1.The key of Shou-yang-shan-fu lies in criticizing Boyi and Shuqi.阮籍《首阳山赋》的关键在于批评伯夷、叔齐的二段文字,文章根据有关史料及阮籍相关作品,认为这段文字表面上是批评伯夷、叔齐,实际上是阮籍表达强烈的悲愤和深刻的自责。

1.Confucius said: "Po Yi and Shu Chi did not keep others' former wrongdoings in mind, and so there was little resentment against them."子曰:「伯夷、叔齐不念旧恶,怨是用希。」
2.Fang Tun-weng added an entry to his diary poking fun at his son for trying to imitate the Chou dynasty recluses Po Yi and Shu Ch'i by "not eating the grain of Chou."方遯翁日记上添了一条,笑儿子做“不食周粟”的伯夷叔齐
3."Shushu"(叔叔) and "Shu"(叔)--talk from the ambiguity of "YongCheng Shushu";“叔叔”和“叔”——从“永成叔叔”的歧义说起
4.Baoshu descendants generations in family eat salary, received a10- generation uses, often become famous doctor.鲍叔的子孙世世代代在齐国吃俸禄,得到了封地的有十多代,常常成为有名的大夫。
5.Hi, I'm Uncle Booky.嗨,我是布克叔叔。
6.An uncle is a relation.叔叔(舅舅)是亲属。
7.----Arthur Schopenhauer----A.叔本华。
8.Uncle George is always running down the government.乔治叔叔总是诋毁政府。
9.What has become of your uncle ?你叔叔的情况怎么样?
10.Was it necessary that my uncle should be informed?有必要通知我叔叔吗?
11.The nephew made free with his uncle' s money.这侄儿乱花他叔叔的钱。
12.My uncle instructs people how to drive cars.我叔叔教别人开汽车。
13.Come away with your uncle tomorrow.明天和你叔叔一起走。
14."Take me swimming, Uncle Jack!"带我游泳去,杰克叔叔!
15.Uncle George is really nowhere.乔治叔叔实在古板。
16.He was cradled in the house of his uncle.他是在叔叔家中长大的。
17.My uncle lives in New York City.我叔叔住在纽约城,
18.slavered over his rich uncle;奉承他有钱的叔叔;

Boyi Shuqi伯夷叔齐
3)Shu Ce叔
1.The Research of Shu Ce Square Ancient Cooking Vessel Posy Found in Beizhao Jin Marquis s Grave;北赵晋侯墓出土叔矢方鼎铭文研究
5)Qi state齐
1.The alliance in Shaoling is a great event in pre-Qin history period,especially for the relation between Qi state and Chu state in Spring and Autumn period."召陵之盟"是先秦史上的大事件,尤其是春秋时期齐、楚关系史上的大事件。
1.Then the article analyzes separately the words of "lun", "wu", "qi" and holds the opinion that the original meanings of Zhuangzi is making every thing equal by using dao.总结了历年注《庄》者对《齐物论》的题解 ,按照注者理解的角度不同将其分为三大种六小类 ,然后分别分析“论”、“物”、“齐”三个字 ,认为庄子“齐物论”之本义应为 :以“道”齐
