
1.Administrator and Conservatism--Drawing some Conclusions about Wang Zhichun based on Li Ce Zhi Yan;经世与保守——从《蠡测卮言》看王之春
2.A Study of MA Yi-fu's Thought on Yi--Impressions of MA's Guan xiang zhi yan马一浮的易学研究——读《观象卮言》有感
3.A resolution to this effect will be submitted to the Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday, the30 th April, as advised in the enclosed notice.?此?酵ㄖ?橹赋觯?泄卮耸陆?谒脑
4.Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind?腔廴似窨捎眯榭盏闹?痘卮穑?枚?绯渎?歉鼓亍
5.I will uproot from among you your Asherah poles and demolish your cities.冶卮幽阒屑浒纬瞿九肌S只倜鹉愕某且亍
6.And the commander answered, With a large sum of money I acquired this citizenship. And Paul said, But I was even born a Roman.Х虺せ卮鹚担?矣眯矶嘁?樱?湃〉谜夤?袢ā1B匏担?疑?淳褪恰
7.I will destroy your carved images and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands.冶卮幽阒屑涑?鸬窨痰呐枷瘢?椭?瘛D憔筒辉俟虬葑约菏炙?斓摹
8.In1994, CIW underwent full-scale facelift. It has won extensive recognition for the quality of its content according to a survey conducted on readers in Zhongguancun.辏?ㄖ饺?娓陌妫?谌葜柿吭诒本┲泄卮宥琳叩鞑橹谢竦霉惴嚎隙ā
9.A Brief Comment on Zhu Yiqing's A Collection of Burying Depression可奈人间难索解 从教地下永埋忧——归安朱翊清《埋忧集》卮论
10.A lie begets a lie till they come to generation谎言生谎言,谎言传万代
11.A spoken language or dialect.语言说的语言或方言
12.A lie begets a lie till they come to generations.谎言生谎言,谎言世代传。
13.Whatever she says will be enchanting.言事言情总断魂”。
14.formula translatorfortran语言
15.IEC/ISO forewardIEC/ISO前言
16.Wu dialect, Min dialect, Cantonese, Xiang dialect, Gan dialect, Hui dialect, Jin dialect, Pinghua dialect.吴方言、闽方言、粤方言、湘方言、赣方言、徽方言、津方言、平话。
17.The body language includes the body-gesture language, head-neck language, sign language, face language and looks language.形体语言包括身姿语言、颈语言、势语言、部语言、目语言。
18.I. Sensational Lies一、危言耸听的谎言

Zhi yan卮言
1.Zhi Yan, Zhuang Zi’s distinctive manner of speech, presents itself mainly in two basic stylistic forms: repetition and parable, both of which are distinctive from those of his contemporaries .庄子的言说方式卮言包括寓言和重言两种基本文体形式 ,二者都有其与众不同的特点。
3)The Artistic and Literary Realm Ramblings艺苑卮言
4)style of "zhiyan"卮言式
5)Huang lv Zhi Yuan《黄律卮言》
6)Textual Research on "Zhiyan"卮言考释

卮言1.亦作"巵言"。 2.自然随意之言。一说为支离破碎之言。语出《庄子.寓言》:"巵言日出,和以天倪。"成玄英疏:"巵,酒器也。日出,犹日新也。天倪,自然之分也。和,合也……无心之言,即卮言也。是以不言,言而无系倾仰,乃合于自然之分也。又解:巵,支也。支离其言,言无的当,故谓之卮言耳。"后人亦常用为对自己著作的谦词,如《艺苑卮言》﹑《经学卮言》。