1.Overviewing the historical development of feminism,and combining with a lateral investigation into the all-embracing quality and attitude of feminism,this paper is to reveal that,as a whole,women have shown their perseverance in the struggle for living space as well as their sincerity in the efforts which orientated to pursuing the cultural ideal of harmony.纵观女性主义的历史发展,结合横向考察其兼容并蓄的素质和态度,即可发现,女性作为一个整体,既表明了自己奋争于追求生存空间的恒心,同时又在种种形式的抗争中表达了以追求双性和谐文化理想为努力方向的诚意

1."I am in earnest," said the Prince.“我是诚心诚意的”,王子说。
2.I wish with all my heart, Sir.我诚心诚意地希望,老爷。
3.Sincere desire, the other part of Chinese character“ Cheng” means success.诚心诚意,“诚”字的另一半就是成功。
4.I honour you--and that is sincere too.我向你表示敬意--同样是诚心诚意的。
5.She leaned slightly forward with a conscientious expression.她身子微微前倾,一脸诚心诚意的神情。
6.He cries you mercy with all his heart.他是诚心诚意地请你原谅。
7.We can confide in Barbara's sincerity and honesty.我们可以信赖芭芭拉的诚意与诚实。
8.I wish with all my heart she were well settled.我诚心诚意地希望她好好攀门亲事。
9.Madame Magloire liked to call him Your Grace [Votre Grandeur].马格洛大娘诚心诚意地称他做“大人”。
10.For some ten minutes of it he tried loyally to sleep.有这么十分钟,他是诚心诚意想要睡觉。
11.There are men in this quarter who could announce in all sincerity that trousers are beauty,这里的人会诚心诚意地宣称裤子是美,
12.with singleness of purpose [mind, heart]目的专一地,目标单纯地,诚心诚意
13.I hope you'll be happy with all my heart and soul.我真心诚意地祝你幸福。
14.in good faith and in a spirit of cooperation本着诚意与合作精神
15.His bona fides are unquestionable.他的诚意不容置疑。
16.His sincerity is undoubted.他的诚意是无容置疑的。
17.Her sincerity has never been questioned.她的诚意从未受到怀疑.
18.He questioned her sincerity.他对她的诚意表示怀疑。

Sincerity of Will诚意
1.This is mainly embodied in his doctrines of Vigilance-in-Solitude and Sincerity of Will.他顺应了当时王学修正运动的潮流,对王学作了很多补偏救弊的工作,这主要体现在他的慎独与诚意学说之中。
3)sincere desire诚心诚意
4)honesty outlook诚信意识
1.The honesty outlook is the Chinese national virtue.大众传媒编辑作为精神文化产品的把关人,其诚信意识直接关系到传媒文化产品传播的质量和效果,影响着党和国家以及传媒的公信力。
2.<Abstrcat>As the professional inspector of medium culture in its transmission, the editor will determine the quality and effect of cultural products of the media and the direction of advanced culture through his honesty outlook. 编辑的诚信意识是编辑对诚信道德的认知、理解、态度及其情感倾向性的一种理性认识。
5)credit consciousness诚信意识
1.Therefore we should deeply understand the significance of credit and reveal serious loss of economy because of locking credit and establish credit consciousness and credit system.为此 ,应深刻认识诚信的意义 ,揭示由于诚信缺失为经济造成的严重损失 ,树立诚信意识 ,建立诚信制
6)significance of good faith诚信意义

诚意1.使心志真诚。语出《礼记.大学》﹕"欲正其心者﹐先诚其意。" 2.心意真诚。 3.指真诚的心意。