1.Analysis of regimen of agedness of laolaohengyan;《老老恒言》论老年养生

1.Old Men and Women Should Develop a Scientific Self-health Protection System─Brief analysis of 《Zhou Yi》《Nei Jing》and the way for the old to keep in good health;老年与养生──浅析《周易》、《内经》与老年养生
2.Based on Emotional Factors, the Living Environment of Elderly Health Design基于情感因素的老年养生居住环境设计研究
3.Comparative analysis on the influence of the qualities of life between aged living in community and in home.;社区养老与家庭养老影响老年人生活质量的比较分析
4.Simply Analyse between Taijiquan and Building up Body Efficiency of Keeping in Good Health Old People;试论太极拳对老年人的健身养生功效
6.Taichi Sport to the Middle Age and Old People Health Care Function太极拳运动对中老年人养生保健作用
7.Study of Quality of Life of the Elderly with Different Models of Providing for the Elderly and Its Influential Factors.;不同养老模式老年人生命质量及影响因素研究
8.The Study on the Quality of Life in Nursing Homes in Xi'an西安市城区养老机构老年人生活质量的研究
9.Countryside older’s living condition and pention mode probing农村老年人的生活状况与农村养老模式探析
10.aged-dependency ratio老年人抚养〔比〕率
11.Study on quality of life of the aged receiving nursing care in nursing home护理干预对养老院生活的老年人生活质量的影响
12.The Establishment of Senior People′s Modern Health Preservation View and its Basic Connotation;老年人现代养生观的确立及其基本内涵
13.The Preliminary Inquiry into the Effect of Tai Chi Chuan on Keeping Fit for the Middle-aged and Elderly浅析太极拳对中老年人健身养生的功效
14.The Effect of Reminiscence Therapy on Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life in Older Institutionalized Adults;怀旧治疗对机构养老老年人抑郁症状及生活质量的影响
15.Reconsidering the Influence of Career Background on the Life of Aged People and Their Choices of the Patterns for the Provision;职业背景对老年人生活的影响及养老模式的选择再分析
16.The Principle and Solution to the Problems of Providing for the Aged Only Child s Parents;解决独生子女父母年老后养老问题应遵循的原则及对策建议
17.Study of the relationship between life eventsand mental health of the elderly who live in nursing homes西安市养老机构老年人生活事件与心理健康的关系
18.Comparative Study on Activities of Daily Living of Elderly不同养老方式下老年人日常生活能力的比较研究

On the Health Care of Middle-aged and Senior Citizens试论中老年养生
3)Support for the Aged老年人养老
1.The Researches on Family Support of Support for the Aged in Beijing;北京市老年人养老家庭支持力度研究
4)caring of the aged老年托养
5)pension age养老年龄
6)old age support老年供养

《太平御览·养生》《太平御览·养生》 《太平御览·养生》   养生著作。宋·李昉等编。是《太平御览》中有关养生的部分,共两卷,分列在“道部十”卷六百六十八与“方术部一”卷七百二十。所收养生论著,前者摘自道家诸书,后者摘自儒家、诸子、博物等书。所收资料,保存了不少宝贵的古代养生文献。还反映出道家养生学说对编者有较深影响。