葛洪,GE Hong
1)GE Hong葛洪
1.On Ge Hong and his educational conceptions;葛洪的学习和人才思想研究

1.The Contribution to CiFu Of GE Hong-Centred on Ge Hong s View on CiFu by The Extrinsic Papers of Bao Pu Zi;葛洪对辞赋的贡献——以《抱朴子外篇》论葛洪的辞赋观
2.Quantitative analysis of the formula of Zhou Hou Bei Ji Fang葛洪《肘后备急方》的药方定量分析
3.Dilemma:On Ge Hong′s Thoughts about Reclusion;出处两难——论葛洪隐逸思想的特点
4.Ge Hong's "Monologue": An Tex of the Broken Personality Sagely Within and Kingly Without葛洪《自叙》:一个“内圣外王”的人格分裂文本
5.The Unofficial Chapters of Pao-Puzi, Ge Hong s Literature Thoughts and Literature Achievements;《抱朴子外篇》与葛洪的文学观念及其文学成就
6.Always Being an Authoritative Person whether one is an Official or a Hermit-- Gehong s Ideal on Life;静为逸民之宗,动为元凯之表——葛洪人生理想管窥
7.A Study of the Creation and Theory of Ge Hong s Shenxian Zhuan: Centering on the Biographies of Zuo Ci;葛洪《神仙传》创作理论考源——以《左慈传》为考察中心
8.Ingesting the Marvelous: the Practitioner s Relationship to Nature According to Ge Hong;服食异物:以葛洪为例看修行者与自然的关系
9.Ge Hong and Ci Fu-Centering on the Tendency of Ci Fu in his Works;葛洪与辞赋——以其创作中的辞赋化倾向为中心
10.Thoughts on Ge Hong s integration of Dao and techniques based on his life in Lingnan;从葛洪在岭南的史实论其道术结合的思想
11.On the Philosophical Basis and Its Limitations of Ge Hong s Celestial theory;论葛洪神仙道教的哲学基础及其局限性
12.The literature creation and style theory under the influence of Ge Hong s Taoism theory;葛洪仙学理论影响下的文学创作观和风格论
13.An analysis of Ge Hong s syncretism of Taoism and Confucianism;徜徉在入世与出世之间——葛洪儒道兼综思想剖析
14.Different Comments on a Brilliant Article Article:Interpreting Ge Hong's Critical View in His Chapters of The Works of Master Bao Pu文章微妙 品藻难一——从《抱朴子外篇》看葛洪的文学批评观
15."Music for music lovers and books for the connoisseurs"--From the "Outer Chapters of Baopuzi" inferred Gehong’s reader’s concept音为知者珍 书为识者传——从《抱朴子》外篇看葛洪的读者观
16.Equating or Changing Life and Death--The Aesthetic Position and Meaning of Zhuangzi and Gehong from the Problem of Life and Death“齐”生死与“化”生死——从生死问题看庄子与葛洪的审美立场与意蕴
17.Grantham Scholarships Fund Committee葛量洪奖学基金委员会
18.Maurine Grantham Maternal and Child Health Centre葛量洪夫人母婴健康院

1.On Gehong s Internal Pellet Vital Power Conservation in Daoism;论葛洪的道教内丹养生学
2.A Textual Criticism about a Viewpoint of Gehong forged Xi-Jing-Za-Ji;《西京杂记》非葛洪伪托考辨
3.Gehong s Contribution to the Compilation of Historical Documents;葛洪在文献整理方面的贡献
3)Ge Hong Mountain葛洪山
4)Camellia granthamiana [Grantham's camellia]葛量洪茶
5)the date of Ge Hong's Death葛洪卒年
6)Grantham Hospital葛量洪医院
