孙奭,Sun shi
1)Sun shi孙奭
1.The Phonetics of Early Song as Reflected in Sun shi s(孙奭) Phonetic Notations in Sound and Meaning of Mencius(《孟子音义》);《孟子音义》中孙奭音注反映的宋初语音
2.Mencius Zhushu and Sun Shi s study on Mencius;《孟子注疏》与孙奭《孟子》学
3.The Study on Sun Shi-The Scholar of Jing Xue in the Early Northern Song Dynasty;北宋前期经学家—孙奭初探

1.The Phonetics of Early Song as Reflected in Sun shi s(孙奭) Phonetic Notations in Sound and Meaning of Mencius(《孟子音义》);《孟子音义》中孙奭音注反映的宋初语音
2.On Shangbuo Bamboo Book & Analysing the Historical Events of SHAO Gong-shi -Attach to the Dissussing of the Complexity of Shangshu ?Zhaogao;上博简《甘棠》之论与召公奭史事探析——附论《尚书·召诰》的性质
3.A great-grandchild. A great-grandson.一个曾孙。 一个曾孙。
4."The children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur,"巴卜的子孙,哈古巴的子孙,哈忽的子孙,
5."The children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Temah,"巴柯的子孙,西西拉的子孙,答玛的子孙,
6."The children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar,"哈难的子孙,吉德的子孙,迦哈的子孙,
7."The children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah,"吉德的子孙,迦哈的子孙,利亚雅的子孙,
8."The children of Gazzam, the children of Uzza, the children of Paseah,"迦散的子孙,乌撒的子孙,巴西亚的子孙,
9."The children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai,"乌撒的子孙,巴西亚的子孙,比赛的子孙,
10."The children of Hagab, the children of Shamlai, the children of Hanan,"哈甲的子孙,萨买的子孙,哈难的子孙,
11."The children of Keros, the children of Sia, the children of Padon,"基绿的子孙,西亚的子孙,巴顿的子孙,
12."The children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam,"利汛的子孙,尼哥大的子孙,迦散的子孙,
13."The children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel,"雅拉的子孙,达昆的子孙,吉德的子孙,
14.I'm the great great great grandson of that prince.我是那个王子孙子的孙子的孙子。
15.The family is of five generations at the same time, which means6 offspring,26 grandchildren,39 great-grandchildren, and7 great-great-grandchildren.其家族现在是五世同堂,她有6个儿女、6个孙子和孙女、9个曾孙和曾孙女、个玄孙和玄孙女。
16."The children of Besai, the children of Meunim, the children of Nephushesim,"比赛的子孙,米乌宁的子孙,尼普心的子孙,
17."The children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of akkub,"利巴拿的子孙,哈迦巴的子孙,亚谷的子孙,
18."The children of Lebana, the children of Hagaba, the children of Salmai,"利巴拿的子孙,哈迦巴的子孙,萨买的子孙,

Zhaogong of JI Shi召公姬奭
3)Prince Shaogong召公奭
1.Prince Shaogong was one of the well-known historical figures, but his life of experience has been an arguable question for more than 2000 years since Western Han Dynasty.召公奭是商末周初著名历史人物之一,然而关于他的身世,却是自汉以降二千多年来学界颇有争议的问题。
4)Kou Zongshi寇宗奭
5)Sun Lin孙
6)SHUN Shi孙

孙奭(962~1033)  宋代经学名家。博州博平(今山东茌平县博平镇)人,字宗古。曾任国子监直讲、龙图阁待制,仁宗时择名儒为侍读,召为翰林侍讲学士,迁兵部侍郎、龙图阁学士,以太子少傅致仕。孙奭曾奉敕与邢昺等人校定诸经正义、庄子、尔雅,考正尚书、论语、孝经、尔雅谬误。仁宗天圣四年(1026),孙奭上奏皇帝说:"诸科唯明法一科律文及疏未有印本,举人难得真本习读。"仁宗命孙奭等人详校,至天圣七年校毕刊行。同时,孙奭还撰写了一卷《律文音义》(一称《律音义》),与律文并行。孙氏此书为现存唐律释文中最早的一个本子,对于研究唐律颇具价值。