治疗原则,therapeutic principle
1)therapeutic principle治疗原则
1.The imaging diagnosis and the opinion on therapeutic principle for traumatic orbital hematoma外伤性眶内血肿的影像学诊断和治疗原则的建议
2.Treatment guidance according to the general trend refers to the therapeutic principle in which the right trend should be followed and the evil trend be restrained to remove the pathogens from the exterior,the upper and the underneath,the body having harmonious yin and yang and curative condition.“因势利导”指顺从正势,扼制邪势,以驱除病邪,使邪气从外、上、下而解,促使机体阴阳自和,走向痊愈的治疗原则
3.It is proposed that therapeutic principle forsleep apnea hypopnea syndrome: to treat etiologically, keep upper airway patency, prevent and cure the complica-tions.临界压是指维持上气道开放所需的最低气道内压,其反映上气道塌陷的程度,其遵循Star-ling-Resistor模型的数学原理,能用加压振荡技术(Forcedoscillationtechnique,FOT)进行测定;提出了睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的治疗原则为:病因治疗、保持呼吸道通畅、防治并发症。

1.Study of the Mechanism of Vocal Cord Granulomas and Principles of Treatment声带突肉芽肿的发生机制及治疗原则
2.Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment principle of giant cell tumor of skull.目的探讨颅骨巨细胞瘤的诊断和治疗原则
3.Objective: To explore the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of brain posttraumatcc fever and its treatmental principle.目的:探讨脑外伤后发热的诊断及治疗原则
4.Pricinple of Diagnosis and Treatment of Recurrent Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma Clinical Report of One Case;复发卵巢上皮性癌诊断及治疗原则(附1例)
5.Clinical Manifestations and Therapentic Principles of Female Hypertension in Different Age;女性不同时期高血压的临床特征与治疗原则
6.On the Treatment Principles and Practical Application of Client-centered Therapy Pattern论人本中心模式的治疗原则与实务运用
7.Diagnosis and Treatment Principle of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Children儿童特发性血小板减少性紫癜诊断治疗原则
8.Analysis of Therapeutic Principles of Shang Han Lun on Complicated Pathogenesis and Syndromes探析《伤寒论》对复杂病机证候的治疗原则
9.Operation indication and treatment principle of benign breast disease乳腺良性疾病手术适应证及其治疗原则
10.Objective study clinical manifestations, pathogeru treatment and prognosis of child mycoplasmal pneumonia.目的探讨小儿支原体肺炎的临床表现及病因,治疗原则及预后。
11.It is proposed that therapeutic principle forsleep apnea hypopnea syndrome: to treat etiologically, keep upper airway patency, prevent and cure the complica-tions.提出了睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征的治疗原则为:病因治疗、保持呼吸道通畅、防治并发症。
12.Optimization and Individualization in the Blood Pressure Lowering Management and Reaching Target Blood Pressure;降压达标治疗中的个体化原则与优化治疗
13.Psychiatrists Help Patients to Catch up with the "Turtle":Spatiotemporal value on psychotherapy at present;论心理治疗“此时此地”原则的时空价值
14.We usually treated patients with epidermoid cancer with surgery and postoperative radiotherapy.治疗则依病理特性而定,原则上上皮癌以手术与放射线合并治疗。
15.Studies on therapeutic principles of osteoporosis healed with TCM;中医药治疗原发性骨质疏松症的治则研究
16.If can make clear bilirubin to add tall account, should be aimed at pathogeny cure.若能明确胆红素增高的原因,则应针对病因治疗。
17.The Principle and its Related Factors of Informed Consent in Psychological Counseling and Therapy;心理咨询和治疗的知情同意原则及其影响因素
18.Ethical Principles and Problems in Psychotherapy And Counseling;心理治疗和咨询中的伦理学问题和原则

treatment principle治疗原则
3)therapeutic principles治疗原则
1.Shang Han Lun(Treatise on Febrile Diseases) is one of the classics of traditional Chinese medicine containing lots of therapeutic principles for the treatment of complicated pathogenesis and syndromes,which can give us enlightenment.《伤寒论》是中医古典名著之一,其中包含很多对复杂病机证候的治疗原则,很能启迪后学,这些治疗原则对当今中医临床医生来说仍具有较强的指导性。
4)Treating principle治疗原理
5)Treatment principle治理原则
1.The distribution characteristics of concrete cracks are introduced as well as their causing reasons and hazards; at the same time corresponding treatment principle and method are presented.简述了混凝土裂缝的分布特点、原因及其危害,介绍了裂缝的治理原则和治理方法,指出应根据不同情况、裂缝的形成原因来选择裂缝治理方法,以延长建筑结构的耐久性和使用寿命。
6)settled principle处治原则

治疗原则治疗原则 治疗疾病的基本规则。它应该包括:合理的科学设计,有充分的理论和实践依据;针对患者疾病情况有的放矢,而不盲目运用无关的治疗措施;对患者疾病有积极的治疗意义;突出重点,抓住主要矛盾,辅助治疗与主要治疗相一致,根据不同的病情采取不同的治疗原则。