易经,Yi Jing
1)Yi Jing易经
1.On the interpretations of Yi jing from the angle of hermeneutics;从诠释学的角度看《易经》的解读
2.On two basic modes in interpreting traditional Chinese classics: direct interpretation and comprehensive interpretation --taking the interpretation of Yi jing as an example;论中国经典诠释的两个基型:直释与旁通——以《易经》的诠释为例
3.An interpretation of two hexagrams in the Yi jing copied on the bamboo slips collected by Shanghai Museum;上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《易经》释卦二则

1.The Present Condition of English Translations of The Book of Changes and the Notion of Its Retranslation;《易经》英译现状及重译《易经》的构想
2.Book of Changes--The origin of Aesthetic Judgment--Discussion on the Esthetic Judging Characteristics in Book of Changes;《易经》——审美之源——浅谈《易经》的审美特点
3.Buddhist monk Zhen ke s views on Yi :an concrete example of the Buddhisation of Yi jing;真可论《易》——《易经》“佛经化”的一个实例
4.The Five Classics: Book Of Songs, Book Of History Book Of Change, Book Of Rites, and Spring and Autumn Annals五经:易经、书经、诗经、礼记、春秋
5.economic results in import and export trade进出口贸易经济效果
6.(a) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ("MOFTEC")(a) 对外贸易经济合作部(“MOFTEC”)
8.The Theoretical System of Yi and Shuo Gua Zhuan;《易》经理论体系与《说卦传》——“易有大恒”和“易道恒中”
9.edgy:Nervous or irritable易怒的:神经质的或易发怒的.
10.Nervous or irritable易怒的神经质的或易发怒的
11.The deal needs the government's seal of approval.这一交易需经政府批准.
12.certified gas free经鉴定不含易燃气体
13.Trade Division of the Federal Department of Public Economy联邦公共经济部贸易司
14.A barter economy.以物易物的经济形式
15.Department of International Trade and Economic Affairs国际贸易和经济事务司
16.Do you often take part in the trade fair?您经常参加交易会吗?
17.Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices香港经济贸易办事处。
18.It's easier to get a teacher of classics than a teacher of man经师易得,人师难求

1.Yijing and Methods of Harnessing Rivers in Chinese Past Dynasties;《易经》与中国历代治水方略
2.Transmutation of Yijing and its Ethical Functions;论《易经》的嬗变及其伦理功能的产生
3.Cosmology conceived in Yijing and the origin of the Yin-yang & Five-element School s ideology;《易经》的宇宙观与阴阳五行家思想之渊源
3)The Book of Changes易经
1.Influence of “The Book of Changes” on Chinese Culture;《易经》对中华文化的影响
2.On Cultural Difference Between The Book of Changes and Bible;试析《易经》与《圣经》的文化分野
4)Book of Changes易经
1.Book of Changes——The origin of Aesthetic Judgment——Discussion on the Esthetic Judging Characteristics in Book of Changes;《易经》——审美之源——浅谈《易经》的审美特点
2.This paper presents professor WANG Zi-qiang s contention on the interlinking between medicine and Book of Changes, dealing with the formation of the basic theories and methods of traditional Chinese medicine, the coming into being of medical schools and doctrinal disputes.从中医基本理论和方法的形成、医学流派的产生和学术争鸣等方面 ,介绍了王自强教授有关中医学与《易经》关系的论述和见解。
5)I Ching易经
1.I Ching and psychological analysis──re-visit Eranos;《易经》与“心理分析”——重访爱诺思
2.Abstract: This paper suspect the saying of "emperor Yi of the Shang Dynasty let his youngersister married to king Wen of Zhou", pointing out that "emperor Yi making his younger sistermarried" mentioned in I Ching has nothing to do with king Wen of Zhou s going to meet andmarry a girl from a "higher state" described in the Book of Songs.本文对“商王帝乙嫁女于周文王”的说法提出质疑,认为《易经》的“帝乙归妹”与《诗经·大明》描写的周文王迎娶“大邦”之女一事无关,不宜将两者联系起来理解并据以说明其他历史问题。
6)The Book of Changes《易经》
1.The Present Condition of English Translations of The Book of Changes and the Notion of Its Retranslation;《易经》英译现状及重译《易经》的构想

易经易经 易经   清代医家。字乾长。湖北武昌人。康熙(1662-1722)年间迁居竹山。自幼博学,为人温雅,善岐黄术。撰有《脉诀纂要》、《伤寒辨似》,今佚。