest public project of Taiwan area up till now in single investment and scale.高速铁路的规划建设是台湾地区至今单项投资和规模最大的公共工程。
2.There are 14 types of environmental crime in Chinese Criminal Law and 18 types of such crime in the criminal, economic or administrative law of Taiwan area.我国大陆刑法中规定了14 种环境犯罪, 而台湾地区则在刑事、经济、行政法律中共规定了18 种环境犯罪。
5)Taipei, Taiwan.台湾的台北。
1.A Case Study on Eco-City Development Assessment in Taiwan;台湾地区生态城市发展评价案例
2.Regulation Mechanism Analysis of Nurse Professionist in Taiwan;我国台湾地区护理人员体系及管理制度分析
3.Regulation Mechanism Analysis of Professional Pharmacist in Taiwan;我国台湾地区药学专业人员管理制度分析

《康熙统一台湾档案史料选辑》  中国档案汇编。厦门大学台湾研究所、中国第一历史档案馆合编,福建人民出版社1983年出版。平装,全1册,26万字。为《清代台湾档案史料丛刊》之一种。    该书收入清康熙元年(1662)至二十三年期间有关清政府与郑经、 郑克之间战和关系的档案史料 184 件。其中78件选自清内阁题本、启本、咨文等,1件选自汉文起居注册,25件选译自满文密本档,均为首次公布的档案文件;50件选自《忧畏轩奏疏》,13件选自《靖海纪事》,17件选自《明清史料》,均是重要的档案性资料。主要内容包括:清政府军攻克厦门、铜山等地,与台湾郑氏进行和谈的情况,击退郑经乘三藩之乱对闽粤沿海地区的进攻,并于康熙二十二年攻克澎湖,以及郑克率众降清,清政府在台湾设官、驻兵、屯种、安民等善后措施。所辑档案史料,除个别与主题无关者酌予删节外,均全文公布,有明显观点错误者,亦保留原貌,不予删改。