1.A Symbol of the Female Destiny--Commenting on the Moon Image in "The Record of Gold Lock";女性命运的象征——解读《金锁记》中的月亮意象
2.Who the moon is:Understanding E. E. Cummings poetic style by the word "moon;月亮是谁?——从月亮一词解析肯明斯的诗风

1.We eat moon cakes and watch the moon.吃月饼,观赏月亮
2.(of the moon) after full moon comes the waning moon.(月亮的)满月之后是月亏。
3.The moon is rising calm and bright.月亮宁静而光亮地升起。
4.The moon is as bright as day.月亮象白昼一样的明亮。
5.true rising and setting(太阳,月亮) 真出没
6.O, look at the moon!噢,看天上的月亮
7.The light reflected from the surface of the moon.月光从月亮表面反射出
8.(of the moon) becoming full.(月亮的)变得满月的。
9.The moon shone clearly.月亮明亮地照耀着,月光皎洁。
10.an imaginary line around the moon parallel to its equator.围绕月亮月亮的赤道平行的假想线。
11.The moon will be at the full tonight.今晚月亮会正圆。[今晚月亮在巅峰状态。
12.The moon when only half its disk is illuminated.半月月轮只能被看到一半时的月亮
13."The moon is a moon still, whether it shine or not"月明月暗,终不失其为月亮
14.The moon rose up over the horizon.月亮越过地平线上升。
15.The moon had not yet risen.月亮这时还没有升起。
16.Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky穿过清澈的蓝天 看月亮
17.point a telescope at/towards the moon用望远镜对准月亮.
18.a telescopic view of the moon从望远镜中见到的月亮

the moon月亮
1.Using Flash to Make A Cartoon of the Sun, the Earth and the Moon;用Flash制作太阳、地球和月亮动画模型
2.Discussion on the Moon Image in Chinese Classical Poetry;论古典诗词中的“月亮”意象
3.The moon complex of Lu Xun s writing: a Discussion of the Lu Xun s implication of novels 《 The call 》,《 Paces back and forth 》 moon s;鲁迅笔下的月亮情结——试论鲁迅小说《呐喊》、《彷徨》中月亮的意蕴
3)the bright moon明亮的月亮
4)Moon lake月亮湖
1.The monitoring datum of permanganate index and ammonia nitrogen and dissolved oxygen from the year of 1996 to 2005 in Moon lake reservoir are analyzed by SNK-test method and coefficient of correlation method.利用相关系数法及SNK检验方法对1996~2005年白城月亮湖水库水中高锰酸盐指数、氨氮和溶解氧等监测数据进行分析,结果显示氨氮污染加重,溶解氧含量降低,pH值在10a中没有显著变化。
5)Moon of the Mountains月亮之山
6)Moon's perturbation月亮摄动
