现代生活,modern life
1)modern life现代生活
1.With the own experience on the life in Italy,the article introduces and discusses four aspects regarding on the education of Landscape Architecture in Italy,the attitude to the historic site,tradition and modern life,urban and nature.本文以笔者在意大利学习、生活的经历和体验,对意大利的景观设计教育,古迹遗址、传统与现代生活、城市与自然这四个方面作了相应的介绍与探讨。
2.E-mail has its special characteristics and is widely adopted in modern life for online shopping, remote medical treatment, information exchange, network education, entertainment, information inquiry ,consultation and etc.简述并探讨了Email的特点及在现代生活中如家庭购物、远程医疗信息交流、网络教育、文化娱乐、信息获取、咨询及检索等的广泛应用。
3.This paper starts with the modern life in 1930s in China,analyzes the cause of formation and its new style of the poetry of the magazine Modern,points out that the lack of the language and the lack of technical expression are the impetus for the poets to adopt the symbolism,imagism and futurism,and at the same time,the description of modern life is also the purpose of these innovations.本文从上个世纪三十年代前后的现代性对中国生活的渗入入手,对《现代》派诗歌的成因及其所采用的新颖的诗歌风格进行分析,指出与现代生活的遭遇所导致的语言的匮乏和表达技术的欠缺,是《现代》派诗人取法象征主义、意象派和未来派诗风的动力,而同时,对现代生活的描摹也正是这些创新的目的。

1.She is out of step with modern life.她与现代生活格格不入。
2.the stresses and strains of modern life现代生活的压力和紧张.
3.Noise is an evil of modern life.噪音是现代生活的祸害。
4.He is out of step with modern life.他同现代生活脱节了。
5.the tempo and the feeling of modern life现代生活的节奏和情感
6.This paper discusses the relation between modern life and metropolis.现代生活和现代都市的关系应予讨论。
7.Modern Media, Postmodern life and News Entertainment;现代传媒、后现代生活与新闻娱乐化
8.He hates the racket of modern life.他讨厌现代生活的繁忙的社交活动。
9.These are typical of the brisk, bustling ways of modern life.这些门代表着典型活泼而忙碌的现代生活方式。
10.The computer had made a great impact on modern life.计算机对现代生活产生了巨大的影响。
11.A Comparative Study of Living Ceramics between Traditional and Modern传统生活陶艺与现代生活陶艺的比较研究
12.The Influence of the Modern Clay-ware Upon Modern Life and Its Existential Significance;现代陶艺对现代生活的影响及存在意义
13.Analyze Corporeity Present Condition and Modern Life Style Relation of Chinese Undergraduate;我国大学生体质现状与现代生活方式关系分析
14.However, modern living often creates a great deal of stress.问题就在现代生活制造了很多压力。
15.He is out of step with modem life / ideas.他与现代生活思想格格不入。
16.Modern life trends towards less formal customs.现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。
17.Do you suffer from the strain of modern life?你苦于现代生活的紧张吗?
18.we'd come to the USA to live a modern life,我们要去美国过现代生活

Life modernization生活现代化
3)lifestyle-related disease现代生活习惯病
1.Seabuckthorn seed oil in prevention of lifestyle-related disease;沙棘籽油与现代生活习惯病的防治
4)modern life style现代生活方式
1.This asticle explores the root of modern life style and its distinctiveness, and analyzes, in the course of costume change, the interplay between the modern life style and fashion design.通过对现代生活方式产生根源的探索和对现代生活方式独特性的了解 ,分析了服装变革过程中现代生活方式与服装设计的互为影响因素 ,对如何建立现代生活方式下的服装设计理念进行了思
2.This paper analysis modern life style meaning and impact on health through literature material,And elaborates the sports takes the modern life style the content the function which produces to the human body as well as the social health.通过文献资料阐述了现代生活方式的概念及其涵义,并分析了它对人体健康的重要影响。
5)modern life form现代生活模式
1.In view of the contradiction between inner space of old houses and modern life form practical requirements are proposed on functional space design.分析了旧房室内空间的改造和发展的现状,针对旧房室内空间与现代生活模式的矛盾,提出了对室内各功能空间的要求,介绍了家居室内空间改造设计方法,以满足人们的生活模式。
6)life in the modern times现代社会生活
1.Furthermore,it has generated unprecedented revolutionary effects on the every single aspect of life in the modern times.电脑写作是信息时代人们新的工作和生存方式之一,它改变了传统写作的信息生产、存储、交流方式和思维模式、理论框架,而且对现代社会生活的方方面面都产生了前所未有的革命性效应。

《(生活)全国总书目》(  中国现代出版发行书目。平心编。1935年11月上海生活书店出版。李平心(1907~1966),江西南昌人。社会科学工作者、史学家。著有《中国近代史》、《人民文豪鲁迅》等。《(生活)全国总书目》是在生活书店《全国出版物目录汇编》(1933)的基础上扩编而成,收录1912~1935年间中国全国书店、学术机关、文化团体、图书馆、政府机关、研究学会的出版物及私家出版单位的出版物约 2万种,收录图书不论学派,惟以内容严正为尚,荒诞、迷信、低级趣味者一概不收。该目录分图书为10大类:A.总类、B.哲学、C.社会科学、D.宗教、E.自然社会科学、F.自然科学、G.文艺、H.语文学、I.史地、J.技术知识。与《杜威十进分类法》相比,类目有所突破和创新,如细类中有"辩证法唯物论"、"日本对华经济侵略"、"日本侵华论"等。该书目重视阅读指导,在款目上用不同符号区分图书内容深浅,并对某些图书加以注释。译书附有原著者名和书名,书后附《全国儿童少年书目》及主题、洲别、外国著者等索引。