盈亏,profit and loss
1)profit and loss盈亏
1.Application research on optimization model for tax planning in profit and loss compensation;优化模型在盈亏抵补纳税筹划中应用的研究
2.Use the average mariginal profit ratio to calculate the equilibrium point of profit and loss.利用平均边际收益率计算盈亏平衡点,利用平均单位售价和平均单位变动成本计算盈亏平衡点,利用固定费用分摊法计算盈亏平衡

1.collect funds for oneself and take responsiBility for one's own profits and losses自筹资金,自负盈亏
2.The profits and losses of that factory are on par.那个工厂的盈亏相抵。
3.for the account and risk of代¥买卖而盈亏由¥自负
4.BEP [breakeven point ]保本点、盈亏临界点[
5.Be independent in management and responsible for one's own profits and losses自主经营,自负盈亏
6.An economic entity having full responsibility for its own profits and losses自负盈亏的经济实体
7.Conduct(Business)accounts independently and assume full responsibility for profits and losses独立核算,自负盈亏
8.breakeven point盈亏平衡点, 平均转效点
9.Did your read our Profit and Loss statement for last month?你看了我们上个月的盈亏报告了吗?
10.It had previously forecast it would break even.此前,公司预期第一季度盈亏持平。
11.trade on one's own account交易所会员自负盈亏的买卖
12.A war had its own system of balances战争自有其独特的盈亏计算法。
13."Operate independently, assume sole responsibility for its profits and losses, seek self-development and self-reliance"自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展,自我约束
14.The policy of assuming full responsibility for one's own profits and losses and operating without restrictions自负盈亏、放开经营的政策
15.share investment, management, risks and responsiBility for profits or losses共同投资、共同经营、共担风险、共负盈亏
16.They agreed to work on shares.他们同意合伙干, 共负盈亏
17.When the well be full , It will run over .水满则溢,月盈则亏。
18.retained earnings (accumulated deficit)保留盈余(或累积亏损)

Profit and loss points盈亏点
3)plus and minus work盈亏功
4)break even盈亏平衡
5)profit and lose grade盈亏品位
6)ecological surplus and deficit生态盈亏

盈亏1.语出《易.谦》:"天道亏盈而益谦。"本谓自然之道盈满者则亏减之。后多以"盈亏"指增减;盈满或亏损。 2.指月之圆缺。 3.犹得失。 4.指胜负。 5.指企业或事业的赚钱或赔本。