论德使能,selecting talents and appointing officials by their morals and abilities
1)selecting talents and appointing officials by their morals and abilities论德使能
1.The institution of selecting talents and appointing officials by their morals and abilities was formed in the Western Zhou Dynasty.“论德使能”是指按照“德能”标准,考察、选拔和任用人才的思想或制度。
2.The institution of selecting talents and appointing officials by their morals and abilities is formed in the Western Zhou Dynasty."论德使能"是按照"德能"标准,考察、选拔人才并委以相应官职的思想和制度。

1.A Discussion of the Institution of Selecting Talents and Appointing Officials by Their Morals and Abilities in the Western Zhou Dynasty and Its features;论西周的“论德使能”制度及其特征
2.The Confucianists and the Institution of Selecting Talents and Appointing Officials by Their Morals and Abilities in Ancient Times of China;儒家与中国古代的“论德使能”制度
3.The US special envoy Pritchard will meet with North Korean officials in New York and discuss his possible trip to North Korea.美国特使普瑞查德将在纽约会晤北韩官员,讨论可能的北韩之行。
4.Human Nature,Transcendence,and Morality:The Possibility and Purpose of Moral Education人性·超越·道德——兼论德育的可能与目的
5.Ability to speak/read/write/present in German is a plus.在熟练使用英语的前提下,能够使用德语者优先。
6.That argument does not carry conviction.这个论据不能使人信服。
7.Functionalism in Translation--German Functionalist Theory Explained;论翻译的功能观——也释德国功能派
8.Possibility of Rational Morality:The Premise of Locke Moral Philosophy;理性道德何以可能——洛克道德哲学的论证前提
9.Uber die Aktivitaten und Gedanken des ersten Gesandten von Spat-Qing-Dynastie(Liu Xihong)in Deutschland;论晚清首任驻德公使刘锡鸿在德国的活动与思想
10.How Can God Be Possible If No Morality--On Kant’s moralitic religious theory;如果没有道德 上帝如何可能——论康德哲学的道德宗教观
11.Why Is It Possible to Return to Aristotle s Tradition of Virtue--A Study of Macintyre s Theory of Virtue;回归亚里士多德的德性传统何以可能——对麦金太尔德性论的研究
12.On the Use of Chemical Weapons by Japanese Forces in Changde Campaign;试论日军在常德会战中使用化学武器的问题
13.The Role of Police Officers Morals in Using Police Powers;试论警察道德在警察权力行使中的作用
14.A man who is never satisfied with himself and whom therefore nobody can please.--Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German poet人要是从来不满意自己,就不会有人能够使他满意。德国诗人歌德
15.Asked once what makes people happy, Sigmund Freud replied, "Work and love."曾有人问什么能使人感到快乐,西格蒙德-弗洛伊德回答:“工作和爱情”。
16.They pretend to be guarding the public's morals, and they corrupt them with their beastly reports.他们装作保卫公众道德,但是他们的下流报道只能使公众道德堕落。
17.Sources in Spain say a swap deal for Frank Lampard could see Deco heading to Stamford Bridge.来自西班牙的消息说用兰帕德交换可能会使得德科来到斯坦福桥。
18.Mission of Contemporary School Moral Education of China: Develop Moral Choice Ability;当代我国学校道德教育的使命—培养道德选择能力

Some Points on "Moral Ability"论"德能"
3)On Tsai Feng s Mission to Germany载沣使德述论
4)Theory of Moral Education Function德育职能论
5)mission to Germany使德
6)German functionalist approach德国功能派译论

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