1.Pondering on the Acceleration of High-Tech Medicine Industry Development;加快医药高新技术产业发展的思考
2.Protection of Intellectual Property and Establishment of Technological Intermediaries in Medicine;医药知识产权的保护与医药科技中介机构的建立
3.Chemical modification of D-glucosamine and its application in biology and medicine;D-氨基葡萄糖的化学修饰及其在生物医药领域的应用

1.generalist [Chinese medicine]全科医师〔中医药
2.primary action [Chinese medicine]初步医疗措施〔中医药
3.medicinal vaselineGB1790-1994医药凡士林
4.processing workshop [Chinese medicine]炮制工场〔中医药
5.medical psychotherapy医药心理治疗法 医药心理治疗法
6.Reflection on Medical Supervision and Development of Pharmaceutical Industry;关于医药监管与医药产业发展的思考
7.“Abandoning theoretical system,testing medicines” is the Only Way out for Traditional Chinese Medicine;“废医验药”是发展中医药的必由之路
8.Medical Information Literacy and the Innovation of Medical Information Retrieval Course医药信息素养与医药信息检索课创新
9.The Discussion of the Modernization and The "Modern Words" of Chinese Medicine论中医药现代化与中医药“现代话”
10.Why Does the Tripartite of Medical Care,Drug Industry and Medical Security Co-reform not Succeed?;医疗、医药、医保联动改革为什么不成功?
11.How to Deal With the Problems of Imported Drugs Occupy Chinese Market by Medical Circle;医药行业如何面对进口药品“抢滩”我国医药市场
12.Research on the Overall Design of Joint Reformation for Public Health Services, Medical Insurance, and Medical Production-Circulation;三医(医疗/医保/医药)联动改革总体设计研究
13.Chinese Medicine Council of Hong Kong香港中医药管理委员会
14.International Medical Guide《国际船用医药指南》
15.medical and laboratory microscope医药及实验室用显微镜
16.This medical handbook helps a lot.这本医药手册很有用。
17.National Institute for Health and Medical Research国家卫生和医药研究所
18.treat medicinally, treat with medicine.用药医治,加入药物。

1.Research on Industrial organization of pharmaceutical industry in China;我国医药产业的产业组织分析
2.Research on and analyse of the pharmaceutical market structure of China;对我国医药行业市场结构的分析与研究
3.Development of The Application of Soy Isoflavones in Health Foods and Pharmaceutical;大豆异黄酮在保健食品和医药中应用的研究进展
1.Ethylene glycol phenyl ether is mainly used in solvent, pharmaceuticals and commodity chemicals.目前 ,全球乙二醇苯醚的生产能力约为 17万t/a,装置开工率在 80 %~ 90 % ,产品的主要应用领域有溶剂、医药、日用化学品等。
2.The characters and new development of enzymatic catalysts,some recent applications of biocatalysts in the pharmaceuticals industry, such as enzymatic synthesis of antibiotics, chiral drugs, aspartame and chiral pharmaceutical intermediates were presented.介绍了近年来酶催化工艺在医药领域中 ,如酶法合成半合成抗生素、手性药物及中间体等生产中的一些应用及酶催化剂的一些特点和新发展 ,并对酶催化工艺用于制药工业的研究和发展进一步作了评
3.Dibromoaniline is an important organic intermediate for synthesis of pharmaceuticals, alkaloid and ferromagnetics.2 ,6 二溴苯胺是重要的有机合成中间体 ,可用于合成医药、生物碱和铁磁体等。
1.Design of Medical Storage Management System Based on Control Configuration Art;基于组态技术的医药仓储管理系统设计
2.In order to understand freshmen’ condition of occupational career design in medical higher vocational education,all freshmen were surveyed in Vocational College of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine so as to direct their job-finding.为了解高职医药类新生职业生涯设计状况,从而有针对性的开展就业指导工作,对辽宁中医药大学职业技术学院2005级大学新生进行职业生涯设计问卷调查,结果显示:大多数新生还未接受过系统的职业生涯规划指导,大多数学生希望能得到相关指导。
5)Medical treatment-medicine医疗医药
6)drugstore in hospital医药药房

医药  又称药品或药物。世界卫生组织的药品生产和质量管理规范(GMP)中药品的定义是:凡被生产、销售和应用于治疗、缓解、预防、诊断人或动物的疾病,不正常的健康状况及有关的症状和恢复、改正或改善人和动物器官功能的任何物质或混合物。按照这一定义,药品系指病人直接服用的药物制剂,如片剂、针剂、胶囊剂、胶丸、酊、水、糖浆、栓剂、诊断药品和中成药的丸、丹、膏、散、冲剂等。原料药、中药材、浸膏等均称为原料、活性成分或有效组分。因此,药品成为药物制剂的同义词,有时也称为成药。中国药品管理法中药品的定义是:用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应症、用法和用量的物质,包括中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品、血清疫苗、血液制品和诊断药品等。