健康长寿,health and longevity
1)health and longevity健康长寿
1.This paper discusses the problem from the meaning, the standard and six suggestions of such people s health and longevity, hence concludes that the health and longevity of the aged is one of those important social systems engineering.促进老年人健康长寿 ,提高老年人的社会价值 ,已成为全社会所要关心和探讨的问题。
2.Health and longevity are radical goals for life-cultivation of human being.健康长寿是养生保健的根本目标,人类对此进行了广泛的探索和历史的研究与实践。

1." To conclude, I wish you all good health and a long life""最后,祝大家健康长寿。"
2.If he wants to keep fit and live longer,如果他想健康长寿
3.I present you lifetime pass.我祝愿您健康长寿
4.Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity!祝你健康长寿,幸福愉快,事业兴旺。
5.Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity.祝你幸福快乐,健康长寿,事业发达!
6.Review of the relationship between contemporary health definition and traditional Chinese health-cultivation,self-restrain and virtue nurture;传统养生、涵养道德与健康长寿之原理
7.The Construction on the Estimation Index System about the Environment-Health-Longevity County环保健康长寿之乡评价指标体系构建
8.A Study on the Relationship between All-sided Self Health Care and Long Life全方位自我保健对健康长寿关系的研究
9.Impacts of Tourism and Exercise on Healthy Longevity;旅游和健身锻炼与健康长寿关系的定量研究
10.One day a neighbor asked him,"To what do you attribute your good health and longevity."一天,一位邻居问他,“你认为健康长寿的原因何在?”
11.The setting sun still shines bright in the green mountains. May you be in good health and live a long life in happiness!"日落青山夕照明",愿您晚年幸福,健康长寿!
12.Physical Teaching Is the Project of Vital and Lasting Importance for Type A Behavior Pattern to Keep Healthy and Long-lived;体育教学是A型性格健康长寿的百年大计
13.Chievements in Domestic and Foreign Health & Longevity Study and Its Developing Trend;国内外健康长寿的研究成果及发展态势
14.Study on the Psychological Status and the Healthy Longevity of the Oldest-Old in China;高龄老人心理状况与健康长寿关系研究
15.A Study of the Relations Beween the Education Level of the Senile People and the Health Condition as Well as Longevity;高龄老人受教育程度与健康长寿关系研究
16.The seventh rule is well-known- you are what you eat.长寿的第七条法则大伙众所周知--饮食决定健康。
17.A diet which includes meat, fish, vegetables and fruit is ideal.为了长寿和健康, 我们必须有平衡的饮食。
18.Leg power can save you money, keep you fit and help you live longer.步行既可以省钱,保持健康,又有助于长寿。

good health and a long life健康长寿
1.The essential element of the human body & good health and a long life;人体必需元素与健康长寿
2.With the improvement of peoples life, most people pay close attention to the topic about good health and a long life, and nutrition quality.随着人们生活水平的提高 ,追求健康长寿、追求营养质量已成为普遍现象 树立科学的平衡营养观 ,正确理解微量元素的二重性 ,是人们走出全营养、高营养误区的对策 ,是引导人们自觉地实施多样化膳食、促进健康长寿的关
3)I wish you good health and a long life.祝您健康长寿!
4)I wish you good healty and a long life.祝您健康长寿。
5)v I want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!
6)Health expectancy健康寿命
1.In this article,we mainly discuss the significance of the study;meaning and concepts,theoretical hypotheses,measurement and calculation,research status of health expectancy in domestic and overseas,as well as the problems faced in the studies of health expectancy.健康寿命正是这样一个既可以测量生命数量也可以测量生命质量的指标。

长寿  见人类老龄化。