《镜花缘》,Flowers in the Mirror
1)Flowers in the Mirror《镜花缘》
1.Relationship between "Flowers in the Mirror" and the Six Great Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty;琐谈《镜花缘》与明清六大小说的关系
2.Flowers in the Mirror and Book of Mountains and Seas;《镜花缘》和《山海经》
3.From the Imagination of Others to Self Mirror Image:The Inheritance and Development of the Overseas Legends in Flowers in the Mirror从他者想象到自我镜像——谈《镜花缘》对殊方异域传说的继承与发展

1.Investigating the Flowers in a Mirror--A Thorough Analysis of the Predestined Relationship of the Flowers in a Mirror;镜中看花——《镜花缘》思想艺术摭拾
2.The Empty Nature of Mirror and Flower,Doubtlessness Resulting From the Enlightenment--Taoism thought in "Romance of Mirror and Flower";镜花本空相,悟彻心无疑——《镜花缘》的道教思想再探
3.A Discussion on "Jing Hua Yuan"and Taoism Doctrine;试论《镜花缘》与道教“谪仙修道”母题的因缘
4.Irony in Gulliver s Travels and Flowers in the Mirror;《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》中的反讽
5.Textual Research of Birds, Beast, Herbs and Foreign Countries in the Flower in the Mirror;《镜花缘》中的鸟兽草木及海外异国考
6.Relationship between "Flowers in the Mirror" and the Six Great Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasty;琐谈《镜花缘》与明清六大小说的关系
7.LI Ru-zhen Allegory and Consciousness:Redefinition of Jing Hua Yan;李汝珍的自寓与觉悟——《镜花缘》新论
8.The Mirror and Flowers in the Context of Chinese Poetic Wisdom;试析中国诗性智慧语境下的《镜花缘》
9.A Moral Reading of the "Comity" and "Contention" in the "Kingdom of Gentility" of The Mirror and Flowers;《镜花缘》"君子国"里"让"与"争"的道德解析
10.A Brief Analysis on the Methods of Jinghuayuan Quoting Mythology from Shanhai Scriptures;《镜花缘》引用《山海经》神话手法浅析
11.The Moral Issues of "The Kingdom of Gentleman" in Jin Hua Yuan;《镜花缘》中“君子国”的道德问题
12.Transformation of Complaint to Jocularity--A Tentative Analysis of Li Ruzhen "sPlayful Psych" in His Novel The Mirror and Flowers;不满化为谐趣——李汝珍《镜花缘》“游戏心态”探析
13.The Reflection of the Self-image--To Analyze the Images of Others in Jinghuayuan;自我形象的映照——《镜花缘》中的“他者”形象透视
14.Female Characters in Flowers and Mirrors in Light of Wang Guowei s Idea of Aesthetic Education;从王国维人格美育思想探析《镜花缘》女性形象
15.A View of Female Ideals in Male-dominant Discourse of the Qing Dynasty Based on the Novel Jing Hua Yuan;从《镜花缘》看清代男权话语中的女性理想
16.A Work which Describes Overseas Trade in Qing Dynasty?--Flower in the Mirror;一部反映清代海外贸易信息的佳作——《镜花缘》
17.Flowers in the Mirror and Gulliver s Travels: A Comparative Study from the Perspective of Children s Literature;从儿童文学视角比较《镜花缘》和《格列佛游记》
18.An analysis of the alien images of the novel Experiences In Foreign Countries;千幻万化 难离其宗——《镜花缘》的异国形象分析

The Mirror and Flowers《镜花缘》
1.The Mirror and Flowers in the Context of Chinese Poetic Wisdom;试析中国诗性智慧语境下的《镜花缘》
2.A Moral Reading of the "Comity" and "Contention" in the "Kingdom of Gentility" of The Mirror and Flowers;《镜花缘》"君子国"里"让"与"争"的道德解析
3.Li Ruzhen, a novelist in the Qing Dynasty with profound knowledge of Confucianism and Taoism, displays his deep influence by the Taoist ideas in the novel The Mirror and Flowers.清人李汝珍于儒、释、道无所不窥,在《镜花缘》中表现出他深受道教观念的影响,而立善修德是其思想核心所在。
3)Jing Hua Yuan《镜花缘》
1.In Jing Hua Yuan,Li Nüzheng s ideal examinations in the women s examinations are as follows:the government should choose officials not according to the eight-part essay but to choose talents according to poems.《镜花缘》中的天朝女试是李汝珍理想的科举:不以八股取士,而以诗赋选才且不论官职,考生博学多才,考官清廉识才,考规宽厚优遇,充满人性化的色彩。
2.The novels of talent and learning is a particular novel genre, and the representative works are Yan Shan Wai Shi、 Yin Shi、 and Ye Sou Pu Yan, of which Jing Hua Yuan has the highest art value and thought value.才学小说是清代中期产生的一个比较特殊的小说流派,它以《野叟曝言》、《蟫史》、《燕山外史》、及《镜花缘》这四部小说为代表,其中以《镜花缘》的艺术价值和思想价值最高。
4)Jing Huayuan《镜花缘》
1.The Raise of Women Sense——Discussing Women s Liberation Sense in the Novel Jing Huayuan;女性意识的高扬——《镜花缘》女性解放思想之探讨
2.This article studies on the two masterpieces, "Dream of the Red Chamber" and "Jing Huayuan", which highly advocate women sense.本文以清代小说中高扬女性意识的两部杰作《红楼梦》《镜花缘》为研究对象,运用社会性别的理论,在简要梳理了明清小说中女性意识发展轨迹后,从三个方面对两部作品的女性意识进行较为深入的比较。
1.Discussion of Woman Consciousness in Jinghuayuan;对《镜花缘》女性意识的审视
2.A Brief Analysis on the Methods of Jinghuayuan Quoting Mythology from Shanhai Scriptures;《镜花缘》引用《山海经》神话手法浅析
3.Li Ruzhen has wide connections with scholars of Yangzhou School and his novel \%Jinghuayuan(Flowers in the Mirror)\% exhi.李汝珍与扬州学派的学者有广泛的联系 ,《镜花缘》中以学问为小说的特征和反封建、反理学的思想倾向 ,都与作者李汝珍受扬州学派影响有
6)Jing Hua Yuan镜花缘
1.The Essence of "Deifying"Has Been Misread——The review of the woman notion in Jing Hua Yuan;“神化”的实质是“误读”——对《镜花缘》中妇女观念的再认识
2.Using comparative research method, this text, from writing reason, theme, and writing method, expounds the similarities between Gulliver s Travels and jing hua yuan, and through author s different thoughts and difference in writing, it also shows us their differences.本文运用平行研究的方法论述了《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》的异同。
