医学目的,Medical purpose
1)Medical purpose医学目的
1.In order to assure health utility s development, we have to reconsider our health reform, and reintroduce that it must be subordinated to medical purpose.为保证医药卫生事业的健康发展 ,重新思考和提出改革必须服从医学目的
2.To solve them, we should change the medical purpose of our country.目前我国高血压的防治工作状况令人担忧,高血压防治面临的问题很多,要解决这些问题,首先要转变医学目的,制定以预防为主的高血压防治策略,政府和卫生部门应制定并实施适合我国的高血压健康教育计划,加大广大农村地区高血压防治的投入,依靠社区医疗机构,提高高血压的知情率和服药率,防治高血压。

1.Goals of Medicine:"Must"or"Fitting"?;医学目的:“该然”抑或“适然”?
2.The Medical Purpose,Reform Target and Constructing Harmonious Society;医学目的、卫生改革目标与建构和谐社会
3.The Study on the Training Objectives for Clinical Medical Undergraduates in the Military Medical University;军医大学临床医学专业本科培养目标的研究
4.New Medical Goals in 21th Century and Medical Education Reform;21世纪新的医学目标与高等医学教育改革
5.Deep reason of medical development, perfect medical process, mutually benefice and profit of doctor-patient is goal of doctor-patient communication.它的目的是:医学发展的深层动因;完善医疗过程;医患互惠双赢。
6.Discussion on the objective and method of teaching English for Chinese medicine purpose中医专业英语教学目的及方法的探讨
7.an MRC-funded project医学研究委员会资助的项目.
8.The university now has two large affiliated hospitals.目前学校拥有两个大型的附属医院。
9.Current Drug Treatment Consideration of Coronary Heart Disease on Evidence Based Medicine;从循证医学看目前冠心病的药物治疗
10.Discuss the Catalogue Document Value of The Reading Summary to Medical Books by CAO He论曹禾《医学读书志》的目录文献价值
11.Aim: Probing acquaintanceship status in community healty service (CHS) for medico.目的 :探讨高校医学生对学习社区医学和社区卫生服务的认知。
12.Goal Structure Set by Medical Freshmen in a Medical University某医科大学临床医学本科一年级学生目标设置的结构研究
13.For now the advances are largely coming from the IT industry, not the medical sector, which is noted for its conservatism.目前,医学界的IT业有了很大进步,当然不是在保守的一医学领域。
14.Survey of pharmaceutical college students reasons for higher education;医药院校大学生上大学目的的调查分析
15.Asian Regional Cooperative Project of Medical and Biological Applications of Nuclear Techniques核技术的医学和生物学应用亚洲区域合作项目
16.Objective To investigate the characteristics of abnormal gestation and birth on the basis of medical genetics.目的探讨不良孕产史医学细胞遗传学主要特征。
17.Reflection on College English teaching by Virtue of UK Senior Care Assistants Program of Anhui Medical College赴英高级护理助理项目对医学英语教学的启示
18.Reflections on the Goal and Orientation of Medical Physics Teaching Through a Questionnaire Investigation;医用物理学教学的目标与定位问卷调查与思考

medical goal医学目的
1.Modern medical goal is based on the traditionally medical goal, is the development and succession of it and is confirmed just after retrospecting the traditionally medical goal.乳腺癌的治疗方法的变化 ,恰好说明了传统医学目的与现代医学目的不是对立或相互排斥 ,而是辩证的统一。
3)non-medical goal非医学目的
1.The writer presupposes that genetic enhancement of non-medical goal were safe and valid, analyses some opinions arguing for and against genetic enhancement of non-medical goal, points out strength and weakness of different ideas, and thinks the difference of various points of view is a conflict of goodness and goodness.以非医学目的基因增强的安全性和有效性为假设前提,分析了赞成与反对非医学目的基因增强的各种主要观点,指出各种观点的合理性和不足之处,认为各种观点间的分歧是一种善与善的冲突。
4)Reconsider about Medical Purpose医学目的再思考
5)medical goals医学目标
1.New medical goals in 21th century and quality education of medical students;21世纪新的医学目标与医学生素质教育的探讨
2.Facing to a transformation of society and new problems of Health care system in twenty-first century,traditional medical goals have many challenges.面对 2 1世纪社会发展和卫生保健系统的新困境 ,传统的医学目标遇到很多挑战 ,现代医学的目标已经形成新的目标。
6)Compendium of Medicine医学纲目
1.Compendium of Medicine,a medical work of Ming Dynasty,written by Lou Ying(1565),is one of most distinguishing books.《医学纲目》是元明间楼英所撰写 ,在嘉庆 4 4年 (15 6 5 )刊行流布的一本在编撰体例上很有特色的中医书籍。

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。