1.Research of Vital Movement Periodicity in Neijing;《内经》中生命运动周期性的研究
2.Approach to gynecoiatry in Neijing:Canon of traditional Chinese internal medicine;《内经》中医妇科治疗学探讨

1.To Interpret the Original Text of Neijing and Practice Its Essence解读《内经》原文 践行《内经》旨意
2.The neuroendocrine apparatus in birds.鸟体内神经内分泌器官
3.No unauthorized access prohibited未经许可,禁止入内
4.No unauthorized access; unauthorized access prohibited未经许可,禁止入内。
5.No Entry For Unauthorized Vehicles车辆未经许可不得入内
6.The Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology行为神经内分泌学会
7.diffuse neuroendocrine system弥散神经内分泌系统
8.The interiors were plastered but not painted.内部经过粉刷但未油饰。
9.They have come within shot.他们已经进入射程之内。
10.percutaneous transluminal angioplasty经皮血管内整形手术
11.within the radius of one's experience在个人经验范围之内
12.deal in famous-Brand Chinese and foreign products经营国内外名牌产品
13.The current account includes five kinds of items.经常项目包括五项内容。
14.economic calculation system within business企业内部经济核算制
15.We once traveled inland.我们曾经在内地旅行。
16.What does distribution cover?经销包括什么内容?
17.The implication is obvious.内在联系已经很明显了。
18.transsphenoidal surgery of pituitary fossa tumors经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术;经蝶窦蝶鞍内肿瘤手术

Nei Jing《内经》
1.Brief Introduction to Diabetes-Related Statements in Nei Jing;浅析《内经》中消渴之论述
2.Discrimination of Qi Deficiency in Nei Jing and Its Relevant Concepts;《内经》气虚及其相关概念辨析
3.Suggestion Therapy in Nei Jing;《内经》中的暗示疗法浅探
3)Canon of Medicine《内经》
1.Analogical Thinking Mode in Canon of Medicine and Its Influence on Medical Cognitive Methods of Later Ages;《内经》取象思维方式及其对后世医学认知方法的影响
4)Internal Classic《内经》
1.Significance of Systematic Teaching of Internal Classic in Theory of Branch and Root;从标本理论看《内经》体系式教学的意义
2.Discrimination Between Yin Qi and Meridian Qi and Zang Qi in Internal Classic;《内经》阴气与经气、脏气概念辨析
3.The Chinese nation has a long-standing history of science of health preservation and Internal Classics is an agglomeration of health preserving culture in ancient China.中华民族有着悠久的养生学历史,《内经》是中国古代养生文化的集大成者,通过对《内经》养生观的探讨,可以把握中国古代养生学的思想轨迹。
5)Canon of Internal Medicine《内经》
1.Analysis on the Theory of Rising and Falling of Vital Energy Functional Activities in Canon of Internal Medicine;《内经》气机升降理论浅析
2.Analysis of Nature of Acupoint with Studying Canon of Internal Medicine《内经》探析腧穴本质
6)Nei Jing内经
1.On the Teaching Reform of Curriculum Nei Jing for Postgraduates;研究生《内经》课程教学改革的探讨
