健身运动,physical exercise
1)physical exercise健身运动
1.The research goal of this paper:It is to explore the convalescence treatment effect of physical exercise on patients with asthma.为了探讨健身运动对哮喘病患者康复治疗的作用 ,将 2 2例 4 2~ 4 6岁中老年轻、中度哮喘病患者按病情等情况分为大体相同的治疗组和对照组 (各 11例 ) ,治疗组进行有针对性的有计划的健身运动治疗 ,对照组不进行有计划的体育锻炼。
2.,were used in the essay to explore the relation between physical exercise and longevity from the view of human science and sports study.运用文献资料、社会调查、归纳演绎等研究方法,从人体科学和体育学的视角,对健身运动与健康长寿的关系进行探索,认为从积极有效地改善人体新陈代谢的状况来看,健身运动的作用是任何方法和药物都无法替代的。
3.Physical exercise affects mainly peoples, skeleton, muscle, heart vessels and immunity,which can stimulate the growth of bone and increase the density of bone and the strength of muscle physical exercise also has good prevention and effect on atherosclerosis and enhances immunity function.健身运动主要影响人体的骨骼、肌肉、心血管和免疫机能,刺激骨骼生长,增加骨密度;使肌纤维增粗,增加肌肉收缩力;对动脉硬化的发生、发展有良好的防治作用,同时增强机体的免疫功能。

1.On Sport s Influence on Physical and Mental Health of the Aged;浅析健身运动促进老年人的身心健康
2.The nationwide physical fitness campaign was carried forward.全民健身运动广泛开展。
3.The Effects that the Motive of Participate Healthful Athletics Exerts on Mental State Health;健身运动参与动机对心理健康的影响
4.Operation and Development of Track and Field Health Sports in School Fitness Domain田径健身运动在学校健身领域中的运作和发展
5.Physical exercises should be widely promoted for the sake of the people's health.广泛开展健身运动,增强人民健康水平。
6.Value to Popularize in Nationwide Fitness Programs of the Street Dance That Talk About Building up Body;谈健身街舞在全民健身运动中的推广价值
7.Exploration on Aerobic Fitness Exercise and Healthy Life Style;增氧健身运动与身心健康生活方式探索
8.The Relation between College Student s Physical Exercise Awareness and Townsman s Physical Activity;高校学生健身运动意识与城市居民健身关系
9.Experiment and study of the sports prescription on the teaching of fitness at universities and colleges;健身运动处方在普通高校健身课教学中的应用
10.Are you interested in working out in the gym? Many people are keen on physical fitness now.去健身房健身怎么样?现在很多人钟情于健身运动
11.Research on Humanistic Olympics and the Development of University Fitness Movement人文奥运与高校健身运动的发展研究
12.A Talk about the Utility Value of Vigorous and Graceful Callisthenic s in the National Health-building Campaign;浅析有氧健美操在全民健身运动中的运用价值
13.Developing Community PE(Physical Education) Culture Improving Nationwide Bodybuilding Campaign;发展社区体育文化 推动全民健身运动
14.By warming up before and cooling down after your workout.健身前要热身,健身后要做缓和运动。
15.Study on Physical Fitness Attribution and Physical Fitness Value of Track and Field;田径运动的健身属性及健身价值研究
16.Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.读书健脑,运动强身。
17.Exercise stimulates the body.运动促进身体健康。
18.Davis Aerobics Center for Good Health.Davis有氧运动健身中心。

1.On the Choice of Self-body-building Program;谈自我健身运动锻炼项目的选择
2.The article states the relations between health and the way of modern life in terms of the modem medical science,physiology,psychology,and pats forth that aerobic exercise is the scientific method of the body-building.从现代医学、生理学、心理学、社会 ,就健康与现代生活方式的关系进行论述 ,指出了有氧代谢运动是健身运动发展的度科学方
3.Therefore,the author investigates, summarizes and analyzes college teachers taking part in body-building with the methods of analyzing documents, interviewing face-to-face,and questionnaires.为此,通过采用文献资料分析、面访座谈和问卷调查等相结合的形式,对部分高校教师参与健身运动的情况进行了调查研究,并进行了总结和分析,找出了现实生活中影响高校教师参与健身运动的主要因素,并提出相应的建设性意见。
3)physical fitness exercise健身运动
1.Discussion on physical fitness exercises and physical education in school;试论健身运动与学校体育
4)fitness exercise健身运动
1.there is a close relation between exercise and psychological health and reasonable exercise may enhance mood and reduce anxiety.健身运动与心理健康之间有着密切的关系,科学的健身运动可以改善心境、降低焦虑和抑郁,分析健身运动与心理疾病治疗之间的关系,并指出了选择适当的运动项目治疗相应心理疾病的方法。
1.The Function Study of Music on Body-building;音乐在运动健身中的功能研究

南美洲运动会和南十字运动会  1922年在巴西举行过1届南美洲运动会,参加者限于南美洲国家。1978年在玻利维亚举行过 1届南十字运动会,参加国有阿根廷、玻利维亚、巴西、智利、厄瓜多尔、巴拉圭、秘鲁和乌拉圭8国。