黄帝内经,Huangdi Neijing
1)Huangdi Neijing黄帝内经
1.Study on the Idea of Taiyi in Jiugong in the Huangdi Neijing;《黄帝内经》中太一行九宫思想研究
2.Gross conception of anatomical structure of zang-fu viscera in Huangdi Neijing;论《黄帝内经》脏腑的实体解剖观
3.Relationship between female ages and the theory of five tones correlated with five zang viscera in Huangdi Neijing;《黄帝内经》五脏相音理论与女性年龄关系的研究

1.On the Thought of Meridian Doctrine in Ling Shu;《黄帝内经·灵枢》经络学思想探析
2.Practical Significance of Health Preservation Thoughts in Huangdi's Orthodox Classic探析《黄帝内经》养生经典的现实意义
3.Comparative Study of Huangdi Neijing and Huainanzi;《黄帝内经》与《淮南子》比较研究
4.English Translation of Four-Word Phrases in Suwen of Huangdi Neijing (the Plain Questions of the Yellow Emperor s Classic of Internal Medicine);《黄帝内经·素问》四字词组英译研究
5.The Research on Body and Mind Health on Huang Di Nei Jing;《黄帝内经》中身心健康问题的研究
6.Probing the Health Psychology Thoughts in the Yellow Emperor Internal Classic;《黄帝内经》中健康心理学思想的探析
7.A Study on the Personality Type in the Yellow Emperor s Medical Canon;《黄帝内经》中个性类型的整理研究
8.The Idea of Correspondence between Man and Nature in Huangdi Emperor s Internal Classic and Organic_ Systematic Philosophy;《黄帝内经》天人相应论与有机系统哲学
9.Probe into the Theory of Taking Medicine in Accordance with Suitable Time in the Yellow Emperor s Internal Classic;《黄帝内经》“择时服药”理论的探讨
10.Study on the Joint-compound Words in Suwen of Yellow Emperor s Internal Classic;《黄帝内经·素问》联合式合成词研究
11.The Whole Systematic Thinking of Huang Emperor’s Internal Classics;论《黄帝内经》中的系统性整体思想
12.The influence of Huang di nei jing (Huangdi s Inner Classic) on Shuo wen jie zi (The Origin of Chinese Characters );论《黄帝内经》对《说文解字》的影响
13.Theory and Means of Constitutional in the Emperor Huang s Theory of Internal Medicine;《黄帝内经》中的运动养生思想及方法
14.Phonetic Categorization of Yang Shangshan’s Annotations in Huang Di Nei Jing Tai Su;《黄帝内经太素》杨注直音音义类证
15.The Analysis of Psychology:the “Spirit” in Huang Di NeiJing;心理学解绎:《黄帝内经》的“神”
16.On relation between geographical environment and people in Yellow Emperor Neijing;浅论《黄帝内经》中地理环境与人的关系
17.Yellow Emperor s Classic of Internal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Dietetic Trophology;《黄帝内经》与中国传统饮食营养学
18.The Comparative Research on the Academic Thinking of ZhouYi and Huangdi Neijing《周易》与《黄帝内经》学术思想的比较研究

Inner Canon of Huangdi黄帝内经
1.Inner Canon of Huangdi establishing fundamental theoretical category of TCM:human body and natural environment;《黄帝内经》建构中医药理论的基本范畴——天人
2.Inner Canon of Huangdi establishing fundamental theoretical category of TCM:four seasons;《黄帝内经》建构中医药理论的基本范畴—四时
3.Inner Canon of Huangdi establishing fundamental theoretical category of TCM: five elements;《黄帝内经》建构中医药理论的基本范畴——五行
3)Huang Di Nei Jing黄帝内经
1.On the Body and Mind Maintenance Idea in Huang Di Nei Jing;《黄帝内经》中的身心保养
2.Academic connotation of"pathogenic factors"in Huang Di Nei Jing;《黄帝内经》“邪”概念内涵的学术解读
3.On the Generation of Affection in Huang Di Nei Jing;论《黄帝内经》情感生成机制
1.Discussing Ecological Medicine Ideas of Huangdineijing论《黄帝内经》的生态医学思想
2.The Compiled Times of Huangdineijing《黄帝内经》的成书年代新议
5)Huangdi's Internal Classics黄帝内经
1.The Medical Ethics Thought in Huangdi's Internal Classics黄帝内经》中的医德学思想
2.Discussing the Theoretical Variable or Invariable of Huangdi's Internal Classics论《黄帝内经》理论的“变”与“不变”
6)Huangdi Neijing《黄帝内经》
1.On the Thought of the "Integration of the form and the Spirit" and Physical and Mental Medical Ideology in HuangDi NeiJing;论《黄帝内经》“形神合一”理论及其身心医学思想
2.Discussion on the Psychiatry in HuangDi NeiJing;试论《黄帝内经》中的精神病学
3.Discuss Preserve Health by Acclimate the Change of Four Seasons Based on the Idea of HuangDi NeiJing;从《黄帝内经》谈顺应四时养生

黄帝内经    黄帝内经    医经著作。18卷,162篇。简称《内经》,是由《素问》和《灵枢》(又称《针经》或称《九卷》)两部分组成。其成书年代已难于精确考证。大致有成于黄帝、成于春秋、成于战国、成于战国末期至秦汉之际、成于西汉前期等多种说法。较为可信之说法是:此书主体部分约成于战国,直至秦汉时期又陆续有所补订。故此书可谓集秦汉以前医学之大成,而并非出自一时一人之手。全书以古代朴素唯物论和辩证法为指导思想,有完整理论体系。凡摄生、脏象、经络、病因、病机、病证、诊断、治则、方药、针灸、导引、运气等均有论述。更涉及天文、地理、气象、物候、哲学、历算等多种学科。对后世医学之发展有深远影响,历代医家皆将其奉为至道之宗。《黄帝内经太素》、《针灸甲乙经》为其两种不同传本。而《素问》、《灵枢》各种注本之多不可胜数。参见《黄帝内经太素》、《针灸甲乙经》、《黄帝内经素问》、《灵枢经》诸条。