1.The Study of The Scholars’ Research Wangzhi on The Qing Dynastyand The Time When It Was Written;清代《王制》研究及其成篇年代考

1.This crown was made especially for the King.王冠是专为国王制造的。
2.arbitrary rule [monarchy]专制统治 [王国]
3.In our understanding, the relevance of king and monarchy ended after the royal palace massacre.我们认为,王室惨案后,国王和君主制就终结了。
4.In constitutional monarchy,the king and the queen are only nominal.在君主立宪制中,国王和 王后只是象征性的,
5.The Perspective on Despotism through the Researching of the Economic Management by the King in Ptolemaic Egypt从托勒密埃及国王的经济管理透视专制王权
6.What, if any, are the limits on the power of the sovereign?如果王权的权力有限制,限制为何?
7.The King Under the Mountains is the king of kings among the dwarves, and it is he who sets policy and summons them to war.“山底之王”是所有矮人国王中的王者,他有权利制定法律,召唤其他国王参战。
8.Jewels in the crown? Or dollars in the making?王冠上的珠宝?或是制作中的货币?
9.The form of Akkadian used in Babylonia.用于巴比伦王国的阿卡德体制
10.The king will have to clip his minister 's wing in order to keep power himself国王要保持权力就得限制大臣的权力
11.The king's suBjects protested against his imperialism.国王的臣民反对他的帝制。
12.The king's army vanquished the rebels.国王的军队制服了叛乱者。
13.Mr Wang, would you please tell me something about exchange control?王先生,您能不能给我说说外汇管制?
14.Kingship is not hereditary, though it is a lifetime post.王位并非世袭,尽管是终身制的。
15.According to this system, the King owned all the land personally.②据此制度,国王拥有全国所有土地。
16.The king kept the conquered people under for 50 years国王控制 被征服的人民达50年之久。
17."Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold."王用象牙制造一个大宝座,用精金包裹。
18.a kingdom (constitutional monarchy) in northwestern Africa.非洲西北部的一个君主立宪制的王国。

Wang Mang's reform王莽改制
3)Confucian reform素王改制
1.He interpreted the thoughts of ancient classics,popularized the Confucian reforms,called for the Reform Movement of 1898 and advocated cultural antiforeignism by rejuvenating the Confucianism.近代经学大师皮锡瑞一生究心于学术与政治的完美结合,他阐发义理思想,宣扬素王改制,为维新变法摇旗呐喊。
4)royal autocracy王权专制
5)the Cane System王杖制
6)principle of kingly system王制思想
