卫礼贤,Richard Wilhelm
1)Richard Wilhelm卫礼贤
1.On Richard Wilhelm s Achievements in Sinology and Its Position;论卫礼贤的汉学成就与地位
2.Leaving Bias Behind,Going toward Tolerance:On Richard Wilhelm’s Acceptance of Ku Hung Ming超越偏狭,走向宽容——评卫礼贤对辜鸿铭的接受
3.Richard Wilhelm was a famous German sinologist.卫礼贤(Richard Wilhelm,1873-1930)是德国著名的汉学家。

1.Comparison of Two English Translations of Zhouyi;理雅各、卫礼贤/贝恩斯《周易》译本比较
2.Richard Wilhelm:Der groBe "deutsche Chinese";卫礼贤——伟大的“德意志中国人”
3.Leaving Bias Behind,Going toward Tolerance:On Richard Wilhelm’s Acceptance of Ku Hung Ming超越偏狭,走向宽容——评卫礼贤对辜鸿铭的接受
4.Now the three wise men are giving their gifts to Jesus.现在这三位贤士正把礼物送给耶稣。
5."Chinese Rhenish Church, Hong Kong Synod"中华基督教礼贤会香港区会
6.Ceremony is the invention of wise man to keep fools at a distance.礼仪,是贤人用来疏远蠢人的发明。
7."His wife, nee Feng, was a worthy virtuous woman with a strong sense of propfiety and fight.""嫡妻封氏,情性贤淑,深明礼义"
8.Sze Tian Hostel for the Elderly [Chinese Rhenish Church--HK Synod]诗田老人宿舍〔中华基督教礼贤会〕
9.He knew that Old Wang was going to be dean of the College of Letters and so was courting junior faculty members.他知道老汪要做文学院长,所以礼贤下士。
10."Wong Siu Ching Hostel for the Elderly [Chinese Rhenish Church, HK Synod]"王少清耆年宿舍〔中华基督教礼贤会香港区会〕
11.Temple of City God in Lixian:Lieu de Mémoire of Local History and Culture礼贤城隍庙:地方历史与区域文化的“记忆之所”
12.Complete Relief and Endless Concern;卫慧一代和张贤亮一代对历史的书写心态
13.Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader success. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure.「礼贤下士」是身为领导者成功的要素,「妒贤害能」是身为主管者失败的原因。
14.The officer replied the guard' s salute.那位军官对卫兵的敬礼回了礼。
15.Sir John Swaine, Chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust opens the new school.由赛马会慈善信托基金主席施伟贤爵士主持新校舍开幕礼。
16.That was such an instance of Lady Catherine's condescension as he knew not how to admire enough这件事足以说明咖苔琳夫人的礼贤下士,使得他不知如何景仰才好。
17.delighted in honouring worthy men of letters and helping those in distress"且这贾政最喜读书人,礼贤下士,济弱扶危,大有祖风"
18.I had the character of a very sober, modest, and virtuous young woman, and such I had always been.我是个规矩守礼,贞淑贤慧的小姑娘,我一向的性格也的确是这么好。

Richard Wilhelm/Cary F.Baynes卫礼贤/贝恩斯
3)Richard Wilhelm über die chinesische Kultur卫礼贤论中国文化
4)Der Werdegang von Ricard Wilhelm in der Sinologie卫礼贤的汉学生涯
5)Courteous to the Worthy and Supportive of Scholars礼贤下士
1.Such problems as what is the implication of the narrative discourse of "Courteous to the Worthy and Supportive of Scholars";are the images of gallant characters in ancient literature based on real life? Observation of parodies on classic narratives in The Scholars and the conflict between moral idealism and life dilemma caricatured by the write.或者说,以对广泛的人生问题的思考为背景,吴敬梓也思考了一系列的艺术问题和学术问题,如中国古代“礼贤下士”的叙事话语,其实质性的内涵是什么?古代文学中的豪侠形象是否具有足够的现实依据?由此切入,考察《儒林外史》对几种经典叙事的戏拟,考察吴敬梓所创造的漫画世界的道德理想主义图景以及对现实困境的深刻揭示,可以对小说家表达思考的特殊方式及其小说史、思想史意义有所发明。

卫贤《高士图》轴  中国五代画家卫贤传世唯一作品。卫贤 (10世纪),京兆(今陕西西安)人,为南唐李后主时内廷供奉。此图绢本,淡设色,纵 134.5厘米,横52.5厘米,为卫贤所作《高士图》组画之一。原图共 6幅,画黔娄先生、楚狂接舆、老莱子、王仲孺、于陵子和梁伯鸾。前 5幅已佚失,仅剩描绘梁鸿、孟光的这幅。梁鸿、孟光事见《后汉书·梁鸿传》。此图可大致分为两部分,上部为山水,笔墨干涩,山石高耸,间以杂树,下傍湖水;下部画建筑与人物,房舍简陋,围以篱笆,屋内梁鸿端坐于榻,孟光下跪,双手捧案高举。人物及建筑物用笔工细、挺拔,很见功力。周围山石、杂树笔墨错纵、繁密,较为鬆秀。    此图装裱形式奇特,立幅裱成手卷,卷首有北宋徽宗赵佶瘦金书标题"卫贤高士图" 5字,曾入宣和内府收藏;本幅有清高宗乾隆帝弘历书"神"字并题记一段,并经清内府收藏。《铁网珊瑚》、《清河书画舫》、《庚子销夏记》、《墨缘汇观》、《诸家藏画簿》、《石渠宝笈·续编》、《石渠随笔》等书著录,现藏故宫博物院。