环境决定论,environmental determinism
1)environmental determinism环境决定论
1.The core of the environmental determinism is the attribution of human phenomena to natural factors.环境决定论的核心是把自然环境作为人文现象的基本原因和驱动力。
2.The conception of environmental behavioral theory,such as environmental determinism,interaction,interpenetration was further discussed in the design of the school space.介绍环境行为理论的基本理念:如环境决定论、相互作用论及相互渗透论,并以柳州高级中学校园设计为例,对环境行为理论在校园空间设计中的应用进行了深入的探讨。

1.Determinism of Geographic Environment is Precious Cultural Heritage of the World;地理环境决定论是人类优秀文化遗产
2.Philosophical reflection on "environmental determinism" criticism关于“地理环境决定论”批判的哲学反思——兼评斯大林的地理环境理论
3.Views on Marx s Criticism to French Circumstances-dependence and Its Practical Significance;论马克思对法国环境决定论的批判及现实意义
4.Geographical Environment and Human society:a Comparison between Montesquieu and Hegel地理环境与人类社会——孟德斯鸠、黑格尔“地理环境决定论”史观比较
5.A New Philosophical Revolution in Opening Times:An Initial Exploring on Environment Determining Theory开放时代的新哲学革命:环境决定论初探
6.determined by the physical environment,这是物质环境所决定的。
7.Decision on Trade and Environment关于贸易与环境的决定
8.On the Settlement of the Conflicts Between the Multilateral Environmental Agreements and the Multilateral Trade System;论多边环境协定与多边贸易体制冲突的解决——兼论我国的应对措施
9.Step Out of the Queer Circle of Environmental Pollution ─Environmental pollution can not be solved if environmental problems considered in isolation走出环境污染的怪圈──就环境论环境不能解决环境问题
10.The NR is decided by NMCA and NCV.In the same condition,there are different nasal parameters among different race.结论:NR主要由NMCA和NCV决定,在同样的环境下种族差异仍然较大。
11.Discuss on the Characteristic of Taking Action for Not Subjecting to the Result of Environmental Dispute by Administrative Handling论“对环境纠纷行政处理决定不服提起的诉讼”性质
12.Decision-making under Ambiguity in the Uncertain Market:Applying Expected Utility Theory(EUT)在不确定市场环境因素下的决策研究:预期效益理论的运用(英文)
13.determined by conditions or circumstances not yet established.由尚未确定的条件或者环境决定。
14.Environmental Conflict and Its Practical Approaches on the Vision of Environmental Ethics;论环境伦理学视域下的环境冲突及解决方法
15.Outline of the Environmental Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in the Environment-friendly Society;环境友好型社会中的环境纠纷解决机制论纲
16.fire environment火灾环境决定火灾行为的周围条件
17.because the environment that determines our evolution,因为决定我们进化环境的主要方面,
18.The geological environment decides the people's living habit.地理环境决定了人们的生活习惯

1.The whole history of geographic thoughts can be best generalized by two traditions-- determinism and possiblism and the debate between the two traditions constitutes the basic thread of geographic and geopolitical ideas.环境决定论和可能论是地理学思想史中最具概括性的两大传统,也是贯穿了整个地理学和地缘政治学争论的一条主线。
3)environmental determinism地理环境决定论
1.For a long time, the role of nature has always been ignored in historical research, due to the influence of mechanical outlook about nature as well as environmental determinism, and little understanding of the ecoligical value of nature.长期以来,由于根深蒂固的静止世界观及地理环境决定论的消极影响,再加上人类对自然的生态价值缺乏认识,自然长期被历史学家所忽视。
2.This paper looks back on the brief course about the discuss on of important theoretical issues of environmental determinism in China since 1983.简要回顾了1983年以来国内有关地理环境决定论评价问题的讨论,进而认为地理环境决定论较全面阐述了劳动对象的社会历史作用,因此它没有违背历史唯物主义,而是丰富了历史唯物主义。
3.It expounds the contribution and influence of Liang Qichao,a representative figure of the Reform Movement of 1898, in the following aspects as introducing man-land interrelation and environmental determinism of western modern geography in the diffusion process of western technology and culture between the late of Qing Dynasty and the beginning of R.阐述在清末民初西风东渐日益强劲的背景下,维新派的代表人物梁启超在推介西方近代地理学关于人地关系、地理环境决定论等方面的贡献和影响,同时指出梁启超也是最早正确评价徐霞客其人其事的一位学者。
1.The relationships between the trace elements and senility in the enviromental agent of gene-environmentalism of senility were studied.从衰老的基因环境决定论学说中环境作用因素方面讨论了微量元素与衰老的关系,以及微量元素的“量”对衰老发生、发展的影响,对照分组实验方法确定微量元素与疾病的因果关系及微量元素对预防衰老研究的意义。
5)the theory about knowledge being determined by social circumstances社会境况决定论
