中年女性,middle-aged women
1)middle-aged women中年女性
1.Analysis of the Factors of Life Satisfaction of Middle-aged women in the City——An Empirical Study of Women aged 34 to 49, in some Community, Xinhua, Jiangsu;城市中年女性生活满意度影响因素分析——以江苏省兴化市某社区34~49岁女性为例
2.Sub-health in middle-aged women and Yangming meridian life-cultivation中年女性亚健康与阳明养生
3.As middle-aged women s unique role in the family and society,they undertake a very heavy psychological pressure,and the way to relieve the psychological pressure is limited.由于中年女性特殊的社会及家庭角色,心理压力极重,而转嫁心理压力的途径有限。

1.Plantar pressure distribution of middle aged and elder women on normal walking;中年女性与老年女性正常行走足底压力分布特征
2.The Articles and Opinions Of Feminism and the Women s Writing in the 1990s Of China;女权主义文论与90年代中国女性写作
3.Women s Relation in Women Text in the 1990 s Modern Literature;论20世纪90年代女性文本中的女性关系
4.Feminist Narration in Normality--On Female Narrative of "17-Year" Literature;规范中的女性言说——浅论“十七年”小说的女性叙事
5.The Literary and Artistic Creation of the Images of Chinese Women and the Concern for Them in the Past Thirty Years;近三十年中国女性文艺形象塑造与女性关怀
6.The Female World in Humanistic Care--On the essay by the Female Writers in the 1920s;人文关怀中的女性世界——论二十年代女性散文
7.Female Imagery s Human Nature Camouflage of Chinese Opera in 1957-1966;1957-1966年中国歌剧女性形象的人性遮蔽
8.Maternity writing of the female literature in 1980s;20世纪80年代女性文学中的母性书写
9.The Relations of the Young And Middle-Aged Females;异性人际关系与中青年女性的社会化
10.The Feminine Image in Women s Rights/Feminine Principle Literary Criticism since 1980;1980年代以来女权/女性主义文学批评中的女性形象
11.A woman who is the eldest or senior member of a group.女老前辈一个团体中最年长或地位最高的女性
12.The Research of Feminism Inclinations about Youthful Literate Feminine in Media;青年知识女性在媒介中的女权倾向研究
13.On the lonely women in the novel "The Centural Loneliness;孤独的女人——试论《百年孤独》中的女性形象
14.It is the close friend of young city ladies;她是都市年轻女性的闺中密友;
15.the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play.戏剧中天真朴实的年轻女性角色。
16.On the Female Mass Audience Study of China Since 1994;1994年以来的中国女性受众研究
17.The Study of the Age of Retirement of Chinese Female Civil Servant;中国女性公务人员退休年龄问题研究
18.The Feminine Image of Revolution Historial Novel in 17 Years;“十七年”革命历史小说中的女性形象

middle aged women中年女性
1.The health relating knowledge-attitude-practice questionnaire for the middle aged women: the development and the reliability and validity test中年女性健康知、信、行问卷初步编制及信、效度检验
2.The aerobics is a kind of effectual sports exercising way most suitable for middle aged women,which can do exercises effective improvement in her physique,shape also.有氧健身操运动是一种最适合中年女性的行之有效的体育锻炼方式,经常参加能有效的改善其形体、形态、提高心肺功能;本课题主要探讨俱乐部有氧健身操模式对中年女性身心健康的影响。
3)middle-aged female中年女性
1.Effects on improving heart and lung function for middle-aged females by body-building exercise;有氧健身操对增强中年女性心肺功能的作用
2.The thesis would be the reference for the studies assessment on the physical health of middle-aged female.笔者采用自制健身操运动处方,指导两个社区60名中年女性进行16周锻炼,并对实验者分别在实验前、实验8周后和实验16周后进行体质测试,通过统计分析体质的变化,进而分析和探讨本运动处方对中年女性身体形态、心肺功能和身体基本素质的影响,为改善其身体健康状况提供科学的依据,为本研究制定的有氧健身操运动处方进行科学性论证。
4)mid-aged women中年女性
1.The proportion of the mid-aged women who take in part in exercising is at present not very high with the main reasons such as heavy house work, lack of sports courts and equipments, and unavailability to professional guidance, which prevent a majority of them from doing exercises.在所有参与锻炼的女性群体中,中年女性的锻炼行为在女性群体中起着承上启下的作用,她们既可以影响比自己年龄小的下一代对体育锻炼的看法,对其体育锻炼习惯的养成有着十分重要的作用,同时也可以为日后走入老年后的体育锻炼打下基础。
2.The group of mid-aged women usually burdens the heavy pressure from job、family、society and health、society should have had a crying need for physical training, but actual survey indicates a few can insist on taking exercise, so often, it\'s of particular importance to study the physical training motivations and physical training constraints of mid-aged women.中年女性这一群体往往担负着沉重的来自工作、家庭、社会、健康的压力,因此对体育锻炼应该有急迫的需求,但通过实际的观察发现,她们中只是一部分人能够坚持锻炼,因此对中年女性体育锻炼动机和体育锻炼制约的研究,显得尤为重要。
5)Middle-Aged and Old Women中老年女性
1.Beautiful Sunshine——About the Dressing Beauty of the Middle-Aged and Old Women;霜叶红于二月花——也谈中老年女性的服饰美
2.This article offers an analytical examination into the effect of aerobics exercise on middle-aged and old Women s physiology and psychology by documentation and comparison.通过文献资料法和对比分析法,分析有氧健身操对中老年女性生理、心理等方面的影响。
6)middle-aged women中老年女性
1.The purpose of this study is to obtain basic data and to investigate the characteristic of the middle-aged women's body form to help us to study the pattern making of the comfortable and fitted clothes for the middle-aged women.通过对具有代表性的中老年女性常见体型瘦体和胖体各一人、具有对比性质的青年女性胖体和瘦体各一人进行人体测量,比较研究了中老年女性与青年女性的体型差异,揭示了中老年女性体型特征,为舒适合体的中老年服装纸样设计提供依据。
2.The author uses sport-experiment method and tests middle-aged women about their haemorheology.采用实验法,对参加6个月杨式太极推手与套路锻炼的50-60岁中老年女性心血管功能指标进行测试,结果表明:杨式推手运动强度属于中等强度有氧运动,适合中老年女性锻炼;推手与太极拳套路结合锻炼比单独太极拳锻炼更能提高中老年人有氧工作能力;在一定范围内太极拳术锻炼对中老年人心血管机能的改善程度与运动强度成正相关,运动强度越大,心血管机能改善效果越明显。
