
1.Wu - ming, Wu - gong, Wu - ji and Aesthetic Personality in Zhuangzi;无名、无功、无己与庄子的审美人格
2.Have no friends not equal to yourself.“无友不如己者。”
3.feel secure about one's future对自己的前途无忧无虑
4.But I myself is nobody of any operas.只是我自己与戏剧无缘
5.For herself she wanted nothing.她为她自己并无所求,
6.He who want a mule without fault must walk on foot .买骡无缺点,只好自己走。
7.You cannot be the master of (ie decide) your own fate.你无法决定自己的命运.
8.You cannot Be the master of your own fate.你无法决定自己的命运。
9.Once I almost couldn't coutrol myself.我曾经无法控制自己。
10.He couldn't govern his temper.他无法控制自己的脾气。
11.To let(oneself)become unable to find the way.迷路使(自己)无法找到路
12.He avowed himself (to be) an atheist.他供认自己是无神论者。
13.He exculpate himself from a charge of theft.他辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑。
14.exculpate oneself from a charge of theft辩白自己无盗窃嫌疑
15.He maintained his innocence.他坚持自己是无辜的。
16.He averred that he was innocent.他坚称自己是无辜的。
17.She owned her weakness.她承认自己软弱无能。
18.He is unworthy to live who lives only for himself.活着只为己,活着无价值。

without conduct and self无为无己
3)spiritually self-seclusive精神无己
4)Cheng Wuji成无己
5)It doesn't hurt oneself于己无损
6)A sage is selfless至人无己

无己1.犹无我。 2.不固执己见。