1.[Objective] To observe the effect of Houxuehuayudecoction on the activity of Phospholipase A_2(PLA_2) of flaval ligaments of animal models of nucleus pulposus herniation(NPH) caused by noncompression,so as to approach the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of Huoxuehuayudecoction to herniated lumbar disc.目的:观察活血化淤中药对非压迫性髓核突出动物模型黄韧带磷脂酶A2(PLA2)活性的影响,借以探讨活血化淤法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的抗炎作用机理。
2)promoting blood flow活血化淤
1.Effect of LO on anti-atrial ventricular block and promoting blood flow;龙甲血脉通胶囊的抗心脏房室传导阻滞及活血化淤作用

1.The Research of Expression of HSP70 and the Intervention of Activating Blood Circulation Herbs in Rat Liver Ischemia-reperfusion Injury;活血化淤中药对大鼠肝缺血再灌注损伤中HSP70表达的干预作用研究
2.A primary experimental study on the effects of Chinese tradition medicine on accelerating mandibular distraction osteogenesis活血化淤补肾壮骨中药促进山羊下颌骨牵张成骨的实验研究
3.Determination of 14 inorganic elements in 20 Chinese medicines and relationship between inorganic elements contents and their properties20种活血化淤中药中14种无机元素的测定及与药性的相关性
4.Determination of the Content of Trace Elements in 10 Traditional Chinese Herbs by FAASFAAS测定十味平性活血化淤中药中Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn的含量
5.Effect of Zhuyuhuatan Oral Liquid on the Brain Water Content and SOD of Rats Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage逐淤化痰汤对脑出血大鼠脑含水量及SOD活性的影响
6.Clinical Trail of Huoxue-quyu-jiedu Formula in Treating Blood Stasis Syndrome of Psoriasis Vulgaris活血祛淤解毒方治疗寻常型银屑病血淤证的临床研究
7.A Preliminary Study of the Occurrence of Fetal Distress and the Change of Umbilical Cord、the Change of the Expression of Vasoactive Substance in Umbilical Vein in Intrehepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy;妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症患者脐带血管病变及其血管活性物质的变化与胎儿窘迫发生的关系
8.Acute Toxicological Study of Zhi-long Huoxue Tongyu Capsule蛭龙活血通淤胶囊对小鼠的急性毒性实验
9.Effect of Fukehuoxuezhitong Granule on Hemorheology in Acute Blood-stasis Model Rats妇科活血止痛颗粒对血淤模型大鼠血液流变学的影响
10.Observation of combination of ovarian vein embolization and prescription with invigorating the kidney and promoting blood flow on pelvic congestion syndrome卵巢静脉栓塞结合补肾活血方治疗盆腔静脉淤血综合征临床观察
11.Hepatic Venous Congestion and Liver Regeneration of Donor-recipients after Living Donor Liver Transplantation: Multi-slice Spiral CT Study活体肝移植术后供、受者肝静脉淤血及肝再生的多层螺旋CT研究
12.The Clinical Research in the Treatment of Qing Li Huo Xue(QLHX)-Concoction to Chronic Cholestatic Hepatitis(Stagnation Heat Type)清利活血汤治疗慢性淤胆型肝炎(湿热瘀阻型)的临床研究
13.Hepatic Venous Congestion after Living Donor Liver Transplantation(LDLT) with Right Lobe Graft:Postoperative Evaluation and Reason Analysis Using Multi-detector Row CT活体肝移植术后肝淤血的多层螺旋CT评价及原因分析
14.The most main change in partitis histopathology of the Chinese soft shelled turtle is extensive congestion,hyperemia and hemorrhage. ?内脏血管广泛性淤血、充血甚至出血是中华鳖鳃腺炎的主要病理组织变化之一。
15.preventing Blood from pooling in the limBs.防止血液在四肢中淤积
16.The Alternation of SIgA in Serum, Bile and Intestine Fluid in the Rabbit-models of Acute Intrahepatic Cholestasis;急性肝内胆汁淤积兔血清、胆汁及肠液中SIgA的变化及意义
17.The Changes of Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) in Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy;妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症患者血浆TNF-α的变化与意义
18.Study of Neuropeptide of Enteric Nervous System (ENS) in Enteritis;不同性质肠神经元在淤血性肠炎性反应中的变化

promoting blood flow活血化淤
1.Effect of LO on anti-atrial ventricular block and promoting blood flow;龙甲血脉通胶囊的抗心脏房室传导阻滞及活血化淤作用
3)Blood act stasis remove agents活血化淤剂
4)huoxue tang活血化淤汤
5)traditional Chinese herbs活血化淤药
6)activating blood herbs活血化淤中药
1.Objective: To explore the clinical effects of the therapy of the irritability purpurics treated by activating blood herbs and to observe the influence on the index of hemorheology.目的:探讨活血化淤中药治疗过敏性紫癜的临床疗效及对血液流变学指标的影响。

温和化淤银贝香梨汤[图]温和化淤 银贝香梨汤2005年8月20日 9:47:00 21cn 点击数: 896材料:水发银耳120克、香梨2个、川贝母5克、冰糖30克(或白糖)。制法:1.将水发银耳拣去根蒂及杂质,洗净,撕成小片。2.将香梨洗净削去皮,除去核籽,切成小块。3.川贝母洗净。将上述处理好的原料一同放入炖盅内,加入糖和水1杯,上笼蒸约1小时,取出即成。