平衡功能,balance function
1)balance function平衡功能
1.Effects of vestibular rotation exercise on the balance function of stroke patients;前庭旋转训练对脑卒中偏瘫患者平衡功能的影响
2.Serial studies on the human balance function. Part Ⅱ: the normal limits and influential factors of the static balance function of normal adults;人体平衡功能检测系列研究(2):正常人静态平衡的正常参考值范围及相关因素
3.Effects of early rehabilitation training on balance function and activities of daily living in patients with hemiplegia after stroke;早期康复治疗对脑卒中偏瘫患者平衡功能和日常生活活动能力的影响

1.The Effects of Balance Function by Acupuncture and Rehabilitation the Point on the Head Combined with Balance Training on Stroke Patients针康法结合平衡仪训练对中风偏瘫患者平衡功能的影响
2.Quantitative Study of Balance Function with RA;类风湿关节炎患者平衡功能的定量研究
3.Discussion on the Causes and the Political Balance Functions of Constitutional Review System of the United States;浅议美国违宪审查制度的成因及政治平衡功能
4.The Effects of Yijinjing on Balance of Healthy Older Adults易筋经对中老年人平衡功能的试验研究
5.The Function of the Labor Contract Law and Its Implementation劳动合同法利益平衡功能的定位与实现
6.The balance function in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with/without learning disabilities注意缺陷多动障碍共患学习障碍平衡功能研究
7.Design of Measurement Studio-Based Detecting and Analyzing Software For Human Equilibrium Function基于Measurement Studio的人体平衡功能测试分析软件设计
8.Studies of the Multi-Function Balance Transformer s Filtering;多功能平衡牵引变压器滤波性能研究
9.A lack of balance, as in distribution or functioning.失调缺乏平衡,如在分配或功能方面
10.Language Unit: Dynamic Balance between Structure and Function;语言单位:结构与功能上的动态平衡
11.Terminating Set;Balancing Network;Terminating Set w/ Balancing Network;Hybrid Transformer端接装置;平衡网络;带有平衡网络功能的端接装置;混合变压器
12.Analysis on the Charater of the Multi-Function Balance Transformer and Study on Its Application;多功能平衡变压器性能分析与应用研究
13.Research of A Intelligent Multi-function Dynamic Balance Measuring Instrument;一种智能化多功能动平衡测试仪的研究
14.all animals have a function in maintaining the natural Balance of the environment.所有的动物都具有保持自然环境平衡的功能。
15.It has the functions of eliminating toxin, beautifying skin, delaying ageing and balancing oil secretion.具有排毒养颜、缓衰老、节油脂平衡的美容功能。
16.Light and heavy, big and small, spares and dense, all have balanced functions within a painting.轻与重,大和小,疏与密,都有平衡画面的功能。
17.Based on level, abilities, and knowledge, your group can be well balanced and successful.您的团队是否平衡、成功取决于等级、能力和知识。
18.Holy Basil normalizes stress hormones and enhances adrenal function.圣罗勒可平衡压力荷尔蒙及强化肾上腺功能。

equilibrium function平衡功能
1.Methods A total of 97 normal children aged from 13 to 48 months were divided into 3 groups(12 months for each age group),male group and female group in each group[31 cases aged from 13 to 24 months(male 18,female 13),32 cases aged from 25 to 36 months(male 18,female 14),34 cases aged from 37 to 48 months(male 19,female 15)],whose static standing equilibrium functions we.目的利用平衡测试仪(BPM)对健康儿童静态立位平衡功能进行测定,从而得出儿童静态立位平衡的参考值。
2.there are many methods to measure and judge equilibrium function of cerebral apoplexy.对脑卒中平衡功能障碍进行测评的方法较多,归纳起来可分为传统观察法、量表评定法、定量姿势图即平衡测试仪评定法三大类,分述了各自的优势与不足,供临床工作者针对患者情况选择应用。
3.Objective: To study the curative effect of cluster needling scalp point therapy integrated with rehabilitation training on the convalescence stage in treating the patients who are handicapped in equilibrium function after the cerebral infarction in order to decrease the extent of the handicap of equilibrium function and provide a new idea and an objective evidence for the clinical practice.目的:本文探讨头穴丛刺结合康复训练治疗脑梗死平衡功能障碍的疗效,以期最大限度降低脑梗死后平衡功能障碍,为临床治疗提供新思路和客观依据。
1.The selected training of trunk muscle in relation to balance disability in stroke patients;选择性强化躯干肌的训练对脑卒中患者平衡功能的影响
2.ObjectiveTo study the effects of treadmill training on balance of convalescent stroke patients.目的探讨活动平板训练对恢复期脑卒中患者平衡功能的影响。
3.Objective To investigate the effect of simple rehabilitation technique for community on activities of daily living(ADL) and balance function in stroke patients with hemiplegia.目的探讨康复简易技术对脑卒中患者日常生活活动能力以及平衡功能的影响,验证该技术的有效性。
4)functional equilibrium功能平衡
5)balance performance monitor平衡功能测试仪
6)human balance function人体平衡功能
1.A simple digital device for detecting human balance function;一种简易式数字人体平衡功能检测装置
2.Study on human balance function is getting attention in many fields,including the fields of medical,rehabilitation medicine,aviation medicine,sports and work security.人体平衡功能的研究在许多领域受到重视,目前已涉及医学、康复医学、航空医学、体育运动和作业安全等领域。
