政治关怀,political concern
1)political concern政治关怀
1.Should the educational system of academies make a response to the publicity and the political concerns of contemporary arts ? 2.本文试图结合当代艺术的社会学转型问题,探讨美术学院中的人文教育问题:1,美院的教学体系应如何回应当代艺术的公共性与政治关怀?2,必须重视在美术教育中的政治学与伦理教育的扭曲与失落的问题。
2.From 50 s to 80 s,Wang Meng s stories with political polemics have magically changed in terms of subject matter,perspective,and style,which dcmonstrates that the writer has had a shift of perspective from political concern to cudtaral critique.从 5 0年代到 80年代 ,王蒙的政事小说发生了从题材、视角、风格等方面魔术师般的变化 ,这种变化体现了作家对时代政治生活观察与思考角度的不断调整 ,由政治关怀转向文化批判 ,由国事转为家事 ,由社会意识转向个体无意义 ,这种题材、视角的横断面上的收缩 ,则真实地体现了王蒙思想纵深的拓展 ,表现出作家从历史的、文化的、精神的深层结构、原型和发生学意义上探求当代中国政治沉疴起因的一种努
2)political ethics of care关怀政治伦理

1.Care Political Ethic: Confrontment of Feminism against Justice Political Ethic;关怀政治伦理:女性主义对公正政治伦理的抗争
2.The Humanism inclination of Confucian Political Ethics and Concerns about Universalism;儒家政治伦理的人本倾向与普世关怀
3.Political not Ethical Horizon--A Theoretical Analysis of the Nature of Care Ethics;政治的而非伦理的视界——论女性主义关怀伦理的理论归属
4.Humanistic Concern-New Conception of Ideological and Political Education in Universities人文关怀——高校思想政治教育的新理念
5.Noddings Caring Ethics and Caring Theory;诺丁斯的关怀伦理学与关怀教育思想
6.Deng Xiaoping s Political and Ethical Thought on International Relations;邓小平关于国际关系的政治伦理思想
7.Connection between Politics and Administration and Exposure of Public Management s Ethical Dimension;政治与行政的关联与公共管理伦理维度的开显
9.Analysis on Humanistic Care in Universities Ideological and Political Education;高校思想政治理论课教学中的人文关怀探析
10.How to reflect human concern in college ideological and political education试论高校思想政治理论教育如何体现人文关怀
11.On Humaniti Concern and Psychological Gnidance for Ideological and Political Work论思想政治工作中的人文关怀和心理疏导
12.On Care and Psychological Understanding in Political Instructions思想政治工作要注重人文关怀和心理疏导
13.Humanistic Concern in Ideological and Political Education in Universities论高校思想政治理论课教学中的人文关怀
14.The Thoughts about the Ethical Fault of Administration and the Harness of It in the Transition Period;关于转型期行政伦理失范及其治理的思考
15.To build up a harmonious relationship between students and teachers with the help of Ethic of Care;“关怀伦理”视阈下和谐师生关系的构建
16.A Fundamental Problem of Contemporary Political Ethics--Political Ethic Thinking on the Relationship among State,Society and Individual;当代政治伦理学的一个基本问题——关于国家、社会、个人关系的政治伦理思考
17.The Bottom Line of the Political Ethics and the Theoretical Construction of Bottom-line Political Eethics;政治伦理的底线与底线政治伦理的理论建构
18.War,Politics,and Morality;战争、政治与道德——国际关系伦理思考之二

political ethics of care关怀政治伦理
3)double care both on politics and culture政治与文化的双重关怀
4)political mind政治胸怀
5)political sentiments政治情怀
1.Tang’s political sentiments唐太宗的政治情怀——唐太宗巡幸诗初探
6)legal concern法治关怀
1.The key issue for a legal program and an excellent anchor to be outstanding and become a famous brand is whether he processes the concern consciousness, the legal concern consciousness for truth,justice and fair and humanity concern consciousness which is based on human and concerns and respects life, dignity and freedom.一档法制节目、一个优秀的法制节目主持人要真正在共性中彰显个性 ,形成品牌 ,核心在于是否具备关怀意识 ,即对公理、正义和公平终极诉求的法治关怀意识和以人为本、充分关注尊重人的生命、尊严和自由的人文关怀意识 ;要通过信息、理念、情感和即时四项服务来体现关怀意识 ;要借助准确生动的语言符号和精当、到位的非语言符号来表达关怀意识 ;要从思想素养、学识素养、专业素养三个方面全面提升主持人的本质力量 ,培养关怀意

政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political division zhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。