1.Modernization Meaning of the New Confucianism——Thinking for the strong life of Confucianism in the Bushido;武士道中儒家文化的生命力及其引发的思考
2.The Bushido and the Policy of Japanese Aggression and Dilation;武士道与日本对外侵略扩张方针的确立
3.Analysis on Function of Bushido to Help "the Villain-Do-Evil"——The Spiritual Prop·the Ideology Origins and the Means of Launching War of Japanese Militarism;武士道为虎作伥探析——日本军国主义的精神支柱、思想渊源和战争工具

1.Japanese Militarism of the Middle Age--Warriors, Bushido, Aggressive Politics and Militarism;日本中世纪军国主义探析——武士、武士道、武家政治与军国主义
2.Some kind of nouveau samurai code?一些新创的武士道招数吗?
3.Such kind Samurai moral originate in self-sacrifice from “Hagakure”.因而武士道精神随该退役者扩散全国。
4.(3) the enlightenment of Bushido and Japanese National Spirit;其三,日本“武士道”与“大和魂”的启示;
5.Bushido is the highest principle for traditional Japanese soul.武士道是传统日本人灵魂的最高准则。
6.Production of the Japanese Bushito and Alienation of Confucianism;日本武士道的产生及其对儒学的异化
7.A Cultural Examination of Bushido Values in Relation to Death关于“武士道”死亡价值观的文化检视
8.The Formation of Bushido and the Causes of Its Evolution in Modern Age论武士道的形成及其近代演变的原因
9.the idea of “bushido”-a way of death for a long time in Japan-and the practice of suicide by stabbing in the stomach;日本源远流长的死亡之道“武士道”及切腹的思想;
10.On the Bushido -Reflecting Loyally the Religion of the Ruler's Will武士道初探——忠实反映统治者意志的实践道德
11.View on the Influence of Zen upon Japanese Culture -- Zen, Chador and Bushido浅议禅宗对日本文化的影响——禅与茶道和武士道
12.Damage returned is based on the Samurai's weapon damage, as well as their skill in Parrying and Bushido.反弹的伤害基于武士的武器伤害和他们格挡技能以及武士道技能的加成。
13.Bushido in Meiji Times--Focus on Inoue Tetsujiro's Nature of Bushido关于明治思想中武士道的一个考察——以井上哲次郎的《武士道的本质》为重点
14.And Japan where the ancient legends of the samurai are alive and well.以及古老的武士道依然生机勃勃的日本。
15.Contrail of Bushido Transformation and Ethnologic Perspective探寻武士道嬗变的轨迹及其民族学透视
16.But Meiji government uses Bushido to educate new Meiji army, training they has such Samurai moral.其武士道精神,应随阶级制度之废止,崩坏消失。
17.The Bushido and the Policy of Japanese Aggression and Dilation武士道与日本对外侵略扩张方针的确立
18."BUSHIDO" has become one of the universal words.“武士道”这个词现在已经成为一个“世界语”。

3)The Sense of Bushido武士道意识
4)Bushido spirit武士道精神
1.This paper explains the meanings of samurai, Bushido and Bushido spirit, introduces the history and actual.本文阐释了武士、武士道武士道精神的涵义,介绍了武士道精神的历史沿革和现实载体,探讨了武士道精神与日本右翼的文化联系。
5)samurai education武士道教育
6)Inquiry into Bushido武士道探析
