治未病,preventive treatment of disease
1)preventive treatment of disease治未病
1.Scientific attitude to and treating Traditional Chinese Medicine——Talk about the Combination of Science and Education and Boost the Development of "preventive treatment of disease" by TCM;科学认识及对待中医学——兼谈科教结合促进中医药“治未病”发展
2.Discussion on theory of preventive treatment of disease from traditional Chinese medicine;中医“治未病”理论索解
3.Research about the Strategy of Preventing and Treating Sub-health According to the Theory of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" of Nei Jing;《内经》“治未病”思想防治“亚健康”的策略探索

1.Approach the thinking of prevention and treatment in children disease form treat non-disease从“治未病”探讨小儿疾病的防治思路
2.Treatment of Chronic Liver Diseases with the"Disease Prevention Theory"从“治未病”理论入手论治慢性肝病
3.Thought of traditional Chinese medicine preventive treatment on the applications of prevention and treatment of gastric carcinoma中医“治未病”思想在胃癌防治中的应用
4.Exploration of "Treat Undisease" Theory is Applied to Prevention and Treatment in Stroke“治未病”理论应用于中风防治探析
5.Broadening the conception of prevention of the occurrence of disease in〈The Orthodox(Medical)Classic of Huang Di〉,and attaching importance to prevention and treatment of diabetes using Chinese medicine拓宽《内经》“治未病”观 重视糖尿病中医防治
6.To Discuss the Thought of Preventing and Treating Stroke in Accordance with the Theory of Following the Prognosis of a Diseas从中医“治未病”思想探讨中风病防治思路
7.Application of Theory "Treat Pre-disease" in Lung and Large Intestine Prone Diseases“治未病”理论在肺与大肠易发疾病防治中的应用
8.Discussion on Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Complicated with Cerebral Infarction Based on the Theory of Treating Disease Before Its onset从“治未病”理论探讨糖尿病并发脑梗死的防治
9.Development of preventive treatment of disease on mastopathy of Lin Yi林毅教授治未病思想—未病先防在乳腺疾病中的应用
10.Discussion of the Clinical Effect of the Traditional Cream in the "Treating Disease before its Onset"探讨传统膏方在“治未病”中的临床体现
11.Intervene sub-health state by the theory of "preventive treatment of disease"运用中医“治未病”理论干预亚健康状态
12.Clinical Application of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" Theory in TCM Gynecology“治未病”在中医妇科临床中的应用
13.Observe Effects of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" Plaster Application for Treatment of Bronchial Asthma in Summer by Differentiation“治未病”贴膏辨证选穴冬病夏治治疗支气管哮喘疗效观察
14.Research about the Strategy of Preventing and Treating Sub-health According to the Theory of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" of Nei Jing;《内经》“治未病”思想防治“亚健康”的策略探索
15.On Application of the Academic Thought of "Preventive Treatment of Disease" in Preventing and Treating of Hyperlipidemia论“治未病”学术思想在防治高脂血症中的运用
16.The Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in its Cure of Undiagnosed Diseases and Diseases without Obvious Symptoms to the Cure of Sub-health中医“治未病”思想在亚健康治疗中的应用
17.Discuss Preventive and Treatment Thought of Children Asthma from Theory "Treat Pre-disease"从“治未病”理论探讨儿童哮喘的防治思路
18.The patient did not respond to treatment.病人经治疗後未见起色.

preventive treatment治未病
1.Study on Connotation of "Preventive Treatment" in Traditional Chinese Medicine;中医“治未病”思想的内涵探讨
2.The preventive treatment theory origin in Huangdi Neijing,its one meaning is treating disease before its onset,the other meaning is preventing disease from exacerbating.中医"治未病"的学术思想起源《黄帝内经》,其含义一是未病先防,一是既病防变。
1.The thought of Chinese medicine prevention exists to the three links of the three levels of phylaxiology.中医"治未病"思想贯穿于现代预防医学三级预防的三个环节,从"治未病"入手来阐述HIV/AIDS的三级预防,在"未病先防"、"已病防传"、"既病防变"三个方面对HIV/AIDS的防治均具有重要的指导意义。
2.Along with the development of modern medicine,the heart of clinical task and investigation of theory is shifting from "to rule already ill" to "to prevent the prognosis of a disease",invigorating the kidney is important to "prevention".随着现代医学的发展,目前临床工作和理论研究的重心逐渐由"治已病"向"防未病"方向转变,补肾在"治未病"、在预防疾病的发生发展上有着重要意义。
3."Prevention" is a sort of precaution academic thought which was proposed by the doctors of antiquity.“治未病”是古代医家对疾病提出的预防学术思想,包括预防疾病的发生及当疾病发生后,如何控制处理,不使其进一步加重。
4)Following the prognosis of a disease治未病
1.Talking about the relation of prevention and cure of hyperthyroidism and following the prognosis of a disease;“治未病”与甲状腺机能亢进症的防治初探
2.It advocated "following the prognosis of a disease" and it exceeding important to strengthen research power in Chinese medical fever diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic factor to prevention and cure zymotic.提倡中医药"治未病"思想,加大中医外感热病学防治传染病的研究力度是极为重要的,中医科研人员应尽快从防治"非典"的经验中找出对防治禽流感有效的方药。
5)Prevention of Disease治未病
1.According to the theory of "prevention of disease" of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),treatments in TCM on EH-related endometrial cancer are recommended by the unique advantages,such as convenient utilization,low cost,efficiency as well as safety.中医药防治EH相关子宫内膜癌有其应用简便、价格低廉、有效安全等优势,符合中医"治未病"的思想。
6)treat pre-disease治未病
1.Under TCM theory of "treat pre-disease",we can apply TCM decoction,winter cream formulae and acupoint application for preventive treatment.根据中医治未病理论,可运用中药汤剂,冬令膏方,穴位敷贴等方法进行预防性治疗。
