客观价值,objective value
1)objective value客观价值
1.The objective standard of the development of curriculum culture is based on the internal objective value of the curriculum culture and reflects the objective relationship between human beings and the material world, with the development level of productivity represented by curriculum as its indicator.课程文化发展的客观标准是以课程文化内在的客观价值为基础的,它反映的是人与客观物质世界之间存在的一种客观关系。
2.The existence of an enterprise lies in its value and an enterprise is an integrated entity of its subjective and objective value.企业的存在是因为它的价值 ,企业是主观价值与客观价值的统一体。

1.This is due to a lingering belief in objective values.这是因为对客观价值观抱着不放的缘故。
2.The Concepts of Subjective and Objective Values and Their Application in Economics;主观价值和客观价值的概念及其在经济学中的应用
3.The Price and the Value-a Core to Evaluate the Objective Thing价格与价值——评价客观事物的内核
4.Researches on Value Measure and Objective Basis of Utility Theory of Value;试论效用价值论的价值判断和客观基础
5.Value and value orientations:the profound relationship and stipulation of subjectivity and objectivity;价值和价值观:主客体的深层关系及规定
6.Comparison Between the Values of Hakka and Guangfu People比较视野下的客家人与广府人价值观
7.Customer Value Based on Customer Participation: An Experience Economy Perspective;顾客参与下的顾客价值:体验经济的观点
8.Research on Multi-Criteria Objective Cluster in Value-Driven Customer Segmentation多准则客观聚类在客户价值细分中的研究
9.Metaethical Objectivism is an ontological idea holding that good and value exist in object.客观论是一种认为善和价值存在于客体之中的无价理本体论。
10.The Influences of Chinese Traditional Values and Customer Perceived Values on Chinese Consumer Behavior中国传统价值观与顾客感知价值对中国消费者消费行为的影响
11.Starting from distinguishing subjectivity and objectivity of values, this paper discusses the unity of subjectivity and objectivity, monism and pluralism of values to the point.从厘清价值的主体性和客观性出发,扼要地探讨了价值的主体性和客观性、样化与一元化的统一。
12.Law of Value Is Objective Dominating the Distribution in a Market Economy价值规律是支配市场经济分配的客观规律
13.Values Reflected in the Family Rules and Regulations of the Hakka Genealogy从族谱的家规家训看客家人的价值观念
14.The Objective Root and the Realistic Purpose of Deepening Labor Axiology深化劳动价值论的客观根源和现实目的
15.Using Goggle-VEP to Assess Loss of Visual Field Objectively;应用Goggle-VEP客观评定视野缺损的法医学价值分析
16.The Principle of Integrating Subjectivity and Objectivity:Examination from both Deontology and Methodology;主客观相统一原则:价值论与方法论的双重清理
17.A Study on the Belief of the Public Share on Information--With Illustration on the Hacker s Values;信息共享理念的STS考察——以黑客们的价值观为例
18.The Application of the Auditory Steady-state Response to Patients with Noise Induced Hearing Loss听性稳态反应对噪声性聋客观评估的价值

value objectivism价值客观化
3)theory of objective value客观价值论
4)objective restrictions to values价值客观制约性
1.The second one is that between objective restrictions to values from development and man s subjective goals.二是发展的价值客观制约性与人的主观目的性之间的矛盾。
5)customers subjective value客户主观价值
6)Objective Epistemic Value客观认识价值

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分