
1."Mrs. Chang and Miss Chin.“姑太太和琴小姐。
2.Mary: Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Sinatra, Mrs. Pidgeon and Mrs. Peck.玛丽:泰勒太太、西纳特拉太太,皮约翰太太和派克太太。
3.Dar's Miss Merriwether an' Miss Elsing a-bowin' to you."梅里韦瑟太太和埃尔辛太太给你鞠躬呢。
4.The master and mistress have been worried!"先生和太太都直不放心
5.solar atmosphere and solar activities太阳大气和太阳活动
6.He and his wife are both into art.他和他太太都迷恋艺术。
7.They're Mr and Mrs Long.他们是龙先生和龙太太。
8.Degree Adverb“太_1”and“太_2”;谈程度副词“太_1”和“太_2”
9.Did Mr Hill divorce his wife or did she divorce him?是希尔先生要和他太太离婚,还是他太太要和他离婚呢?
10.Dvid Mr Hill divorce his wife or did she divorce him?是希尔先生要和他太太离婚,还是他太太要和他离婚?
11.relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun.和太阳有关或太阳发出,或太阳能的使用。
12.It 's get too hard trying to juggle three responsibility - - have a career and be a mother and housewife .工作、做妈妈和太太—— 一人三职是太辛苦了。
13.It's got too hard trying to juggle three responsibility-- had a career and is a mother and housewife.工作、做妈妈和太太-- 一人三职是太辛苦了。
14.I do not like to spend a lot of time with my wife's relatives.我不喜欢花太多时间和太太家的亲戚来往。
15.It 's getting too hard trying to juggle three responsibility - - having a career and being a mother and housewife .工作、做妈妈和太太——一人三职是太辛苦了。
16.It 's getting too hard trying to juggle three responsibilities - - have a career and be a mother and housewife.工作、做妈妈和太太--一人三职是太辛苦了
17.The woodcutter and his wife often scolded him and said,樵夫和他太太常常责备他说:
18.I remember you and your wife我便一直记得你和你太太

Protect with too with保和太和
3)Cida and Taihe茨达和太和
1.Geochronology of Layered Intrusions in Cida and Taihe Districts,Panxi Area,Sichuan Province;攀西茨达和太和层状岩体时代
4)harmonious Taihu Lake和谐太湖
1.The meeting laid a solid theoretical foundation for the environmental protection,tourism development and the building of harmonious Taihu Lake.与会代表就太湖的发展和保护等重要问题进行了深入讨论,取得了广泛共识,并为保护环境、发展旅游、共建和谐太湖打下了坚实的理论基础。
5)Taihe Dian太和殿
1.A Study of the Large Timber Construction Work at the Hall of Supreme Harmony(Taihe Dian)in the 34th Year of the Kangxi Emperor(1695);康熙三十四年建太和殿大木结构研究
2.Five talismanic boards were placed in the ceiling of Taihe Dian,the Hall of Supreme Harmony - in the north,east,south,west and center.太和殿顶棚上东、西、南、北、中五个方向上分别供奉着五块符板,每块符板上镌刻了佛教常见的经咒(陀罗尼)、咒牌和宫宅神王尊名以及道教七十二镇宅灵符,反映出清代宫廷佛道合一、汉藏佛教交融现象的普遍存在。
1.The main components of the Yonghe--Taibao granitic pluton are calc-alkali quartz diorite and monzonite.永和太保花岗岩体主要为钙碱性石英闪长岩和二长花岗岩。
