1.Agricultural cooperation and division between mainland and Taiwan from the agricultural investment by Taiwan merchants;从台商大陆农业投资谈两岸农业的合作与分工
2.Taiwan s Patenting Activity in Mainland from 1985 to 2002;1985~2002年台湾地区在大陆专利活动分析
3.The Discussion of Mainland、 Sea Distribution Symmetry and Origin;大陆、海洋分布的对称性及成因探讨

1.Continents Adrift and Continents Aground大陆漂移与大陆固定
2.The land mass comprising the continents of Europe and Asia.欧亚(大陆)由欧亚大陆构成的陆地块
3.At last he touched down on the mainland.最后他在大陆上着陆了。
4.Indian sub-continentph.1. 印度次大陆
5.temperate continental climate温带大陆[性] 气候
6.a genus of small kites of both Old and New Worlds.新大陆和旧大陆都有的一种小型鸢。
7.Spanning or crossing a continent.横穿大陆的横跨或穿越大陆
8.The mainland of Europe.Used with the.欧洲大陆欧洲大陆。与定冠词the连用
9.The principal landmass of a continent.大陆大洲的主要陆地板块
10.The two continents were connected by a land mass at one time.这两个大陆曾经由一大片陆地连接着。
11.From the"Black Continent"to"Grey Continent"--On The 30 Years of Development of China s Logistics;从“黑大陆”到“灰大陆”——我看中国物流30年
12.large ferocious bear of Eurasia.欧亚大陆大型凶猛的熊。
13.Old World genus of isopod crustaceans.陆生等足甲壳类旧大陆鼠妇科的一属。
14.Foot of the continental slope determined as the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base定为大陆坡坡底坡度变动最大之点的大陆
15.continental code大陆电码(即莫斯科电码)
16.Old World woody vines.旧大陆木质草本植物。
17.transcontinental geophysical survey横贯大陆地球物理调查
18.Continental Offshore Stratigraphic Test大陆近海地层学试验

Mainland China大陆
1.A Comparing Study of Master Degree Theses Focusing on Tourism Between Mainland China and Taiwan;大陆与台湾旅游类硕士学位论文比较分析
2.A comparative study of the arrestment system amongMainland China,Taiwan and Macao;大陆与台湾、澳门地区逮捕制度之比较
3.A Comparison Study of Junior Chinese Teaching Aterials in Mainland China and China Taiwan;大陆台湾两地初中语文教材比较研究
3)the Mainland大陆
1.On Penetration and Influence of Taiwan s Violent Crimes to the Mainland;论台湾暴力犯罪对大陆的渗透与影响
2.Comparative study of PE curriculum programs offered in undergraduate major of the Mainland,Taiwan & Hongkong in China;大陆、台湾、香港高校本科体育教育专业课程方案比较
3.A Study of the Historical Features of Cultural Identity between Hainan lsland and the Mainland,China;从古代的政治流放地到现代的经济特区——论海南岛与大陆文化认同的历史性特征
4)Chinese mainland大陆
1.Change of Triangle Economic Relations among Chinese Mainland,Taiwan,and USA;论中国大陆、台湾与美国经济三角关系的变化
2.The comparison study on textbooks is one of the most important fields in geography teaching research, most of which are specific, abundance and have been done for a long time, but the research scope is limited in textbooks published in Chinese mainland.地理教材比较研究是地理教学主要研究领域之一,以往的教材研究具有内容具体、启动时间早、研究成果多等特点,但研究范围多局限于我国大陆出版的地理教材之间的相互比较。
5)China mainland大陆
1.Comparative Analysis on Taiwan s Investments in ASEAN Countries and in China Mainland;台湾对东盟国家和大陆投资比较分析
2.A view of Researches on Social Work Education in China Mainland:Based on the Literature Analysis about CNKI20年来大陆社会工作教育研究综述——基于CNKI的文献分析
