军事哲学,military philosophy
1)military philosophy军事哲学
1.The demotic war theory taking mass history view as the starting point,the military epistemology of seeking truth from facts,the motble theory in military affair and the military dialectics,have constituted a lifelike prospect of military philosophy.以群众史观为出发点的人民战争论、实事求是的军事认识论、战争中的主体能动性理论和以弱胜强的军事辩证法,构成了一幅军事哲学的生动图景。

1.Military Philosophy As an Established Discipline--Brief Reflections on Military Philosophy Research;军事哲学何以成立——有关军事哲学研究的几点思考
2.A Study of Mao Zedong s Military Philosophy: Its Growth Track and Construction Logic;毛泽东军事哲学思想的生长轨迹和建构逻辑
3.The person of Communist Party of China improves thetypethat the history process of practice the ability experiences to join the army the matter philosophy toward the economic philosophy innovation to change.中国共产党人提高实践能力的历史过程经历了从军事哲学向经济哲学创新性的范式嬗变。
4.Philosophical Thinking on Military Theories Research with Network Science;运用网络科学研究军事理论的哲学思考
5.A Philosophical Pursuit in the Presupposition of Marxist Military Truth;马克思主义军事真理预设论的哲学追问
6.Jurisprudence Thinking of Establishing Military Administrative Procedure in Our Country;建立我国军事行政诉讼制度的法哲学思考
7.The Jesuit interlude in China: role of Jesuits in science, military technology, and philosophy East and West.天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。
8.Bulletin of The Academy of Military Medical Sciences军事医学科学院院刊
9.Chess King & Chess Story in the Vision of "the Event Philosophy"“事件哲学”视域下的《棋王》与《象棋的故事》
10.The AMS is the PLA's highest-level research institute and center of military science.军事科学院是全军最高军事科学研究机关,是全军军事科学研究的中心。
11.SAME (Society of American Militry Engineers)美国军事工程师学会
12.International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy国际军事医药学委员会
13.Political cadres must also study military affairs.政治干部要学军事。
14.He (was) washed out of the military school.他被军事学校淘汰了。
15.Military College, CPLA中国人民解放军军事学院
16.Academy of Military Sciences, CPLA中国人民解放军军事科学院
17.U.S. Army War College is established.1901年,美国陆军军事学院建立。
18.Study on the New Military Quality Educational Pattern in Military Medical Universities;军医大学创新军事素质教育模式探索

Mao Zedong's military philosophy毛泽东军事哲学
3)military philosophy though军事哲学思想
4)philosophical narrative哲学叙事
5)"the Event Philosophy"事件哲学
1.Chess King & Chess Story in the Vision of "the Event Philosophy";“事件哲学”视域下的《棋王》与《象棋的故事》
6)Philosophy of narrative叙事哲学

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀