健康评估,health assessment
1)health assessment健康评估
1.Investigation on health assessment of nursing staff and countermeasures;护理人员健康评估能力现状调查及对策
2.Problems of health assessment ability training in community nurses and its countermeasures;社区护士健康评估能力培养存在问题及对策
3.Emphasizing nursing characteristic and serving nursing work——Teaching experience of “Health Assessment” for nursing major;突出护理特色 服务护理工作——护理专业《健康评估》课教学心得

1.Observation of healthy carotid intima-media thickness with ultrasound arterial health package超声动脉健康评估测量健康人颈动脉内中膜
2.Research on Health Assessment of Integrated Vehicle Health Management综合运载器健康管理健康评估技术研究
3.Health detection algorithm for integrated system health management集成系统健康管理中健康评估算法研究
4.The Design and Realization of Health Assessment System Based on Web;基于Web的健康评估系统的设计与实现
5.Teaching experience of health assessment for nursing major in the higher vocational schools高职院校护理专业健康评估教学体会
6.Practice and Exploration of Teaching Reform of Health Assessment《健康评估》教学改革的实践与探讨
7.Study on health evaluation of system based on TEAMS基于TEAMS的系统健康评估方法研究
8.A New General-Purpose System of Psychological Wellbeing Scales:Integrating Functions,Symptoms and Psychogenic Analysis;心理健康评估发展现状与心理力量评估(MSA)系统研究
9.pre-admission assessment [of elderly applicants for subvented residential places]入住前健康评估〔受资助院舍宿位高龄申请人〕
10.Their first meeting will be a fitness assessment.他们第一次见面就将进行健康评估的活动。
11.Assessment Methods of Bridge Health Conditions in Bridge Health Monitoring System for Donghai Bridge东海大桥健康监测系统桥梁健康状态评估方法
12.Study on Health Monitoring System and Assessment of Submarine Pipeline;海底管道的健康监测系统与评估研究
13.The Fuzzy Evaluation System for Psychological Healthy of Recruit Based on Web;基于Web的新兵心理健康模糊评估系统
14.Evaluation on students constitution and health with AHP model;用AHP模型综合评估学生体质健康
15.A Study of Seafarers Mental Condition and Factors;海员心理健康状况评估及其结果分析
16.Mid-term evaluation of two outlines in a certain district某区两纲中期评估——妇女儿童与健康
17.Assessing the Effect of Intervention of Self-made Hepatitis B Health Education Materials自制乙肝健康教育材料干预效果评估
18.Effectiveness evaluation of health warnings on cigarette packs in China,20082008年中国烟盒包装健康警示效果评估

Health evaluation健康评估
1.Application of teacher-standardized-patient(TSP) in health evaluation teaching of college nursing students;教师标准化病人在本科护生健康评估教学中的应用
2.Study on health evaluation of system based on TEAMS基于TEAMS的系统健康评估方法研究
3.Aiming at monitoring analog circuit with health performance degradation,a new method on state monitoring and health evaluation is proposed.针对模拟电路的健康性能退化状况,提出一种特征选择与降维提取法(B&B+LDA)和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)相结合、以KL距离为衡量标准的状态监测和健康评估方法。
3)MDI health evaluationMDI健康评估
4)health risk assessment健康风险评估
1.To effectively manage the Brownfield,health risk assessment was conducted for a Brownfield located in one of Cities in Henan province.对河南某城市一工业废弃污染场地进行了健康风险评估。
2.A method for health risk assessment is proposed to guide selection of remediation scheme for contaminated sites after environmental accident.提出一套针对重大环境事件的污染场地健康风险评估方法,该方法以高风险优先控制为原则,以指导场地应急修复为目的。
3.It has been suggested that environmental quality standard for farmland soil should be established by health risk assessment method.文章概述了国内外土壤环境质量的研究现状,并针对我国土壤环境质量标准制定中存在的缺少区域性划分、土地利用类型区分过于单一、缺乏对植物生物利用度的考虑等问题,提出以健康风险评估的方法制定农田土壤环境质量标准,并介绍了农田土壤健康风险评估模型的建立及具体的预测方法,为实现农田土壤环境质量的科学评估奠定了基础。
5)Health-risk assessment from NOxNOx健康风险评估
6)assessment of health benefit健康效益评估

地价评估趋势评估法地价评估趋势评估法 【地价评估趋势评估法】土地价格在一定的时间内由于受诸多因素影响,呈周期性的波动,但总趋势是上升的,因此,利用一定的数学模型,就可以求算出地价,一般要通过回归分析,找出土地价格与时间变量之间的函数关系,画出地价发展变化趋势图形,然后建立数学模型,进而推算出地价。若以Y代表历年地价,X代表时间,丫代表地价,其关系式为:y‘=a+bx(a、b为常数)。采用这一方法,需以长年积累起来的地价变动资料作为分析依据。地价的时间序列最好在ro年以上。因为时间序列愈长,愈能排除偶然因素和短期因素对趋势值的异常干扰。另外,用地价长期趋势图可比较两个地段地价_L涨的强弱程度,如果长期趋线越陡,则表明该地段地价升值性越强;反之,则表明该地价的升值性越弱。