1.Though different in essence from the western mechanism,the Chinese traditional vigourism does have some similar views with the western mechanical materialism,as both regard spirit as existence.虽然有别于西方的机械自然观,但中国传统的元气论由于其类似于西方机械论的旧唯物主义性质———即将精神也归结为物质即元气的一元实在,因而也势必倾向乃至可能走入某种形式的决定论,这一点在黄宗羲身上表现得可谓典型而鲜明。

1.Core of Wang chong s Literary CriticismThe Thesis of Writer is the Ideological--From the Thesis of Vitality to the Thesis of Talent;作家论是王充文学批评思想核心——从元气论到才性论
2.The Research on Spleen-Kidney and Primordial-Qi Academic Theories of Xiao Jing Who is a Doctor in the Ming Dynasty;明代医家萧京脾肾元气论学术思想研究
3.Theory of Vitality and Metabolism--A Comparative Research on Health Concept of Ancient Chinese and Greeks;元气论与代谢说——中希古代健康观念的比较
4.On Marshal CHEN Yi’s Poetry党人浩气 诗国雄风——陈毅元帅诗词论略
5.The Theory of Qi and Literary Thoughts of Fang Xiaoru;元明之际的“气”论与方孝孺的文学思想
6.On Marshal CHEN Yi’s Poetry;党人浩气 诗国雄风——陈毅元帅诗词论略
7.On ChengYi s Dualism of Human Nature of Principle Separating from Material Force;试论理气相分对程颐的性二元论的影响
8.Wherever they gather they eat up the nation's vital strength.不论他们凑到哪儿,他们就把国家的元气吞掉。
9.Finite Element Model Theoretical Analysis of Dry Type Gasholder Sealed with Rubberized Fabric;柔膜密封干式储气罐的有限元理论分析
10.The Theory Research of Supporting Vitality Treating Diabetes;扶助元气法治疗消渴病的理论研究与实践探讨
11.On the Real Context and Theoretical Connotaion of Yuan-Qi in Huang Zongxi s Poms;黄宗羲诗学中“元气”的现实语境和理论内涵
12.Comparation between Zhang Zai s Gas Theory and Diderot s Unusual Character Element Teachings;张载气论和狄德罗异质元素说的比较研究
13.On Times Feature of Moral Integrity;试论“气节”的时代性——以元好问与钱谦益为例
14.Meditations on Anaximenes′ Philosophy as Air Monism;阿那克西米尼的气一元论哲学的当代思辨
15.Discussing mechanism and therapeutic principle of wasting thirst from view of vigor从元气角度论消渴病的病机与证治原则
16.Application of three-dimensional flow theory in gas-blowing engine reforming“三元流理论”在煤气鼓风机改造中的应用
17.The Thinking of Integral Unity Reflected by Ancient Chinese Qi Monist Doctrine;中国古代气一元论学说中体现出的整体统一论思想
18.Risk grade evaluation of gas pipelines based on matter-element and extension set theories基于物元和可拓集合理论的燃气管道风险等级评定

monism of Qi气一元论
1.The most valuable part of Jin Shixi\'s Confucianphilosophy is his monism of Qi.金时习的儒学哲学思想中最可宝贵的是他的气一元论,他把“气”看成是物质世界统一的物质实体,而将“理”视为“气”本身的规律性,并认为,宇宙的运行和发展,靠阴阳二气相互作用的见解。
3)aethetics of vitality theory元气论美学
4)vitality creation theory元气创造论
5)Ontology of Yuanqi元气本体论
1.On the basis of natural science, he set alarge philosophical system of Ontology of Yuanqi.王廷相“元气本体论”,认为元气之上无物、无道、无理。
6)ternary flow theory三元流气动理论

《幻真先生服内元气诀》《幻真先生服内元气诀》 《幻真先生服内元气诀》   道教气功专著名。撰者不详。一卷。据书中序称,幻真先生当为初唐时的气功家。全书共收服气功法要诀15种,依次为进取诀、淘气诀、调气诀、咽气诀、行气诀、炼气诀、委气诀、闭气诀、布气诀、六气诀、调气液诀、食饮调护诀、休粮诀、守真诀、服气胎息诀。全书收入《道藏》第570册。