膏方,Herbal paste
1)Herbal paste膏方
1.This paper analyzes professor Cai Gan s 244 herbal pastes for chronic gastrointestinal disorders and discusses its characteristics.蔡淦教授善用膏方调治慢性胃肠病。
2.This article explored professor Wu Yingen s clinical experience in preventing and controlling asthma with TCM,especially with the TCM methods of warming yang to dissipate cold (such as Kechuanluo Decoction),warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen,eliminating phlegm to smooth wheezing (such as Zhichuan Capsule and herbal paste).分别以咳喘落、止喘胶囊、健脾温肾法膏方为例,从温阳抗寒、补肾健脾、化痰平喘等方面全面论述吴银根教授运用中医药防治哮喘的临床经验。

1.Discussion of the Clinical Effect of the Traditional Cream in the "Treating Disease before its Onset"探讨传统膏方在“治未病”中的临床体现
2.Xu Jinkang's Experience in Treating Diseases of Spleen and Stomach with Soft Extract of Chinese Medicine徐进康教授应用膏方治疗脾胃病经验
3.Clinical Obeservation of 70 Cases in Treatment of Asthma with Herbal Paste Prescribed by Professor WU Yin-gen吴银根膏方治疗哮喘70例疗效观察
4.Method for chemical analysis of gypsum and anhydriteGB/T5484-1985石膏和硬石膏化学分析方法
5.Gypsum is the product of the process.此方法的产物为石膏。
6.A Discussion on the Concentration Assay for Hemihydrate Gypsum in Plaster of Paris Bandage-Viscose Form粘胶型石膏绷带半水石膏含量测定方法的探讨
7.Comparing the curative effects for prophase anal fissure between Compound nitroglycerin ointment and Jiu hua adhesive ointments复方硝酸甘油软膏和九华膏治疗早期肛裂的疗效对比
8.method of physical test for plaster of paris mold for pottery陶瓷铸模用石膏物理试验方法
9.This method of handling gypsum is satisfactory.这种输送石膏的方法是令人满意的。
10.method for physical testing of gypsum board products石膏板物理特性试验方法
11.testing method for mechanical mixing of hydraulic cement pastes and mortars of plastic consistency水凝水泥膏和水泥浆的机械搅拌方法
12.Method for inspection of flower concreteGB/T14458-1993香花浸膏检验方法
13.The way of preparing this ointment By decocting the drug is contained in a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation.这种膏药是根据祖传的秘方熬制的。
14.Administer the salve to the sunburned area with a cotton swab.请用棉药签把药膏敷在晒伤的地方。
15.The Pharmacological Research on Skin Growth Promoting Ointment;促皮生软膏的药物学方面的实验研究
16.Studies on the Compound Medicine Ruxiankang Sticking Plaster for Treatment of Dairy Cattle Mastitis;治疗奶牛乳房炎复方乳腺康膏的研究
17.Study of Drug Release Properties in Compound Capsaicin Cream复方辣椒碱乳膏的药物释放性能研究
18.Preparation and quality research of compound triamcinolone acetonide cream复方曲安奈德乳膏的制备及质量研究

herbal extract膏方
1.This paper presents professor Chen Yiping s experience in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases with herbal extracts.介绍陈以平教授应用膏方治疗慢性肾脏疾病的经验。
2.Qin Bowei s experience and characteristics of his herbal extracts in the treatment of consumptive disorder and dizziness,etc.近代名医秦伯未擅长以冬令膏方调治 ,颇有心得。
3.It is considered that herbal extract tends to nourish the body,with mild nature,and is thus suitable for some chronic and intractable diseases.介绍陈以平教授运用膏方治疗黄褐斑、美尼尔氏综合征 ;脱发 ;肾结石伴积水等杂病的临床心得 ,认为膏方多用补法 ,讲求平和 ,临床治疗某些慢性疑难杂病常有良
3)paste formula铅膏配方
1.Effects of paste formula and mixing process on the performance of VRLA batteries;VRLA蓄电池的极板铅膏配方及和膏工艺对蓄电池性能的影响
4)Compound nasal ointment复方鼻膏
5)medical extract膏剂配方
6)Xiaoban cream消斑膏方
1.Study on the preparation technology of Xiaoban cream;消斑膏方的制备工艺研究

吴师机扬州存济堂药局膏方吴师机扬州存济堂药局膏方  外科方书。1卷。参见《发背对口治诀论》。