理性直觉,intellectual intuition
1)intellectual intuition理性直觉
1.As a modern Chinese philosopher, Feng Qi studies Intellectual Intuition which aims at getting wisdom, and emphasizes the relation between intellectual intuition and ration.在这一学说中 ,“理性直觉”是主体能够获得智慧的核心环节。

1.Aesthetics of Literature art are the pervasion and combination of the perceptual intuition and the rational intuition.文学艺术审美是感性直觉和理性直觉的相互渗透和结合。
2.How Wisdom Is Possible--On Feng Qi s "Intellectual Intuition";智慧何以可能——冯契“理性直觉”初论
3.How Wisdom Is Possible-On Feng Qi and Mou Zong-san s "Intellectual Intuition";智慧如何可能?——冯契“理性直觉”初探兼论牟宗三“智的直觉”
4.Transforming Knowledge into Wisdom and Rational Intuition──On Feng Qi Theory of Wisdom;转识成智与理性直觉——冯契智慧学说述评
5.Intuition is reason in a hurry.直觉是匆匆赶来的理性。
6.On Perceptual Intuition and Rationalization inChao Yu s Creation of Thunderstorm;试论《雷雨》创作的感性直觉和理性把握
7.The theory that ethical principles are known to be valid and universal through intuition.直觉主义通过直觉知道道德原则有效性和普遍性的理论
8.Can you feel your instincts overwhelm your reason?本能的直觉,是否已淹没你的理性?
9.Rational Intuitionism--A review on Maritan s aesthetic ideology;理性的直觉主义——马利坦美学思想述评
10.Compositional Reasoning in Intuitionistic Linear-Time μ-Calculus直觉线性μ-演算中的合成推理(英文)
11.The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition.直觉力未经过理性的论证过程便能知道或感觉的行为或能力;直接的感觉
12.On Intuition-A Study on Feng Qi's Intuition Theory直觉何为——冯契先生的直觉理论考察
13.Poetic Intuition--Study on the intuition in Chinese traditional aesthetics;诗性直觉——论中国古典美学中的直觉
14.On the Intuitional Character of the Tradition Chinese Philosophy;如何理解中国传统哲学的思维直觉性特征
15.The theory that external objects of perception are immediately known to be real by intuition.直觉主义通过直觉直接感知外部事物的理论
16.She handled the employee's problem with sensitivity and direction.她凭直觉处理雇工问题。
17.This definition highlights the magical quality of intuition, but it doesn’t say how we intuit something.这个定义指明了直觉不可思议的特性,却没说我们是如何直觉理解事物的。
18.perceptional intuitionalism知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说

instinctive reasoning直觉理性
1.The writing attempts to explore another way of thinking for creative decisions which is adopted in instinctive reasoning put forward by Herbert A.西蒙所提出的“直觉理性”作为创新决策的思维路径及其在创新决策的问题发现、目标确立、方案抉择、实施反馈等环节中的具体作用,分析了其形成过程、性质特点。
4)ration and intuition理性与直觉
1.A conciliation of ration and intuition is seen everywhere in Manritan s aesthetic ideology.马利坦美学思想中始终充斥着理性与直觉的“调和”。
5)Rational Intuition理性的直觉
6)superrational intuition超理性的直觉

义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)义务直觉主义(见直觉主义伦理学)obligatory intuitivism  丫lwU zhljue之卜口丫l见义务直觉主义 直觉主义伦理学。(obligatory intuitivism)