肩周炎,scapulohumeral periarthritis
1)scapulohumeral periarthritis肩周炎
1.Comprehensive treatment for scapulohumeral periarthritis:a report of 98 cases;综合治疗肩周炎98例的临床观察
2.Effects of intermediate frequency with physical therapy on scapulohumeral periarthritis;电脑中频配合体疗治疗肩周炎疗效分析
3.Exercise therapy and physical modalities in treatment for scapulohumeral periarthritis;医疗体操配合综合理疗治疗肩周炎

1.Diagnostic Value of High-frequency Ultrasound in Shoulder Pain Diagnosis after Cured Scapulohmeral Periarthritis高频超声对肩周炎愈后肩部疼痛的诊断价值
2.Localized Collateral-Puncturing and Cupping for Early Shoulder Periarthritis in 116 Cases局部刺络拔罐治疗初期肩周炎116例
3.Clinical Comparative Study of General Rehabilitation on Periarthritis of Shoulder;综合康复治疗肩周炎的临床对比研究
4.Clinical Observation on the Effects on Scapulohumeral Periarthritis by Acupuncture;透刺疗法治疗肩周炎的临床疗效观察
5.The Observation of Clinic Therapeutic Effect with Dynamic Manipulation in Treating Periarthritis of Shoulder;动态手法治疗肩周炎的临床疗效观察
6.Experimental Study on the Influence of Diabetes on the Cause of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis;糖尿病对肩周炎成因影响的实验研究
7.Clinical Study of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis Treatment by Aerobic Dance Training;“有氧舞蹈”治疗肩周炎的临床研究
8.Clinical Observation on Two Methods of Warming Acupuncture in Treating Scapulohumeral Periarthritis两种温针方法治疗肩周炎的疗效观察
9.Triamcinolone acetonide injection and acupotomy lysis treatment of periarthritis of shoulder曲安奈德注射加针刀松解治疗肩周炎
10.Ultrasound-guided application of ozone in the value of the treatment of Periarthritis humeroscapularis超声引导下臭氧治疗肩周炎中的价值
11.Electroaccupuncture and Block Therapy in the Treatment of 112 Cases of Scapulohumeral Periarthritis of Stasis Type电针封闭治疗瘀滞型肩周炎112例
12.The Clinical Analysis on Different Anaesthesia Techniques During the Manipulation therapy of Frozen shoulder肩周炎松解术不同麻醉方法临床分析
13.Acupuncture and Point Injection in Periarthritis Treatment针刺加穴位注射治疗肩周炎疗效观察
14.Clinical Study of Brachiplex Nerve Block In Treating the Patients with the Periarthritis of Shoulder臂丛神经阻滞治疗肩周炎的临床研究
15.Clinical Research on Treating Periarthritis of Shoulder with Point Injected Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Liquid穴位注射消炎镇痛液治疗肩周炎的临床研究
16.Clinical Comparison Study on the Treatment of Periarthritis of Shoulder and Neck-shoulder Syndrome with Warmer-physical Therapy;手法与温热理疗法治疗肩周炎和颈肩综合征的对比研究
17.Intra-articular Injection of Sodium Hyaluronate Combined with Steroid at Tender Points for Treatment of 20 Cases of Adhesive Capsulitis肩关节腔注射玻璃酸钠联合痛点阻滞治疗肩周炎20例
18.Efficacy of Jianbishu capsule in treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis肩痹舒胶囊治疗寒湿痹阻型肩周炎的临床疗效观察

periarthritis of shoulder肩周炎
1.The proceedings of clinical study about acupuncture of periarthritis of shoulder;针刺治疗肩周炎临床研究进展
2.Evaluation of clinical reports in treating periarthritis of shoulder by manipulation with the theory of evidence-based medicine;手法治疗肩周炎临床报告的循证医学评价
3.Clinical development on different methods of acupuncture and moxibistion in treating Periarthritis of Shoulder;不同针灸疗法治疗肩周炎临床进展
3)Frozen Shoulder肩周炎
1.Clinical Observation on Electroacupuncture with Different Wave Forms for Treatment of Frozen Shoulder;不同波型电针治疗肩周炎临床观察
2.Clinical treatment of frozen shoulder using acupotomy, compared with local block therapy;针刀与局部封闭疗法对照治疗肩周炎55例临床疗效观察
4)shoulder periarthritis肩周炎
1.This article introduces the function and manipulations of acupoint Chengshan(BL57) and presents six proven cases of stiff neck,acute lumbar muscle sprain,hemorrhoids,dysmenorrheal,shoulder periarthritis and gastrocnemius strain,so as to claim that point Chengshan(BL57) has a wide function and can be used effectively and safely.笔者在临床中应用承山穴治疗过落枕、急性腰扭伤、痔疮、痛经、肩周炎和腓肠肌劳损取得较好效果,现报道如下。
2.Objective To study the clinical significance of MRI in examining shoulder periarthritis.目的探讨M R I在肩周炎检查中的临床意义。
3.This article introduces the indication,function and precaution of acupoint Tianzong (SI 11) and presents four proven cases of cervical spondylopathy,bronchitis,acute mastitis and shoulder periarthritis.介绍天宗穴的主治、功效、注意事项及其治疗颈椎病、支气管炎、急性乳腺炎、肩周炎等临床验案四
1.The clinical observation on the effect of local injection of 0.5% lidocaine in the treatment of acute omarthritis;0.5%利多卡因局部注射治疗急性期肩周炎临床观察
2.Massage and physical exercises in treatment for omarthritis of the aged;推拿配合功能锻炼治疗中老年人肩周炎38例
3.Internal medicine practices with release of 86 cases of severe omarthritis;中药内服配合手法松解治疗重症肩周炎86例
6)Periarthritis of shoulder (frozen shoulder)肩周炎(冻结肩)

尿道炎-关节炎-结膜炎综合征尿道炎-关节炎-结膜炎综合征 即“Reiter综合征”。多见于儿童。踝、膝关节易受累。可自愈,也可复发,发病期易与强直性脊柱炎及类风湿性关节炎混淆。治疗:休息,固定肢体,给止痛剂;有时需作滑膜切除术治疗慢性滑膜炎,足部关节有破坏时可考虑关节融合术。