和合学,harmony theory
Philosophy of harmony and integration和合哲学
1.Philosophy of harmony and integration is the corn and pitch of Chinese traditional culture, the content of which contains value outlook and methodology.和合哲学是中国传统文化的核心与精髓,在内容上包含了价值观和方法论两个部分。
3)harmonological approach和合学途径
1.A harmonological approach to translation studies is based on the construction of analytical framework of harmonology,aiming at an effective combination of harmonological thoughts and translation ideas through a comprehensive study from the perspectives of translatology,linguistics,culturology,anthropology,ecology and sociology.和合学途径的翻译研究从建构基于冲突与融合的和合学分析框架入手,实现和合学思维与翻译学理念的有效结合,致力于从翻译学、语言学、文化学、人类学、生态学和社会学等不同学科视角展开的相关研究,关注不同学科视角的"关联互动",努力探寻译学研究综观与整合的途径,从而构成翻译和合系统的有机整体。
4)permeating and merging of discipline学科渗透和融合
5)co-existence historical philosophy和合历史哲学
6)the linguistic philosophy of harmony and integration和合语言哲学

《大地测量学的数学和物理学原理》  见F.R.赫尔默特。