人民观,view on people
1)view on people人民观
1.Comrade Peng Dehuai,by his distinct individuality characteristics,demonstrated the unique view on people,which has the main characters including the farmer complex of no forgetting the origin,the soldier s feelings of willing to serve workers and peasants,the personal quality of daring to speak for people,and the honesty style of emphasizing to protect people s benefit in particular.彭德怀同志以他鲜明的个性特征展示出独特的人民观,其特征主要包括"不忘本"的农民情结,"要为工人农民服务"的军人情怀,敢为人民"鼓咙胡"的个人品质,"要特别强调爱护人民利益,对人民的一针一线不得损害"的廉洁风范。
2.The orientation value of Mao Zedong s view on people is "to serve the people heart and soul".毛泽东的人民观的价值取向是“全心全意为人民服务”。

1.Discussion on Deng XiaoPing People Viewpoint and Affinity to the People of China Sport;邓小平的人民观与中国体育的人民性
2.Development of Mao Zhe-dong s People Outlook Given By Deng Xiao-ping And Jiang Zhe-min;邓小平、江泽民对毛泽东人民观的发展
3.We are an optimistic people.美国人民是乐观的人民。
4.On Jiang Zoning s People - oriented Educational and Talented Viewpoint;谈江泽民“以人为本”的教育观和人才观
5.The Chinese people will not look on with folded arms!中国人民不会袖手旁观!
6.Insisting on the Three Basic Viewpoints for People s Interests by the Party;坚持党的人民利益观的三个基本观点
7.On People-focused Thought in Jiang Zemin s Development Concept;简析江泽民发展观中的人民本位思想
8.From "Popular Sovereignty" to "Autocratic Democracy"--On the Extreme Tendency of Rousseau s View on Democracy;从“人民主权”到“专制民主”——论卢梭民主观的歧变
9.a window on the `world (means of observing and learning about people,esp those of other countries)世界之窗(观察和了解人民,尤指他国人民的手段)
10.Humanism Embodied in "Serve the People" On Mao Zedong s Thought of Democracy;“为人民服务”的人文精神——论毛泽东的民主观
11.Popularization of Art and Literariness of People:Discussion of People s Literary Thought by Mao Tsetung;文艺的人民化与人民的文艺化——毛泽东人民文艺观刍议
12.Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Effects Analysis of RMB NDF Transactions;人民币NDF交易的微观宏观经济效应分析
13.The Macro and Micro Conditions of Free Exchange of RMB;关于人民币自由兑换的宏观与微观条件
14.Jews:the Chosen People or the Abandoned People?--the Idea of the Chosen People of Judaism and Persecutions to Jews犹太人:选民还是弃民?——犹太教的选民观念与犹太人迫害
15.To Serve People Is Sole purpose of Our Party;执政为民是党的人民利益观的集中体现
16.United Nations Special Mission to Observe the Act of Self-Determination in Niue联合国观察纽埃人民实行自决特派团
17.They hated the narrow nationalism of these people.他们不喜欢这些人狭隘的民族主义观。

outlook on the people人民观
1.His ideology reflects his outlook on the people.邓小平一生热爱人民、关心人民 ,其思想体系中蕴含着丰富的人民观
3)view of people determining history人民史观
4)the body of the country人民主体观
1.In conclusion,Mao Zedong s Thought of the people includes the following basic ideas,One is that the people are the body of the country.毛泽东民本思想的基本点是人民主体观、人民主权观、人民公仆观和人民利益观。
5)the original power人民主权观
1.Second is that the people s rights is the original power.毛泽东民本思想的基本点是人民主体观、人民主权观、人民公仆观和人民利益观。
6)the servant of the people人民公仆观
1.Third is that the official is the servant of the people.毛泽东民本思想的基本点是人民主体观、人民主权观、人民公仆观和人民利益观。

《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》Chinese People's Volunteers Pledge of Respecting the Korean Government and Cherishing the Korean People  Zhongguo Renmin Zhiyuanlun Zun-zhong Chaoxian Zhengfu AihuChaoxian Renmin Gongyue《中国人民志愿军尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》(e、i。。s。尸eo:z。,sVolunteeo Ple心e ofRe胡e“ing the KoreanGove胡mentand Cherishingth。肋rean People)中国人民志愿军政治部1958年2月1日颁布。主要内容是:①尊重朝鲜党、政、军人员,接洽办事,要有正式手续,言行举止,要有礼貌。②爱护朝鲜人民的一山一水一草一木,不损坏庄稼,不滥伐树木。③尊重朝鲜人民的风俗习J喷,尊重老人,爱护儿童。④尊重朝鲜妇女,不得有越轨言行。⑤遵守朝鲜政府法令,不在朝鲜市场使用人民币,不私自兑换和使用朝鲜币。⑥遵守交通规则和铁路规章,严禁超速行车,避免车祸发生。 中国人民志愿军人朝后,遵照中央军事委员会主席毛泽东的《组成中国人民志愿军的命令》和司令员兼政治委员彭德怀、副司令员兼副政治委员邓华、政治部主任杜平的《政治训令》,广泛深人地进行尊重朝鲜劳动党、政府、人民军和爱护朝鲜人民的教育,结合作战、训练实际情况,普遍制定遵纪爱民“公约”和“守则”,开展群众性的遵纪爱民运动。1958年,为适应从朝鲜全部撤军的新形势需要,志愿军政治部在总结过去执行政策、纪律经验的基础上,结合停战后部队群众工作出现的新情况,制定了全军统一的《尊重朝鲜政府爱护朝鲜人民公约》。公约体现了人民军队的本质和国际主义精神,既是对全军的约法,也是全体官兵白觉遵守的行为规范,为圆满完成全部从朝鲜撤军任务起到了重大作用。(宋保恒)