心即理,Mind Is Principle
1)Mind Is Principle心即理
1.About the same time of the European Renaissance,Wang Yangming advocated the subjectivity of mankind by introducing the theory of "Mind Is Principle".与欧洲文艺复兴运动约略同时,王阳明大力鼓吹人的主体精神,以为"心即理",天地万物之理只是我心;以为人只须去除一切私欲,回复己心固有的良善本性,则"人皆可以为尧舜"。

1.The Proposition Connotations and Meaning Examination of Wang Yang-ming's "Mind Means Principle"王阳明“心即理”命题内涵与意义考
2.Signification of Transition from "Heart Is Buddha" to "NO Heart,No Buddha"“即心即佛”到“非心非佛”的理论意义
3.You can rely on us to give your order immediate attention.您的订单我们将立即处理,请放心。
4."After being hospitalized, she was treated according to a therapeutic regime for acute myocardial infarction."住院后即按急性心肌梗死处理
5.When anger blinds the mind, truth disappers.当愤怒掩蔽心智时,即不见真理。
6.I have no doubt that he still has some comforting thoughts.毫无疑问,即使此刻,他一定还有些心安理得。
7.Careful nursing may gradually invoke life from a dying person.细心地护理会使一个即将死去的人起死回生。
8.Engage him without delay to superintend his fancy farm in Dumbartonshire.立即雇用他,请他管理他心爱的丹巴顿郡的农
9.Esthetics Is the Psychology of Literature and Art美学即文艺心理学——浅论朱光潜早期的美学思想
10.The Significance and Tactics of tran smitting the Survey of Criminal Psychology into Asking;犯罪心理测试后即转入讯问的意义及策略方法
11.The Physical Aspects in Confucian Doctrine on Benevolence: Based on a Study of "(身心)"从“(身心)即仁”说到孔子仁学中的生理元素
12.The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent.即使在意识理性盲目无力时,人的潜意识心理仍能正确地理解。
13.Disposition, the center of an individual's psychological structure, is exactly moral character, which shows one's nature.个性心理结构中的核心组成部分即性格就是品德。
14.Minutes Free Psychology Seminar- Register now!漫游别人内心世界.60分钟心理学免费讲座,请即登记!
15.Namely, to establish self-confidence and to develop excellent psychological quality are essential in the improvement of aural ability.即建立自信心和培养良好的心理素质在听力提高中致关重要.
16.And you check for the bottle to reassure yourself that you have that way out even if you can't just leave the room.你检查药瓶让自己安心,即使你不能离开房间,你也有办法处理。
17.One should always keep in mind the old truth“ First impressions are lasting.人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“先入为主”。
18.I did not myself at all shrink mentally from the impending trial of strength.我个人在心理上对这场即将到来的实力较量毫不畏惧。

Discussion on "Mind Is Principle""心即理"辨
3)"the mind being Buddha"即心即佛
1.Zen sect\'s theory of "the mind being Buddha"shows the famous common meaning that the human mind and Buddha nature are one entity,so it belongs to the common meaning as well as the true meaning.如禅宗的"即心即佛"是说明人心与佛性不二的著名谛理,是真谛也是俗谛,它的真俗差别在于对引人当下认取自心佛性的有效性。
4)the Mind is the Dao心即道
5)observation on the evil即恶观心
6)mind is rite心即礼
