1.The Thesis of Qunshu——Making Commentary on differences between Shu and Xu;群舒略论——兼论舒徐异源

1.The packet stood out to sea.小船往海里远去。
2.My parachute eased me groundward.降落伞载着我下落。
3.That floats along the slowly ebbing wave;飘过退却的波浪;
4.He trickled the water into the container.他将水注入容器中。
5.The breeze fanned our faces.微风吹在我们脸上。
6.A thin column of smoke climbed into the sky.一缕轻烟升入天空。
7.A red flag slowly went up the pole.一面红旗升起。
8.They moved slowly forward, looking to the right and to the left.他们前进,左右观看。
9.My Teacher Mr. Xu Three Strokes三下老师 (节选)
10.Xu Huabei smiled. "That's right.华北笑了:“没错。
11.Darkness was creeping up as I came back to the school.当我回到学校时,夜幕正降临。
12.The cool breeze fanned his hot face.凉风吹在他火热的脸上。
13.Thou watchest the last oozings, hours by hours.你耐心地瞧着滴下的酒浆。
14.Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat-like paddling.有的还未厌倦那船一样的的划行。
15.Night crept up again through the gorges.夜色再度从谷里升起。
16.Carriage doors began to open as the train drew in火车进站后,车厢门便开始打开。
17.The rising sun lit up the earth, the forest, and the plains.上升的朝阳照亮了大地、林和草原。
18.The road was jammed with rickshaws at the hospital gate.这时车已的转出大门。

1.The Thesis of Qunshu——Making Commentary on differences between Shu and Xu;群舒略论——兼论舒徐异源
3)Xu Yu徐
1.There were obvious tendency of mysticism in Xu Yus aesthetic thinking and literary creation.徐的美学思想及文学创作有着明显的神秘主义倾向。
4)Discussing Xuji s Viewpoint about Literature论徐积的文学观念
1.Shrinkage and creep of high-strength lightweight aggregate concrete;高强轻骨料混凝土收缩和徐变试验
2.The sidewall fracture of the shaft and the creep of concrete;井壁破裂与砼的徐变破坏
3.Long-period contraction creep forecast of concrete based on short-period test;基于短期试验预测混凝土长期收缩徐变
1.Experiment study of absorbing Zn~(2+) in water by diatomite from Jiumu,Xuwen Town,western Guangdong;粤西徐闻九亩硅藻土对水体中Zn~(2+)的吸附实验研究
2.A preliminary study on coral-associated communities in the Xuwen Coral Reef conservation;徐闻珊瑚礁自然保护区礁栖生物初步研究
3.Impacts of Climate Change on the Sea Salt Production of Xuwen Saltern;气候变化对徐闻盐场海盐生产的影响

次韵徐积【诗文】:杀鸡未肯邀季路,裹饭先须问子来。但见中年隐槐市,岂知平日赋兰台。海山入梦方东去,风雨留人得暂陪。若说峨眉眼前是,故乡何处不堪回。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷十五