经世思想,practical thought
1)practical thought经世思想
1.Thus,Hu’s practical thought which had a rich characteristic of new confucianism was gradually formed.胡林翼在多年的仕宦生涯中,把理学的天命观与价值观应用于广阔的社会实践,逐步形成了具有浓郁理学色彩的经世思想

1.On Royal Classic Selection and the Maturity of Wei-Yuan s Idea of Benefiting the Society;《皇朝经世文编》与魏源经世思想的成熟
2.Ideology of Hunan “Jinshi” School During the Perild of Emperor Daoguang;试论道光时期湘系经世派的经世思想
3.The Study of Zhang Sui's Book Jing Shi Qi Yao and His Idea of Practical Utility晚明张燧《经世挈要》及其经世思想探研
4.A Study on Compiler Group and Jingshi Thought of Ming Jing-shi Wen-bian;《明经世文编》编篡群体及其经世思想之研究
5.Narrate the Country-Governing Theory Composed from Taoshu Poem;心系苍生 丹心永固——论陶澍诗作的经世思想
6.Country-Governing Theory in Jia-Dao Period and Transformation of Late-Qing Ideology in Modern Era;嘉道经世思潮与晚清思想的近代转型
7.Wei-Yuan s Editorial Thoughts of Benefiting the Society in Royal Classic Selection;从《皇朝经世文编》看魏源的经世致用编辑思想
8.On the Educators Theories of Putting What is Learned into Practice during Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty;明清启蒙思想家经世致用教育思想研究
9.His ideas were sensualized by his past experiences.因他过往的经验,使他的思想变世故了。
10.Educational Significance of "Putting What is Learned into Practice" of Wei Yuan;论魏源“经世致用”思想的教育学意义
11.On the Thoughts of Aesthetic Experience in Medieval Europe;欧洲中世纪美学的审美经验思想评析
12.Looking into the Formation Causes of Weiyuan"Generation to Use";魏源“经世致用”思想形成原因初探
13.On LIANG Shi-yi′s Theory and Practice in Study and Country Administration;试论粱士诒的经世致用思想及其实践
14.Thought of Applying Theory to Reality--the Ideological Basis in Hou Renzhi’s Academic Research;经世致用——侯仁之学术生涯的思想基调
15.Thought of "Managing the Society and Making it Function Well" by Modern Early Thinkers;近代早期启蒙者的“经世致用”思想
16.The Idea of Practicality in the Creation of “School Music and Songs”;“学堂乐歌”创作中的“经世致用”思想
17.Three Movements of Ideological Liberation in Twentieth-Century China20世纪中国经历的三次思想解放运动
18.Vilter’s economic thoughts were deeply affected by Liszt, a German economist.维特经济思想深受19世纪上半期德国经济学家李斯特思想的影响。

the Thought of Studies for the Purpose of Application经世致用思想
3)Reforming Society Thoughts经世改革思想
1.A Discussion on Hu Lin-i s Reforming Society Thoughts and Its Practice;论胡林翼的经世改革思想及实践
4)idea of history for practical utility史学经世致用思想
1.One mark of this kind of transition is the change of idea of history for practical utility,that is to say,the idea changed from reference for governing state to reference for saving Chinese nation,from concerning rise and fall of dynasties to concerning the destiny of Chinese nation.这种转变的重要标志之一,就是史学经世致用思想的变化,即史学经世致用思想从“资治”到“救国”,从着眼于王朝治乱兴衰到关注国家和民族前途命运之经世致用的宗旨和参照系的变化。
5)Research for Tao Shu s Practical Thoughts陶澍经世思想研究
6)thought of renouncing the world出世思想
1.Sushi had a keen thought of renouncing the world.苏轼有着浓厚的出世思想。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j