古文经学,Old Text Confucianism
1)Old Text Confucianism古文经学
1.On the Relations of Poetics and Maoshixu from old text Confucianism;由古文经学的渊源再论《诗论》与《毛诗序》的关系
2.Though the argument between the two schools of the text Confucianism in late Qing dynasty almost stopped with the finish of the age of the text Confucianism , as important part of the traditional academy, the legacy of the new text Confucianism and the old text Confucianism were still inhabit ed by modern scholars as important resource of academy and thought.清末的经今古文之争在经学时代结束后虽然基本停止, 但今文经学和古文经学这两份学术遗产,作为传统学术的重要部分,在现代学人那里却仍然 被当作重要的学术思想资源继承下来了。

1.In the Han Dynasty, Confucianism fell into two schools: the old Text and the New Text.在汉朝,儒学分为古文经学派和今文经学派。
2.From Interpreting the Guwen Classics Based on Understanding of the Jinwen Classics to Treating the Guwen Classics as History--An Investigation into the Trajectory of Zhang Taiyan s Early Thought on Classical Studies;从援今文义说古文经到铸古文经学为史学──对章太炎早期经学思想发展轨迹的探讨
3.Concerning the Institutional Ideal and the Vision of Literary Theory of the Old Text Confucianism in Han Dynasty;略论汉代古文经学的制度构想与文论视野
4.On the Relations of Poetics and Maoshixu from old text Confucianism;由古文经学的渊源再论《诗论》与《毛诗序》的关系
5.Senior Chinese Ancient Classic Texts Read Teaching;高中语文古代经典文本阅读教学探索
6.The Controversy between the Stydy of Confucian classics in Classical writing and in Current Calligraphy and XuShen s "Analytical Dictionary of Characters";古、今文经学之争与许慎的《说文解字》
7.Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical.经典的有古希腊和古罗马的文学、艺术和文化特征的;经典的
8.The Cultural Meaning of Willow Literature in Ancient China and its Cultural Sources in the Sutra;古代柳文学的民俗文化内蕴及佛经文化渊源
9.Classic Reading-aloud Research in Chinese Teaching in Primary School;小学语文教学中的经典古诗文诵读研究
10.The Ancient Doctrines,Language and Style:The Mode of Returning to the Ancients of the Literature in Song Dynasty;古道、古文、古式:宋代文学复古的方式
11.The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classics.古典文学古希腊、古罗马的语言和文学;古典文学
12.Han Dynasty s Dispute Between Contemporary Classic and Traditional Classic Schools: The Influence on its Contemporary Classic Study;论汉代今古文之争对汉代今文经学的影响
13.A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome.古典文学古希腊或古罗马的文学作品
14.She is fond of classical literature, and has learnt to write long poems in regulated verse.她爱好古典文学, 自己也曾经学着写过排律。
15.I have acquired quite an average student's power to read the common ancient classics.我已经有一般学生读普通古典文学书的能力了。
16.Rejuvenate China in the World by Being Well Versed in Chinese Classics--the Literary Thought of Fu School s Leader Zhang Cai;通经学古 振兴于世——论复社领袖张采的文学思想
17.One Step Further after Myriad of Brilliant Achievements;曾经沧海 更上层楼——古典文学学科的回顾与展望
18.Ancient literary works dealt with the literary views of ancient scholars, and attached important to the succession of knowledge and experience.古代文论中体现的是古代文人学士的文学观,重视学识和经验规范的传承。

1.In fact, the majority thinkers at that time were not controlled by Gongyangxue, and Gongyangxue wasn t the master among the numerous academic schools, it stands side by side with Guwenjingxue, Lixue(or Neo-Confucianism) and history.其实,在当时大多数思想家心目中公羊学并不居于支配地位,在当时诸多学术流派中公羊学也不居于主流,至多不过是与古文经学、理学等并列的学术派别之一而已。
4)Controversy over Confucian classics in versions in ancient and modern languages今古文经学之争
1.The first phase was the years before the May 4th NeoCultural Movement with,as its manifestation the repercussions of Controversy over Confucian classics in versions in ancient and modern languages.第一个阶段是五四新文化运动以前,表现为今古文经学之争的余波;第二个阶段是20至40年代,表现为实证主义、疑古思潮和唯物史观兴起并产生重大影响。
5)LIU Xin and Classics刘歆与经古文学
6)literature of classical Chinese古文文学

古文经学  用先秦的古文字"篆书"书写的儒家经书称为古文经,训释、研究古文经的学问称为古文经学。    秦始皇焚书时,六经、诸子都被焚毁。汉朝学者传习的经书,大都是用"隶书"书写的,称今文经。但是以后在山崖屋壁陆续发现了一些被埋藏的儒家经书。例如,汉景帝时,鲁恭王刘馀从孔子旧宅壁中发现古文经传,得《尚书》、《礼记》、《论语》、《孝经》,凡数十篇;又例如,河间献王刘德,修学好古,从民间得到不少古文先秦旧书,有《周官》、《尚书》、《礼》、《礼记》、《孟子》等,并在他自己的王国里为《毛诗》、《左氏春秋》立博士。《毛诗》、《左氏春秋》也属古文。汉宣帝时,河内女子发老屋,得逸《易》、《礼》、《尚书》各一篇,都是古文。这些古文经传,都藏于汉朝的秘府,不立官学,只是民间学者私相传习而已。    西汉末年,刘歆欲立《左氏春秋》、《毛诗》、逸《礼》、《古文尚书》诸古文经,移书责备太常博士,受到今文经博士的群起反对。这是今古文经学的第一次重要争论。    东汉光武帝立今文经十四博士(见经学),再次确立今文经学在官学中的统治地位。但是尚书令韩歆上疏,欲为古文《费氏易》、《左氏春秋》置博士。博士范升反对,与韩歆等争论,并奏《左氏》错失十四事,不可采三十一事。学者陈元上书与范升辩论,认为左丘明亲受业于孔子,其书弘美,宜立博士,书凡十馀上。光武帝乃立《左氏》博士,诸儒议论喧哗,从公卿以下,多次在朝廷上争论,终于又被罢废。汉章帝时,贾逵(公元 30~101)作《长义》四十一条,说"《公羊》理短,《左氏》理长",为古文经张目。博士李育乃作《难左氏义》四十一事,以《公羊》难逵。这是今古文经学的又一次重要争论。    汉章帝赞同贾逵的主张,诏诸儒选高材生从逵受《左氏》、《穀梁》、《古文尚书》、《毛诗》,四经遂行于世。东汉马融(公元79~166)以古学授郑玄,玄遍注群经,于是郑、贾之学流行数百年,为诸儒所宗。    近代章太炎是古文经学的著名大师。    古文经学的特点是讲文字训诂,明典章制度,研究经文本身的涵义,不讲"非常疑义可怪之论"及"阴阳灾异"。