山海经,Shan Hai Jing
1)Shan Hai Jing山海经
1." Shan Hai Jing" not World Geography Record;《山海经》并非世界地理志
2.General comment on Shan Hai Jing study in the past 2000 Years;《山海经》研究两千年述评
3.Archaeological Verification and Cultural Connotation on Solar Bird Myth in Shan Hai Jing山海经》太阳鸟神话的考古印证及其文化内涵

1.Pictures in the Classic of Mountains and seas: Look for Anot her Part of the Book;山海经图:寻找《山海经》的另一半
2.Shanhaijing Pictures Passes from Generation to Generation--Book Review of Shanhaijing wuzanshangjing Picture Interpretation薪火相传山海图——张华《山海经·五藏山经图译》评介
4.Holy Mountain: The Mythological Origin of Chengdu;圣山:成都的神话溯源——《山海经》与神话研究之二
5.On the Living Conditions Our Ancestors in the Islands near the East Coast Based on the Marine Myth such as the Book of Mountains and Seas从《山海经》等海洋神话探索东海岸海岛先民的生存状态
6.Sinan : Locations and the Tradition of Soothsaying and Conjuring in Shanhai Jing司南:《山海经》方位与占卜咒术传统
7.In the ancient geography book Shanhai Jing (The Book of Mountains and Seas), there is an account of "Long-Leg Kingdom".古文献《山海经》中有关于"长股国"的记述,
8.The Study on Shanhaijing s Folkcustom of Faith Andit s Literature Value;谈《山海经》的信仰民俗及其文学价值
9.The Coordinated Development and Economic Difference Etween Coastal and Inland in Fujian;福建省山海经济差异及协调发展研究
10.Longevity Mentalities Shown from "The Classics of Mountains and Rivers";原始思维对《山海经》长生思想的肯定
11.An Analysis of the Difference in the Gun Myth between The Classic of Mountains and Rivers and The Songs of the South;《山海经》《楚辞》鲧神话差异的文化成因
12.Liu Xin s Shan Hai Jing and his achievements in Catalogure Science;刘歆编定《山海经》及其目录学建树
13.Deepen the Research of Shan hai Jing Probe into the Origin of American Civilization;深入《山海经》研究,探索美洲文明起源
14.An Exploration of the Change of Shan Hai Jing Mythology System;“《山海经》神话群系”的传承流变
15.Probes to the Formation of the Miao People in China;从《山海经》中探索中国苗族的形成
16.Shan-hai Jing: Founder of Mythos, or Reliable Historical Accounts?;《山海经》到底是“语怪之祖”,还是“信史”
17.The key to time and space--An analysis of mysterious figures in Mythical Legends of Mountains and Seas;时空之钥——《山海经》的神秘数字探析(续)
18.The key to time and space --An analysis of mysterious figures in Mythical Legends of Mountains and Seas;时空之钥——《山海经》的神秘数字探析

The Classic of Mountains and Rivers山海经
1.An Analysis of the Difference in the Gun Myth between The Classic of Mountains and Rivers and The Songs of the South;《山海经》《楚辞》鲧神话差异的文化成因
2.Studies of The Classic of Mountains and Rivers in China and Abroad: the past 50 years;纵观海内外《山海经》研究五十年
3.This thesis makes a thorough discussion imo the studies of The Classic of Mountains and Rivers in the past 50 years.对近五十年来山海经研究的状况进行了较为全面的探讨。
1.The Study on the Influence of Shanhaijing s Myth-thinking on Romanticism Literature;谈《山海经》的神话思维对浪漫主义文学创作传统的影响
2.Guo Pu annotated Shanhaijing in the dialect in the JIN Dynasty language,in which many synonymy displacements exist.郭璞以晋代语言注解《山海经》,其中较多同义替换的现象。
1.Probing into the Whereabouts of Shanhaijin Graph;略论《山海经图》的流传情况
2.Scholars paid much more attention to Shanhaijin than to Shanhaitu which was lost for ages.对于《山海经》这部著作 ,学者们过去多未能留意已经亡佚的《山海图》 ,而仅仅将注意力集中在尚存的文字上。
5)Classic of Mountains and Rivers山海经
1.Classic of Mountains and Rivers -the Earliest Annals of Geography in China;《山海经》——中国最早的地理志
2.The Songs of the South and Classic of Mountains and Rivers have high mythology study value extremely.《楚辞》、《山海经》具有极高的神话学价值,它们是现存先秦典籍中保存神话材料最丰富的两部书,其神话材料也最具原生特色。
6)Shan Ching of Shan Hai Ching山海经·山经
1.Study on the Words and Writing of the Sacrificial Rites Records in Shan Ching of Shan Hai Ching;《山海经·山经》祭礼字词研究
