佛道思想,Buddhism and Taoism
1)Buddhism and Taoism佛道思想
1.A Literati and Officialdom s Manner——On Fan Chengda s leisure retirement life under the affection of Buddhism and Taoism in his later years;一个士大夫的进退出处——范成大晚年归居退闲生活与佛道思想
2.In essence, the scholar treated Buddhism and Taoism with the idea of practical use in Tang and Song Dynasties.从总体上看,唐宋文人是以一种实用的心态对待佛道思想的。

1.Influence of Buddhist Thought on Feng Menglong's Sanyan略论佛道思想对冯梦龙“三言”的影响
2.The Concept Transmigration and Confucian, Buddhist,and Daoist Thinking in the Golden Lotus;《金瓶梅》天命鬼魂、轮回报应观念与儒佛道思想
3.Awakening the Fool and Deaf,Eliminating Trouble and Awakening the World and People--Looking into Zheng Banqiao s Thoughts on Buddhism and Taoism reflected in the Dao Qing Poetry;“唤醒痴聋,销除烦恼”、“觉人觉世”——从《道情十首》管窥郑板桥之佛道思想
4.And Jiang Yan takes Taoism thought and Buddhism thought which attaches to the Taoism thought as auxiliary.而以道家思想与佛教思想为辅,其佛家思想又依附于道家思想之上。
5.Discussion on the Thought of "Commend Buddhism and Condemn Taoism" from the Image of Taoist Priests in Pilgrimage to the West从《西游记》中道士形象看崇佛抑道思想
6.Buddhism-Confucianism Relationship and the Sinicization of the Buddhist Filial Piety Doctrine;儒佛关系与佛教孝道思想的中国化进程
7.Chinese Buddhist and Confucian Filial Piety of the Comparative Study;中国佛家与儒家孝道思想的比较研究
8.Thought of Filial Piety and Morality based on the Jataka of Samaka;从《睒子经变》看佛教艺术中的孝道思想
9.Relation of Xiong Shili Thoughts with Confucianism,Taoism, Buddhism and Western Learniny;熊十力思想与儒、道、佛及西学的关系
10.A Study of the Fusion of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism in Fang Yizhi's Thought方以智儒、佛、道三教会通思想研究
11.On the Confucian,Taoist and Buddhist Factors in Ni Zan′s Thought and Its Evolution论倪瓒思想中的儒道佛因素及其嬗变
12.Discussion the Effect of the Conflict and Reconciliation Among Buddhism、Confucianism and Taoism to the Zen试论佛、道、儒的冲突与调和对禅宗思想的影响
13.Analysis and Appraise of the Ontological Pensee of Chinese Buddhism and Taoism;试析中国佛教、道教的本体思想及其作用
14.On Shi Dao-an s Buddhism;假玄立论 以无为归——释道安佛学思想探微
15.Analysis on the Interaction and Embodiment of Thought of Confucianism&Taoism&Buddhism in Wang Cengqi s Artistic World;论汪曾祺艺术世界中儒道佛思想的交融与体现
16.On the Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on Buddhist Inwardness Ideology from the Angle of Hermeneutics;从诠释学方法看儒、道对佛教心性思想的影响
17.The Effect of Confucianism、Buddhism and Taoism on Chinese Painting Color;儒、佛、道思想对中国古代绘画色彩的影响
18.The Theory of “Three Karma” in Buddhism and the Thin king of Morality in 《Liao Zha Zi Yi》;佛教三业理论与《聊斋志异》之伦理道德思想

thought of Confucianism&Taoism&Buddhism儒道佛思想
3)Buddhist thought佛家思想
4)buddhist ideas佛教思想
1.Pu Song-ling had been receptive to Buddhist ideas relying mainly on the Chan Sect and the Pure Land Sect.蒲松龄接受佛教思想 ,以净土宗和禅宗为主 ,反映在《聊斋志异》中的佛教思想也主要是禅宗与净土宗的理论。
2.Through these heroes the authors show their outlook and ideas of the people and things in this world so as to expound the author\'s life phiolosophy and Buddhist ideas.以两个作品的主人公作为载体展现了作家对这个世界的人与事的看法以及其独到的人性哲学和佛教思想。
5)Confucianism and Buddhism儒佛思想
1.Effect of the Confucianism and Buddhism on the Spirit of Tae Kwon Do;儒佛思想对跆拳道精神影响之研究
6)Buddhism thought佛学思想
1.Liu Xie is a devout Buddhist whose Buddhism thought belongs to Mahayana doctrine school.他的佛学思想属于大乘空宗派别;在其眼里,儒、佛二教殊途同归,本质并无区别;《文心雕龙》的撰成,在写作思路和文学观点上受到了其佛学思想的影响。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j